Chapter 4

Jarred cocked his ear while pretending to look for books, for some reason he felt uncomfortable with Jacob talking to Eri.

"So do you like him, as in you'd date him?" Jacob asks and for some reason Jarred freezes and hold his breath waiting for her answer.

"Of course not." She says so simply and a weird feeling he hadn't expected takes over him.

He sees someone coming so he moves from his eavesdropping position quickly.

"If you say so." Jacob shrugs his shoulders at her with a nonchalant look on his face Eri can't help but laugh.

Not wanting to hear anymore of their conversation Jarred decideds to leave.

"Hey guys I'm heading out." He waves at them and leaves without letting them reply.

"Where's he going?" Eri asks confused.

"Probably to jerk off after seeing in that skirt." Jacob jokes and she smacks him with a book.

"Ouch!" He yells.

"Girl you know all the straight guys will be jerking off tonight right." A guy walks up to me like hes on a runway.

"Pssh, tell me about it." I say rolling my eyes.

"After seeing you like this? Even I wanna jerk off and honey I'm gay!" He jokes and we burst out laughing.

Jacob looks us them laughing but doesn't join in so Eri stops laughing.

"Omg, don't tell me your homo?" Eri ask hoping he'll say no."Of course not, but I hate this guy." Jacob spits glaring at him.

"That is what homophobia is." Eri trys to explain.

"No not like that, I don't hate him because he's gay. I hate him because he -

"Jesus fucking christ Jacob! Can't you let that shit go it was almost 3 years ago."

"Fuck you!" Jacob yells in his face and storms off leaving his bags and books.

"Damn it man we were just kids!" The other guy shouts storming off in the opposite direction.

Eri sighs decided that she has no choice but to bring Jacob's text books to him.

Meanwhile Tyler was having a chat with Eri's father.

"So you met my daughter." Mr. Goldberg ask gesturing for Tyler to sit.

"Yes sir, but she isn't quite what I expected." Tyler smirks at the tought her. "Hmmm, I see you've taken a liking to her." The principal adds.

"Yes but she seems to have taken a liking to my brother." Tyler frowns and so does Eri's father. "That's going to be a problem."

"I know, I'll see what I can do to keep them apart. But I think having her here will be interesting." Tyler speaks. " Yes I believe so two, and don't be hasty with her. We have 2 years." Mr. Goldberg adds taking a sip of bourbon.

"Have you heard about what she's wearing?" Tyler ask cocking and eyebrow at his superior.

"There's not much I can do about that, knowing her she'll find a way to bend the rules either way." He sighs running his hand through his hair.

I knock sounds on the door and Tyler stand to leave." That's my que to leave." He the nods at the principal and exits the room. He see Miss Falcon outside he smiles and nods at her without saying a work since nothing needed to be said.

She was knew he probably knew everything so she doesn't let it bother her. She enters Mr. Goldberg's office with a frown. She ensure to close the door before speaking.

"What are you going to do about what she's wearing." Is the first words out of her mouth." I don't think there anything I can do that she won't worm her way out of." Principal Goldberg sigh taking other sip before letting Miss Falcon sit on his lap.

"If she continues to dress like that it will cause problems. These are teenage boys who aren't used to having females in such close proximity." She tries to speak but he starts kissing her shoulder.

" touch her.." he says in between kisses and she rolls her head back over his shoulder giving him more access to her neck.

"And we have your nephew watching her every move." The he adds slowly unzipping her dress.

"Stand up." He demands and she obeys like a good dog would. And that's makes him smile."Now get on my desk."

Miss Falcon waste no time getting on his desk, having no more patience he rips off the pantyhose she has on and also her underwear taking her right then and there in his office.