chapter 6 Hunting Unicorns

The next day Eri set out with a mission to find the guy from the library yesterday. She work up extra early so she could look around for him.

Unfortunately her time was spent in vain since she couldn't fine him. She ran her fingers through her thick hair, feeling the strands help her think.

She decided that the next best thing was to search for him at lunch so she headed towards her first class of the day.

As she enters the classroom all eyes are on her, even though she hates the attention she's knows it can't be helped.

They all stare at her, some in lust other in awe.

"Good morning boys." She says flashing them a sweet smile, some are too surprised to reply while others returned her greeting.

"You guys do know that you don't have to avoid me like the plague?" She continues and some of them chuckle at her words.

"Well no one wants to get expelled." A dark skin boy speaks up.

"And you are?" She asks looking intrigued. "Morace." He answers and she starts walking towards him slowly and he gets nervous with each step she takes.

She props her elbows on his desk then cup her face with her palms crouching a bit.

"Well, Morace." She pauses dramatically then smiles slowly. "The only way your going to get expelled is if you sleep with, and as cute as you are not to mention how delicious your skin looks. Your not my type." She pauses again standing up straight.

"So there's absolutely no reason for you to avoid me." She finishes shrugging her shoulders.

"That's goes for all of you too. Yeah we're classmates but we can be friends too. I mean nobody wants to be friendless right?" I say looking at boy with glasses.

"Uh.. of course not." He stutters blushing slightly from the close proximity to her

"Right." She says touching his cheek making him blush even more, "cool glasses by the way." She offers him a sweet smile before finding a empty seat in the center of the room.

"Hold up, your saying you want to friends.....with us?" Another dark skin boy says but his complexion is a bit lighter than the other boy.

"Yeah, I don't see why not." Eri adds nonchalantly and a few more boys enter the room filling up the empty seats.

Soon the familiar face of Jarred enters the room and she smiles at him. He returns it with a fake one. She notices but decides to stay quiet about it.

Soon the teacher walks in and introduces himself.

"Hello class, I'm Mr. Lancaster. I will be your English teacher for the rest of your fist year."

"I intend to get to know each and everyone of you, and if there's anything you need you can always come to me. I was once a student here so I know what its like."


"No way."

"That's dope."

Are some of the many reactions earned by the teacher.

Eri mischievously raises her hand he he acknowledges her to speak.

"Since I'm the only girl at this school I'm going to have special needs. Is it okay for me to come to you?" Eri asks pretending to be innocent and some of the boy laugh at her question.

"Of course you can and I'll do my best to help you out." He says looking her dead in the seeing past her facade.

"And if I can't be of help in sure Miss. Falcon would be more than happy to." He adds smirking at her showing sharp incisor.

"I'm sure you'll be more than capable." Eri adds all the while smirking back at him, she slowly takes her seat crossing her legs.

Knowing full well what she's doing he decides to play the fool.

"Now everyone,time for introductions so you can get to know each other better." Mr. Lancaster announces then Jacob Jacob suddenly comes in.

"How nice of you to join us, since your late you can go after Miss. Goldberg." He wastes no time says, "and the next time your late its detention."

Eri kicks off their introduction the goes to sleep after the first five person after her. She wakes up as soon as the bell goes and the last person is introducing himself.

Eri spends her morning counting the minutes as they pass slowly, wishing they would speed up so lunch would come already.

As soon as the lunch bell rings she's the first one out the door heading straight for the cafeteria. She decides to skip lunch and watch the door so she doesn't miss him when he comes in or leave.

But he never came, and neither did Jarred or Jacob

She spends the rest of the school day scouring each hall with eyes at every given moment not want6to miss him.

Not looking where she was going she bumped into a chest and she books and phone fall the the ground as she stumbles almost loosing her footing because of the heals.

A strong a grabs her by her waist preventing her from falling, the sweet scent of apples and cinnamon fill her nostrils and she looks up to see who saved her.

As soon as she looks up she regrets it.

Eri is now glaring at the vivid blue eyes of Tyler who his smiling at her.

"Watch where you going." She she ripping his hand from around her waisted she stoops to gather her things.

"A simple thank you would have sufficed." He says with a grin while getting her phone that slid a few centimeters away.

"You probably just bumped into me on purpose so you could touch me." Eri says harshly but Tyler only laughed at her childish words.

"I've never thought about doing that. Thanks for the advice or should I say idea." Tyler smirks holding out her phone that was suprisingly not cracked.

"Touch me again and I'll have your balls." She's hisses and storms away.

Tyler can't help but smile in amazement at her. No girl has ever been so rude to him in his entire life. And for some reason be was enjoying every moment of it.

He started to wonder how long she would keep acting like this towards him, and he hoped it was no time soon.

Eri continued to her next lesson pussed off that Tyler had caught her the way he did for some reason.

She gritted her teeth as she decided to take a back seat for this class. She decided to keep her sour mood to herself and she behaved for the rest the day.

When classes finally ended Eri wasted no time heading straight to the dorms and that's when she saw mr unicorn laughing with another her. And she decided to approach him.

"Hey! I've been looking for you." The boys look at her completely surprised and caught off guard.