The Forest

It is a forest. With tall trees, short grasses, and uneven land. The trees are at least a thousand claws. With fewer branches at the very top.

I did not recognize them as I never saw them before. Iya never describes anything like it before.

The leaves from my point of view are as wide as five claws. But are long from where they are attached.

At the foot of every tree, existed a bunch of shrubs and grasses. The place is eerily quiet, no chirping of birds, no animal rustling.

This forest that Iya sent me is frightening me. I want to go home, where the humans are.

Why will she tell me to survive and then send me where I will be afraid?." Iya please open the door again, I want to be by your side."

There was no answer. As a chicken I can only see sideways, only if I turn my head to the right or left will I see the front properly.

I observe my surroundings without noticing anything notable from what I already saw.

The first lesson Iya taught me is to succumb to my instinct whenever I was alone. That will make me avoid danger and help me find food. I am hungry, All this thinking makes me exhausted.

I take a deep breath, throw away any thoughts. From my field of view, I was able to identify some edible plants, seeds on the soil, and also a scent to where I can find water.

It's a good experience. This is the first time I am doing it alone without Iya's guidance. So, I commence picking what is edible to my senses, using my beak.

They tasted bland but some were sweat, especially some fruits, I found on a particular shrub.

It looks like being alone is not a bad thing, after all. As long as I am careful, it will be alright.

When it is sunset, I check a good position from the shrubs that have thorns and hide. In case some beast ambushes me, the thorn will deter it.

Even at night, there was nothing. No animal, no birds, only the sound of airflow.


I spent seven days in that location but never once left on a long-distance trip. I was afraid of meeting something that would kill me. My Iya sends me here, so this location will be safe.

The only problem is, the food is running low. I peck away anything within the surroundings. The source of water is drying, by all evidence, there was rain before I came. That filled the little pond.

I decided to move to the peripheral to scout. I walk slowly in silence. Raising my head from time to time looks afar.

Checking any cluster of bushes before passing it, to avoid ambush. Scrutinizing the land to make sure, there was nothing under the soil or rock. I heard that giant insect, that can kill me exists. So, I need to be super careful. My Iya's last words are to survive.

I know this is no happy vocation. But a trial by blood where the strong survive and weak prey like me became chewed chicken raw meat.

I went south, first. But only more trees but no water. I came back to my starting place and went east. Nothing again.

Return and go North. The soil on the southern part is moist and soft. There are a lot of grasses more than the east and west.

As I was walking, my leg was wrapped around by something soft, before I looked it tightened and yanked me to the ground. I turn around and peck the substance with all my strength but to no avail.

I jerked my legs and stud hurriedly with all my strength, I took four steps before my leg yanked again, but this time there was less strength which makes me think I was not weaker than it.

Furthermore, I jerk back with strength greater than before and sprint away.

A suppressing pressure weight on my wing shoulder and I plop down to the dirt. Whatever was pulling my leg went limp.

I was more afraid of the thing that may pull me away than the pressure. There was no intent behind the pressure, it was just there.

I rest a little before I look behind to see what was wrapping my right leg. I was open-mouthed, it was a giant earthworm!!!.

Damn it! An earthworm makes me run like a headless chicken, this is not to be forgiven.

"I am really stupid" something that supposes to be my food makes me a fool.

"Well, you earn yourself a free ride to my stomach."

I pecked the worm and I found that it's dead. I don't know what killed it. maybe the pressure did. Speaking of pressure I don't feel it anymore.

After I free my leg, I gulp down the lunch. Then observation of the place comes after.

The thing is, I didn't know how I got here. I was just running without a clear destination. Nevertheless, my scout continued.


This side of the forest is similar but only the moist soil and moist air are different, which means there is a water body close by.

I found a little pond. Finally, a place that I can stay till further notice.


"Oh Iya! there is a beast here".

I spent a week here. I found so many things. Currently, I stay close to the source of the pressure.

I can't get nearer, because it gets harder. I learned that I am not the only one who stays at the peripheral of the pressure.

A pack wolf a thousand claws to east. One thing that only moves at night is in the south. Well, I am in the middle of these monsters. But I don't mind.

I make sure not to be sighted by the wolves. They will hunt me if they see me. As I watch them before baiting a Bear to enter the Pressure domain. In the domain, they gang up on it.

The surroundings are rich in food for me. And the wound I sustain during earthworm incidence has fully healed, well, it did not last a day.


My heart raced and I gulped down saliva. I ready my legs while calculating the direction to follow, before sprinting at full speed after I realized I have a slim chance.

"What is this beast doing here!!!!!"

At the last moment, I jump forward into the second layer of the pressure.

Chwe chwe

I cry in pain, my left leg is bitten by an atrocious wolf. I look back with great effort, the pressure weight too much on me.


"What do we have here?"

The wolf head was half inside the second layer of the pressure. He can't even close his eyes, his legs are trying to pull away the head to no avail.

I look at my leg, the shank is inside its mouth. His teeth sank into two of my toes. I can't feel them, I try pulling, but I can't.

The pressure and clasping of his jaw are a bit strong for me, above all I'm tired. I lay there to recover my strength.

I am special, this giant wolf couldn't move, but I could. Haha, maybe I do not know myself yet.

Chee chwe

"I will peck your eyes and devour them".

" I am just a little chick, why will I go through this?". lamenting at my misfortune.

"Not only that, but I should be by Iya's side right here, right now."

Chwe chwe crying...


Steel yourself, be tough, and stop crying. I am not a normal chick. I am 14 months old, says Iya. Normal chick at three months are grown up but since I am special I take time, but this is my ordeals to be a grown-up.

Just peel off the legs even if the two toes remain inside its mouth.


"I will peck you so much, big wolf. Your eyes are mine to peck hundreds of times, no thousands of times again… Again until there is no pain in my legs. Chweeeeeeee"

I spread my little wings, and lay my neck perpendicular to my stomach. I use my good leg to push me forward, toward the wolf eye using the wings as a balance so that I will not topple over.

Yes, wolf feels despair as I delicious chicken will peck your eye to oblivion.

I gathered my strength with determination and I stood on one leg while folding the injured.

I stand erect as Iya does. Point my beak toward the eye and thrust with all my strength and resentment on the left eye of the wolf.

Lumus sound, I heard. There was no obstruction when my beak punched through his eye.

He whimpers and tries to whine but couldn't because the pressure is too strong.

I plop to the side my strength exhausted. I was feeling okay now as if I spent my whole anger and frustration in that last attack.

He continues to whimper, eye matter trickling out of the socket. To me, I don't even have the strength to muster any thoughts let alone enjoy his agony.

Some minute later I heard a rustle, I stood with one leg ready to jump back deeper into the pressure. But there was no one.

Now that I calm down this wolf is pitiful I thought. He was already injured when we met. But now he lost an eye to me. hehe serves you right, but deep in my heart I still pity him.

Oh!!? Why do I see the white and black substances are edible? Let me test... Yummy it's edible. Wolf Eater haha

A growling sound came close to us without realizing it, and I was almost smashed by a giant paw.

A bigger wolf entered the prey. But it still can not enter, but it can send its tail and paw inside. I managed to move in a nick of time.