Chapter 7 I shall spill now beans

"Who me?"

"Yeah, what's your name?"

"You do know I'm your upper classman right?" He says raising a perfect winged eyebrow at me.

"Who cares?" I scoff, "What matters is that I've been looking for you all day, and that explains why I couldn't find you" I finish, rudely taking a seat across from him.

They both stare at me awkwardly.

"So is he your boyfriend?" I ask bluntly.

"What? No! I'm totally single." He say chuckling.

"Yeah, and I have a boyfriend." His friend adds.

"I could have sworn you were a couple, you'd be such a good match for each other." In tell them.

" You barely even know us, how would you know that?"

"Women's intuition. We just know these things." I says winking and we all burst out laughing.

After the laughter dies down they decide to introduce themselves.

"Hi I'm Blake." Mr unicorn says.

"And I'm Louis." His friend smiles and I see cute pink braces in his mouth.

"I'm Eri."

"Oh sweetie we know who you are, and just so you know the rumors about you and captain coldstare are spreading like wild fire." Blake gushes.

"Rumors?" I ask confused.

"Yeah." Louis adds in a duh tone.

"Because you bumped into him? Everyone is saying he's into you."

"Ugh, I hate that guy. Couldn't he just let me fall?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"Fall?" Blake pipes in.

"Yeah I bummed into him when I was looking for you and he caught me because I lost my balance. One of those dumb over used cliche moves where the guy grabs the girl by her waisted in the nick of time." I explain.

"I'm totally pegging him as a closet gay" Louis says.

"I don't think so, I think he's straight." Blake disagrees with Louis.

"Yeah I think he's straight too, or maybe bi."

"Really?" Louis asks.

"Yeah." Ne and Blake say agreeing.

"Let's make a bet?" Louis asks smirking at us and we look at him knowingly.

"To see if he's gay, straight or bi?" Blake asks and he nods excitedly.

"Sure why not?" I agree. "Let's say $500?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"I'm thinking $1000" Louis says confidently.

Whole Blake and I look at each other knowing.

"Deal." I say and we shake on it

We talk for awhile until Louis excuses himself finally leaving me and Blake alone.

"You know why I was looking for you." I with narrowed eyes as soon as Louis is out of earshot.

"Of course I do, but I don't think it's time to tell you yet." A look of regret enters his eyes and his features turn hard.

"I see, I'll see you around." I say giving him a soft smile.

"Hey." He calls after me and I stop to look back, " I like you." He says smiling then walks away.

"I guess that means we're friends now."

"Definitely." He answers lowly and I continue to walk away.

I head straight to my dorm room, quickly showering and changing since it was almost dinner time.

Most of the guys have dinner in their uniform but I'd prefer to give my delicate feet a break from these horrid heals.

I decide to slip on a nike swetsuit set and leave my hair to dry on its own. Then I stepped into some flats.

I felt like calling Jarred since if didn't want to eat alone then I remembered that I never took anyone's number.

As I step outside my room I'm surprised to see Jacob leaning on the wall in front of me with his head down.

"Ummmm....hi." I say to get his attention.

"You were in there this whole time?" He asks scrunching up his face.

"Of course I was, where else would I be?" I ask a bit confused.

"I was knocking for 2 minutes straight." He informs me.

"Yeah I was in the shower, so what are you doing here?" I cut straight to the point.

"Oh..right. I came to say thank you for last night." He says showing me a genuine smile.

"Last night......" I ask trailing off.

"The books." He adds.

"Ohhh the books, I totally forgot about that. It was no big deal and your welcome by the way." I say returning his smile and he laughs at my reaction.

Yeah sometimes I have selective memories.

"So I was heading to dinner, you wanna join?" I ask heading down the hall.

When he doesn't answer I glance back to see him leaning off the wall and starts walking towards me.

We both stay silent as I hit the button and the elevator starts its descent.

I can feel him watching my every move, studying me. I pretend no to notice and lead the way to the cafeteria.

Since we got there early there were only about ten persons in the line so I decided to join like a normal person.

"Well this is new." A guy I don't recognize says smiling widely at me.

"Weird right." I say with fake interest dripping from my tone.

He just chuckles at me with no reply.

"So I hear your looking for some friends." I finally spoke again.

"Yeah, preferably ones with big balls. Really big." I emphasize the big and I hear a couple of the guys laugh.

"My balls might not be that big but I do have something else that really big." He says and I accidentally snort trying to hold back a laugh.

He smirks while collecting his tray and starts backing away.

I glance at Jacob and he's glaring daggers at the guy.

I roll my eyes at him and start ordering what I want. I decide to go light and just have a chicken salad.

I see Jarred at the table by himself so we go over and join him.

"Hey, what's up?" U say taking a seat across from him.

He looks up at me seemingly surprised then he looks at Jacob.

"Sup dude." Jacob greets him.

"All good here." He answers after awhile, and for some reason he seemed hesitant.

As I stuff my face Jacob and Jarred gets into a conversation about guy stuff so I mentally block them out, while pretending to listen.

Soon two guys I recognize from our class joins us.

"Hey is it okay if we sit here?" The black haired one asks.

"Of course." I say and they both sit next to Jarred.

"I'm Gabe by the way." The black hair guy introduces himself.

"And I'm Caleb." The the ginger guy says.

"This is Jacob and Jarred." I introduce them respectively giving the new guys a smile.

"We could have introduced ourselves you know." Jacob pouts like a kid and I laugh.

"I know but since everyone knows who I am I never get the privilege to introduce myself." I explain.

"Isn't that kind of cool? You know never having to introduce yourself because everyone already knows who you are." Caleb says with a spark in his eyes.

"That weirdly makes sense." Gabe states with a weird expression on his face.

We start laughing at the face he's making.

"What?" He asks confused.

"That face....." Caleb says barely holding back his laugh.

After we finished dinner, we all decided to walk back to the dorms together.

"So what's it's like living in the special dorms?" Caleb's ask pushing his hair back.

"Its quite." Is all a can say.

"Really?" Caleb asks with suprise, " as in you have peace and quiet? And can sleep like a baby?"

"Yeah, and I don't think I've ever bumped into anyone either. That's strange." Now that I think about it the place is always quiet and empty. Was there something I was missing.

"Can I move in?" He asks with hopeful eyes.

"It doesn't work that way." Jarred chuckles at them.

"How does it work?" Gabe pipes in.

"That dormitory is reserved for all the prefects and the top floor is reserved for student council members." Jacob adds nonchalantly suprising all of us.

"Oh yeah, I think I read that in the student handbook." Gabe comments scratching his cheek.

"You read that thing?" Caleb asks.

"That is what its for." Jarred says flicking Caleb's ear.

"Ouch! Cut it out pretty boy!" Caleb protests.

"Don't call me pretty boy." Jarred argues flicking his ear again.

"Hey!" He whines.

"Okay kids, break it up." I command shoving them apart.

We stay quiet for the rest of the short journey to the dorm.

"See you guys tomorrow." Gabe says waving at us as they head for building 1.

"Yeah, see you in class." Caleb adds following Gabe's lead.

"Bye" I say waving back.

Jarred, Jacob and I enter my building together and I just assume they were walking me back to my room.

When we reach the first common are I see Jacob's twin reading what looks like a text book.

When I sees us he closes it and stand.

"Miss Eri, bother." He greets us leaving out Jarred.

I decide not to answer him since he was being rude. I walk past him not saying a work I head straight for the elevator, I look back to see Jacob and Jarred fighting stupid grins off their faces and Tyler looking shocked and displeased.

"Thanks for walking me guys see you to in class tomorrow." I say hitting the button, Tyler frowns at me as the doors close.

When I get to my room I decide to check my messages. I see a tone of notifications that shows memories from last years today.

I sigh watching one of the videos with me Cassie laughing so hard we were crying. I feel a wave of nostalgia wash over me making me miss everything even me.

I decide to put my phone away and brush my hair.

After stroking my hair a couple time I hear a knock on my door, I continue brushing it wondering if I should answer or not.

After a short iner debate I decided to open it.

"Hello again, Eri." Tyler says and my name rolls off his tongue with a faint British accent.

"What?" I say rudely, completely ignoring how sex he made my name sound.

"I see someone needs an attitude adjustment." He says raising his eyebrows at me. "But I'll safe that for another time since your father wants to see you." He informs me.

His this guy my fathers lackey or something?

"No." I say calmly before slamming the door in his face.