
This wolf is the biggest in the pack. And the whole pack of twenty three is here.

They look as if they will pounce inside the second layer. But refrain from doing so. They are cunning, especially the pack king.

The pack king howls and the rest of the pack howl after. I plop to the ground and use my good leg to push myself deeper into the second layer without regard to pressure.

The thing is, I am not afraid. I can just stall for all it matters. There is enough food for me inside the dirt and there is a puddle of water a hundred claws deeper. So I'm good.

But that was all my wishful thinking, a sight of a small white fur wolf moving toward the pack.

Yes! I am in deep shit. All my hopes are shattered. I know about this anomaly among the pack. When the wolves trick the bear into the pressure domain it was this white devil who aids the rest of the pack to enter the domain.

And now. there is no doubt, the same will happen. I look at my injured leg, that lost two toes. The wound is still fresh, no stepping on it any time soon.

My only option is the same as always. Going deeper into pressure point. And that I stumble, plop, and roll. Until I can't stride anymore, I'm tired and the pressure? I can't bear.

I limp away in the dirt, no hope for me. A gentle step I heard which I know belong to the white devil. She stood above my head staring at me. The wolves are howling as if encouraging her to finish me off. 

Since I was pressed to the ground, returning the gaze is an arduous task. So I did not bother.

"Iya. This is as long as I can go, in my little chicken life. You gave birth to unworthy chicken. hope you forgive me"

My last words make me remember something didn't I have a crystal feather in my back!?

Perhaps I can use it. By the time this thought surface, I felt fangs grabs my pitiful neck before I was hurled outside, towards the pack.

I can see the ground from up above while I feel dizziness grip my head. I noticed the pack king when he bent his forelegs ready to pounce on me the moment I reach his jumping height.

The white devil moves deeper into the pressure dome. She sat while watching the show.

I gather my remnant thought to one last struggle. The action I know nothing about. Never once was I curious about what it does, but now at last I'm lamenting my stupidity.

I will it, to do something, anything but all I feel is a hot breath and sharp fangs sinking in my soft fluffy flesh. 

I felt a strong jerking force that knocked me cold.... I slit my eyes open, then I saw it… the most hideous monster my eyes ever laid on.

It stood at ten claws in height, its head resembles a snake. It is bipedal with a long tail that has spikes at the edge. It's completely covered with scales.

This is the beast that usually lurk the forest at night. Never saw it, but I heard its movement.

What! "In the name of Iya" is this doing here

Four wolves are already dead, and the rest are fighting the monster, in all likelihood, it's for naught.

I heard a growl beside me. Am still with pack king as half of my body still lay inside his mouth. 

Then realization came to me. Maybe this monster is here to save me from my predicament. When I will for my power to activate he came for me.

"Haha suckers, you want to eat me, a Delicious chicken. You have no idea my ability is sublime"

Chad chwe

I call out so that it will remember it master. I can see the pack king is healing steadily. I better get away from him, before he gulped me down completely.

My trusty old fine good leg helps me push out of it mouth and despite the wound on my body I feel free, and happy knowing I have good ability.

After I stumble forward with persistent chirping. The beast look toward me, as he hurled the wolf that grabs his hand away. There was a smile on its face. Finally, it recognizes it master .

chwe chwe

"Come and take me away" I chirp at it.

The wolves deter it, from coming toward us. I twist my neck to look at the pack king. He is healing very past. There was a deep claw wound on its neck. But that was not the thing that struck me.

Inside its mouth a remnant of my blood is readily flowing to where the wounds are. The wounds that are heavy are closing at a visible rate.

Holy Chicken, my ability is healing but what about this beast that is coming towards me. Wasn't I the one that summoned it?

Mother said, "one at a time ability will manifest. That's how we develop."

The worst is that this beast wants me for himself. The wolves pack and the beast have been in peace before I came. 

How does it know I have healing ability? that may cause it to attack it neighbors just to get to me.

I scan the battlefield to look for a certain wolf. Perhaps it's dead as it was weak and injured before now.

"Oh lady Chicken!!! is that...?"

It's the wolf I'm looking for. It was never the smallest in the pack, but rather, in a middle.

Now it's twice its size, sharp fangs and claws. I recognize it because of it one eye. It's the only wolf that can confronts the monster head on.

It's fangs grab the monster's thick leg pulling it away while the beast retaliates by punching it back , grabs it as a whole and hurls it to a distant tree.

Mid-air one eye wolf twisted its body, fall-ready on a pouncing stance, and swiftly it hind legs pushed the ground gaining an instant momentum before reaching the monster in no time. And the bout continues.

"Holy Iya!!!. This is more than healing"

Apart from, being super delicious I am a healer, plus enhancer. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?.

The air behind me became heavy, a deep silent growl of an angry beast sounded from behind me. A question needs to be answered.

"A normal wolf turn ferocious after consuming my two toes. What will occur on the one that ate my whole shank and copious amount of blood. On top of that he is a wolves pack king?"

I'm about to find out.


A flying dirt and massive wolf passes above my head in so much anger as if it could tear down a whole army. My heart race fear grip me, my mind went haywire. This is horrifying.


"Iya , How can I survive this???"

"I have no single significant attack ability. I'm not a giant to build strength. I'm also a Chicken that is super delicious, which can heal wounds and enhance  monster strength."

"How can, a lowly Chicken, like me survive this carnage"

The pack king size increases close to the monster, it speeds can't measure by my chicken eyes. But what is special about it is, that there is dirty blue energy surrounding the wolf. 

Before it reached the monstrosity that the wolves are fighting, the monster roared. The air became stale, a thick fog was emitted from its mouth that decayed its surrounding flora before plunging itself to intercept the wolf.


Dust fly around, the shock wave fling away the weaker wolf including the one eye.

By all means this is not a place that a chicken should to stay. My only option is to escape. I look amidst brawling giant, attempt to locate the wolves count. Lest I leave under the nose of one.

As predicted the white devil is still watching from deep inside the pressure domain. I went limp, she is special like me. so what will happen to her, if she consume me??

Praying is the only hope. Iya said

"Even in death hope is salvation".

Now I can think about it, because I still get the impression, I might survive.

"Haha let hope for salvation… becau..!!!!.

"I'm sure that is not a salvation…..!!! ".


Five minute later

The brawl between the wolves and snake monster has no apparent winner. Suddenly, the pack king turn around and run away, the snake monster stand on four legs brow through the ground. The rest of the pack all run away.


The wolves king has been running at maximum speed he can muster for thirty seven second now, but not for a second did he reduce his speed.


Something heavy hit his head directly. he stumble crashed but without wasting time, he twist it body and resume the heavy sprint. one.. two sprint.. Boom….

This time it was not the snake monster that land close to him, but something else. 

"shree Where is the chicken shkree?"

A question was ask. Alas the wolf was too frightened to answer. At last struggle the wolf howl while his neck was grab by beast and twisted like a twig.

The beast scan the surrounding before leaving.

Ten hours later. A small puppy come out from ground, with white fur. Then the white devil came to take it away.