Chapter 11

Eri's POV

Jacob and I sat on the cool grass, even though the sun was got we were in the shade of the main building.

"I really need a tan." I say sighing.

"You look fine to me." Jacob replies staring off into space not glancing at me for a second.

I smack him on the head because he didn't look.

"Ouch what was that for? I did say you looked fine, didn't I?" He looks at me for answers.

"Yeah but I didn't even look at me." I glare before rolling eyes dramatically.

"I didn't need to look, I check you 24/7." He says in a duh tone and I look at him with shock.

He looks at me with a weird smirk and his blue eyes almost sparking as he moved his eyebrows up and down.

I burst out laughing at his bluntness and antics and he joins me in my laughter.

In the middle of my laughing fit I suddenly feel like someone is wanting me. I look around but I don't spot anyone looking our direction.

I guess this place could be considered creepy if you really tought about it. I checked my watch and we only had 15 minutes until class.

My belly suddenly started to rumble reminding me I have had anything all day. The memories of last night and what I did today. He must be feeling awful but i can't allow him to apologize.

At least not in public.

"Hey you still with me?" Jacob snaps his fingers in my face. I didn't even realize that I spaced out.

"Yeah, I'm just starving right now."

"Serces you right for skipping two meals in a tow." He scoffs at me.

"There's a reason for that." I say pinching his cheek which made him smile showing off his perfectly white teeth. Which made me think of food.

Hence reminding me how hungry I am.

"You know if we run we might get something to eat." Jacob says with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I can't run that far and fast in heels." I deadpan.

"Then take them off." He says with a mischievous smile on his face.

I quickly kick off my heels grabbing them with both hands while Jacob grabbed our bags and helped me stand. We took off running like little kids as we ran past teachers and students they looked at us like we were crazy.

"Hey no running in the halls!" Miss Falcon yells at us stand in our way we run around her.

"Sorry it's an emergency!" I yell as we turn the corner I almost crash into Jacob's twin but I turn quickly missing him by mere inches.

Jacob grabs my hand so I don't fall pulling with him forcing me to run even faster.

By the time we got to the cafeteria we were so out of breath we lay sprawled out on the floor. We quickly recover getting to our feet, the cafwas empty except for the workers packing up the trays and cleaning the tables.

"I'm gonna die of hunger if in wait any longer." I groan falling to my knees.

"Excuse, is there any way she could get something to eat? She was forced to skip breakfast and lunch due to circumstances beyond her control." Jacob's speaks on my behalf and I've never heard him sound so proper before.

Was he trying to sound like his brother?

"Of course she can, no need to explain." The lunch lady says with a warm smile. "Would you like something as well?" She asked keeping her warm smile in place.

"If it wouldn't be too much trouble." He answers and she nods and walks away.

He turns around to help me up and we take a seat together.

She soon returns with two trays filled to the brim with food. There was chicken pasta, home made styled chicken sandwich with cheese, a mini salad with salad dressing in a cute littlek container and I class of water.

"Thank you so much." I say wasting no time and digging in Jacob laughed at me and I know I probably looked like a gready pig right now but I didn't care.

"So good." I moan as I bite into the chicken sandwich.

I look up to see Jacob smiling at me widely and I started to feel self conscious.

"Don't mind me continue." He says his shoulders shaking with laughter.

"you better eat up, class starts soon." She says smiling at us as she wipes the table next to us.

"Thanks again we really appreciate it." I say to her with a genuine look at my face.

"It was honestly no problem at all." She says continuing her work.

Her dark chocolate skin looks so beautiful I couldn't help bu my admire her, not to mention that curly hair. I wish my hair could look like that sometimes.

"Are you into guys?" Jacob whispers so she can't hear.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I say smirking at him before devouring the rest of the food.

We ended up running to class even though it was pointless since we were already late, but we did it anyways.

When we walked into the classroom it was Mr. Lancaster who was giving notes. Without a word she walks to her seat in the center.

"How nice of you to rudely join us miss Goldberg."

"It is my pleasure Mr. Lancaster." She says bowing like a princess before sitting. Some of the boys snicker at her antics.

"Get the notes you missed from one of your classmates." He says in a bored tone but I could he was anything but.

"And why can't I get them from you?" She asks with a perfect eyebrow raised. He knows what she's trying to push is buttons but finding a suitable answer was harder than he thought.

"I don't have time to waste on late comers, let's proceed with the lessons." He says with a straight face and continues to dictate.

Some of the gasp at his answer since they weren't expecting such a harsh reply.

Sighing from disappointment, Eri skips a few pages and starts taking notes.

The rest of the day goes by slowly and all Eri wanted to do was go back to the dorms and curl up and sleep. But she knew she had one more class so she couldn't, at least not yet.

She found herself thinking about Jarred and every now and then her eyes would drift over to him. She knew he must be upset by now after avoiding him all day.

But she also knew she couldn't risk talking about it out in public.

As the bell ran and the final class ended Eri released a long sigh slouching on the desk. She decided against putting her heels back on as she packed her bags. It was only Wednesday and some of the teachers started teaching already. Eri tought to herself as she picked up her heels and left not waiting for Jacob nor Jarred.

"Hey man, what happened between you two?" Jacob asked nudging Jarred's shoulder.

"She didn't tell you?" He asked confused. He assumed that she told him since they spent most of the day together.

"Nah, she wouldn't budge. And I noticed how she's deliberately been avoiding you." Jacob explains hoping they hadn't kiss.

"Everyone noticed that." Jarred scoff feeling a bit hurt.

"You guys didn't kiss did you?" Jacob asks painting his face with a blank expression.

"What!? Of course not do you think a want to get expelled?" He yells barely containing the shock from being asked that question.

Jacob released the breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"Then what the hell happened?" He ask confused. Jacob started racking his brain for reasons why Eri would avoid Jarred but came up with none. "Maybe she's on her period and just in a bad mood."

"You could be right she did leave without you two." Caleb pipes in and Jacob and Jarred Jarred becomes aware of Caleb's and Gabe's presence.

"How long have you two been there?" Jarred scoffs clearly suprised.

"Since you guys started.... I guess." Gabe informs them and Caleb nods.

"Whatever." Jarred sighs getting up from his seat, " If she wanted to tell you she would have done it. And she obviously doesn't want anyone to know so I see you guys later." Jarred says grabbing his things and and leaving his friends behind.

The fact that Eri didn't tell Jacob caught him off guard and got him thinking.

Maybe she just doesn't want to talk about it, maybe she's too embarrassed.

At least that's what he thought.