Chapter 04: Drop the Case

"Geez, I'm dead."

I opened my eyes, but all I can see is white light.

"So, this is what it feels like to be in heaven right?" I whispered to myself.

Many people wanted to go in heaven. They do all sorts of good deeds just to make sure that their name was listed on the list of people going to heaven. When you ask anyone 'who wants to go in heaven?'. It is obvious that many people will raised their hands. But when you asked them 'who wants to die?' I guess nobody will say yes, except for those students that are bombarded with school tasks.

I found myself laughing with my own thoughts while staring at the white ceiling.

"Ahhh!" I moaned in pain and twisted on the other side of the bed.

I remembered that I got my left hand fractured when I tried to escape from the kidnapper last time.

My back was laid flat on a soft bed and there's a tube that's supplying oxygen inserted on my nose. Then suddenly...

"Oh my God, Katelyn!" I saw Dad pushed the door open and came in running towards me.

He grabbed my hand. I can see his eyes glimmering and a small drop of tear escape through his eyes. He quickly wiped it with his hands.

"What's with your eyes today Dad? You seemed like crying, eh?" I said trying to teased him.

"Crying? Me?" He quickly replied with a defensive tone while pointing on his face.

"Oh, too bad, maybe you hit your head on something recently. You're hallucinating sweetie." He added.

"Hallucinating your ass." I murmured.

"You're a badass daughter, I'm not expecting you to die that soon." He succeeded on pissing me off again.

He always did.

"Dad, get your fat ass out of here or I will slap your chunky face twice." I said with the scariest facial expression I have.

He hugged me, then secretly wiped off the flooding tears on his eyes as if I didn't notice.

"How many times did I told you to quit your job?" He said worriedly.

"I couldn't even count how many times you've been hospitalized after chasing criminals." He added.

"I'm 30, you should be worrying about having grandchildren. I'm so ugly that at this age I didn't get involved in any romantic relationship Dad." I said trying to change our topic.

I burst out laughing and I saw a weak smile curved on his lips.

"I never ever wonder even once why you didn't have a boyfriend. It's so obvious why you didn't have one." He said.

"Ugh, so you're taking my joke seriously huh?" I said with my lips pouted trying to be cute.

"I thought that you and Matt are dating?" He said.

"Just tell me that you wanted Matt to be your son-in-law instead of beating around the bush." I said while my chin was on my shoulder and staring at him with a straight face.

"Well... Matt is well-off, good looking, and it's a bonus that's he's somewhat funny."

"You're exaggerating. I admit it, he's well-off and good looking but... funny? Arghh he's a total ice cold guy." I said with my other eyebrow raised up.

"He didn't even know how to properly crack some laughable jokes." I added.

"Exactly, that's why he's funny, in my opinion." He replied.

*Knock. Knock. *

Dad rush towards the door.

A familiar silhouette of a man appeared on the tinted glass.

"Who is this stunning gentleman knocking on our door?" Dad asked while looking up on a tall guy standing at the front door.

"Is this Ms. Larrson's ward?" Coming from man with a husky voice.

It's somewhat familiar.

"Oh, Mr. McCallister!" I yelled and jump out of my bed.

I was looking for a mirror to fix my messy hair and rub off drool that dripped on my cheeks. Then I sat on my bed breast out, chin up and my hands on my lap.

"What brought you here Mr. Prosecutor?" I asked in a soft charming voice while caressing some hairs behind my ear.

I saw Dad opened his mouth but nothing came out. He just stared at us interchangeably.

"If you mind to excuse us Mr. Larrson?" He said in a gentlest voice I've ever heard.

"Ah... Uhm... Yes, Of course." Then Dad get out of the room.

Total silence.

The atmosphere felt so awkward.

No one's talking.

He can't take his stare off from me.

I need to talk.

I'm thinking.

I can't think properly.

I keep on throwing glances at him.

His well brushed hair that shows off his wide forehead. Thick eyebrows. Perfectly carved nose bridge and pouted cherry lips. He's wearing a black long sleeves polo folded just below his elbows.

His gaze is melting me very slowly.

"Calm down Katelyn." I whispered inside my head.


I found myself staring at him with astonishment.

"Uhm, well, I'm sorry." I uttered followed by an awkward smile.

"It's okay. It's good to see you in fine fettle." He replied.

"I want us to discuss your recent case."

"Oh, the murder suspect?"

"No, the kidnapper."

"Is there something that needed to be discussed by a prosecutor and detective on this case?"

There's a sudden change of emotion on his face.

It's terrifying.

"I don't want to beat around the bush. I want you to drop this case." He said in a dead serious face.

"srsly???" I replied with astonishment scattered all over my face.

"I don't want you to get tangled up with those guys." He said with sincerity drawn all over his face.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I will give you one proposition." He said.

"If you don't take my advice, then it's going to be your last day." Then he stood up and walked out of the room.

"It's not like he's threatening me right?" I whispered to myself.

"Who's that guy huh? You never told me about him yet."

"My colleague." I said.

"Ahh. He's not bad." He replied.

I stand up and pulled out the dextrose attached on my body then hurriedly change my clothes.

"Where are you going?" Asked by Dad.

"I've got something to do." I replied then get my sling bag and get out of the room.

I reached for my phone inside my bag and dialed Matthew but before I dialed his number I received an ongoing call from Dad.

"I told you."

It's not my Dad's voice.

"Who're you?" I shouted over the phone.

I rushed through the corridor going back to our room. I was looking for the person that I've encountered hoping that I'll saw my Dad.

"Dad!" I shouted.

Tears started to fall on my cheeks.

I kicked the door open. I saw nothing but messy room. The bed sheets are scattered on the floor. The tables are turned upside down. Dad's phone is also missing, even the key to his cars.

I quickly dialed the police station to ask for back up and to help me find Dad. I requested them to secure the police checkpoints on the road. I ran towards the security room to look at the CCTV footage. They won't let me in. I asked the guards to check out the exits.

Suddenly my phone rings. I received a text message from Dad.




