Chapter 03: Face Off

"Time of death 9:14 PM."

There's a long beeping sound coming from the defibrillator.

Tears started to seek their path throughout each other's faces.

Dad was choking me with his warm embrace.

The noise, stench of blood, cry and commotion inside that room, on that night, up until now, it's all vivid inside my head.

I've heard it inside the emergency room when I was five. That very moment when I saw my mother bleeding into death.

I've gone to pre-school without a single goodbye kiss from my mom. I've received my diploma and come up on stage together with my father. At 18, I had my eighteen roses and dance the night away with my 18 crushes. I had my college family graduation pic with just me and my Dad.

I grew up without my Mom on my side.

For me, my Mom died more than once.

First, is when her heart stopped beating while her back was lying flat in the hospital bed.

Second, is when she calls out, then reach for my hand, and in between her breaths she said:

"I love you, my sweet daughter."

Those are the final words I've heard from her, and then she took her last breath.

Starting that day onwards, I've been always believing that this world is full of people that come and go.

Here I am, always hoping that there's someone who's willing to stay.


A deafening blast from a bomb blasted the door open. I saw a familiar figure. A silhouette of a tall man with broad shoulders. His voice is somewhat comforting; a relaxation of senses.

I feel much safer now.

He ran towards me. I can feel his warm hands that caress my cheeks. He shook me twice and check my pulse.

His lips were trembling and tears are flooding on his cheeks.

"Thanks God, just hang in there for a minute."

He said while inching the gaps between our foreheads.

He quickly grabbed the back of my head and caged it in between his arms. My face is tightly situated on his chest.

Suddenly, a loud bang from a gun echoed inside the whole building.

A speedy bullet from the guy strike Matthew at the back. My lips were trembling in shock. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I just stare on his eyes with a heavy chest pain.

"I'm fine. I got you cover this time." He said followed by a cheerful smile.

"I put on a bulletproof vest." He added.

"This is Tiger from Alpha unit. Hostage secured. We're inside the building. Send medic right away. I repeat medic right away." He said over the radio transmitter.

"Medic team was on their way sir." Replied by another officer.

He took his pistol and follow the guy that escapes through the backdoor.

*Matthew's POV.

This guy is armed with a gun; I must be cautious. I slowly walked towards the backdoor.

My steps were quiet and slow to make it unnoticeable.

1st step.

2nd step.

3rd step.

I was standing right in front of the door.

I grabbed the door knob.

Then twisted it open and kicked it.


The door was opened and I stepped in.

I saw nothing but total darkness. I turned my spotlight on.

The peculiar silence of the parking area frightens me.

I stopped for a moment and look side to side. Searching for any signs and traces of a person.

It was very silent; the whole atmosphere was so eerie.

I started to walk again with caution.

1st step.

2nd step.

3rd step.


I stopped. I heard somebody move in that direction. I wanted to go there, but I'm afraid if it's just a trap to lure me.

I turned off my flashlight so that he won't notice me coming and I continued walking.

I'm holding my breath trying to be sneaky as possible.

I can't hear any sounds aside from the air rushing through my nose and my heart that's been pounding like crazy.

*Slams. *

The door shuts and cut away the light source coming from that room.

It was so dark and the cold air dampens my nape.

I'm sweating in this cold parking area.

Wiped my forehead.

*Rolling can. *

I staggered.

I closed my eyes then pull the trigger once.

A rumbling sound from a gun echoed inside the area.

I was breathing heavily and gasping for air.

"Stop hiding you coward!" I shouted and my voice echoed.

*Cracks. * Another sound emerged at the back.

I quickly pointed my gun towards the source of the sound.

It sounds like a soda can was stepped by somebody.

I panicked.

Without hesitating, I ran towards the direction.


I was catching my breath.

I turned on my spotlight and directed it towards the direction of the sound, I saw nothing but cars.

Then I shifted the light towards the floor.

I saw a crushed soda can.

I let out a deep sigh and lowered my gun.

I'm relieved.

Right exactly before turning my back, I've felt something at the back of my head.

It's cold and solid.

Like a metal.

A muzzle.

My eyes widened in shock.

"Drop your gun." A deep masculine voice coming from the back.

The kidnapper was pointing his gun on my head.


"He knows me?" I whispered inside my head.

Before I tried to turn around, he stopped me by pushing the muzzle at the back of my head.

I was panicking.

I don't know what to do.

I dropped my gun on the floor. He quickly kicked it away from us.

"On your knees." He said.

"Before you shoot me, may I ask you something?" I replied.

"No need, you will die anywa..."

I quickly kneel with my one leg letting my other leg stretched, then spin.

He was tripped on the floor.

He groaned.

I plunged towards him then grabbed his gun.

We're wrestling and rolling on the ground.

I hit his face.

He countered me by another hit.

His hands are strong enough to let me steal his gun.

I draw my hunting knife on my waist.

I stabbed him.

His left shoulder was bleeding.

He groaned in pain, then kicked me.

Grabbed his gun then shoots me.

The bullet pierce though metallic siding of the cars with a spark.

I can't see anything. I lose my flashlight earlier while we scuffled. Quickly crawled my way to a nearby car and hide beside it.

*Bang. *

He is firing his gun randomly.

*Shatters. *

The window glass of cars shattered into pieces triggering the alarm system of cars.

*Beep!!! *

The cars were competing who's the strongest horns as the gunshots triggered the alarm.

The footsteps raced towards our direction. Then the door was forced open.

"Sergeant Johnson!" Shouted by a familiar voice.

It's my police companions.

Out of a sudden, the car engine of one of the cars started and rushed through the gateway. Breaking the padlock and sending scraps of metals in every direction. The engine roared up and he escaped.

"Are you alright?" Asked by the other officer.

"Where's Katelyn?" I replied.

My vision was blurry. I looked at my hands.

It's soaked in blood.

I tried to stand up but I collapsed to the ground.