One leg Chicken

It's strange how people react to danger. I was sure I couldn't move properly, but after I saw that THING. I did not know when I used my beloved good leg to hop away without regard to pain. Furthermore, I have been hopping ever since.

Haha! now my mind can make a coherent thought because I have an impression as if being I'm out of the woods. Don't stop running, run and run. That wolf and snake head beast will reach my position in no time. But that was not the problem but that thing.

Stop thinking about it.


I do not know, how long I hop like a grasshopper but. I did stumble many times. Until now, I couldn't move.


Six hours later

I'm disappointed with my body healing. How can I give super healing to others? while I can't even heal my self

It will at least take days before I healed completely. Hamm, I can't help it. It's not all bad. The battle earlier most have scare all beast away.

The pressure deters the beast from coming close to this section of the forest. And now that the pressure makes a move it cements the law. 

Haha, this tree cave is perfect for me. I will recuperate here. There is, abundance of food in here. The cave must belong to a land squirrel.

But the water source is little to the left, about two hundred claws. But it doesn't matter. I will manage, by hopping I can reach there any time that I feel its safe.


Four months later!

"Haha earthworm, I'm a bona fide hunter now, you can't gang on me that easily. I'm no longer a newbie. Better prepare tomorrow I'm eating six of you."

I hop back to my cave, after the daily hunt. My assumption of healing within days was an absolute failure.

I wasn't expecting my leg to grow back, but at least all wounds should heal. To my dismay, all the wounds that are centimeter deep only close superficially. 

I treated the wound in several ways, but it was to no avail. I first wash myself in water in case the venom should leave through water. A week later, no result.

Likewise, I smolder dirt in the wound, even though it's painful but there was still no result. 

At last resort, I used my beak and peel off the flesh that was exposed to the canine teeth of the pack king.

It's extremely painful, I wail and whine but steel my resolve to finish. The sad painful truth is, I only manage to increase the wound depth and size.

So, I just ignore it altogether and focus on recovering my strength. At first, the month is the hardest. After a month I was able to hop around searching for another source of food. Since the food is getting low. It became easier every day until I found a group of animals returning to this side of the forest.

I clash with some of them, some I escape. Worms like earthworms and insects with soft carapace are my daily food. It was amazing, I learn a new thing every day. As I am a super delicious and weak chicken, I get hunted a lot.

But I'm smart, that no doubt about even I know I'm genius. Yep, I'm narcissist if praising my weak bony head as a genius head.

Oh!!!? You think "the clash," I said, "I mean crossing with some beast, then by some miraculously means, I escape. Hate to make your assumption fail. As I did clash with them.

You are asking how? Or did I obtain super offensive ability? Well since you are not there to witness my great strategy, you just have to wait until the next encounter.

Today I fill my stomach by eating, five big earthworms. The worms are not that exaggerated in size. Now that I saw true giants, I began to calculate my size and how I fit into this forest of monsters.

I'm only one claw in size, and in human dialogue one foot(that is 30 cm). My legs are tall and strong enough to hold my weight. I mean my leg since now there was only a thigh left. 

My neck is tall too, but my only regret is my comb, still, looks like a new chick. Well, to say the truth I look exactly how I was when I hatched. I only increase in size without any adult traits. But even my hair is still down.

Well, basically that is how I look….

As for the animals in this forest, I call them beasts. Their notable traits are savagely. Every one of them… a good example is an earthworm.

Time for a nap....

Pata pata pata pata

Rain, the most desirable. No need to go far to drink water for a couple of days. 


A morning when the beast is less savage, but it's only the prelude of what to come. Well, time to go to the earthworm community to collect my tribute. Haha, I'm a nightmare to them now. 


My beak is sharpened


My claw is good


My wings are flapping.

I'm good to go.

The earthworm's community is east of my cave. But because of tall trees and shrubs, I can't hop directly. I need to take a detour to reach them. That is no problem, it will allow me to peck some fruit along the way.

Hopping is not a good way to travel, but I get used to it by now. I hops and hops checking for any predator, there was none. May be yesterday's rain make them come late. That's all good for me, all I need to do is hurry and get my break fast for today and then leave this death zone.

This berry is good, yummy. The best thing about the forest is that it has sweet fruits.

He he, aha you stray earthworm, come to daddy.

Slurp... Bland...

Let go to the community...…



I can see it clearly but... It's the monster of monsters owner of the pressure domain!!!!!!

What... he standing there in the earthworm's community!!!!!

He is looking at me. I can't move at all, my heart explodes.

" Shkee I have been looking for youshkee"

"Shkeeee come here".

Run.... I run, don't ask how. I don't know. My leg is hopping but to no avail.

Boom... it lands beside me stretch its hand to grab me.

He he, behold CRYSTAL FEATHER. I Chweeeeeeeee.

Impossible, it should work. Chwe. I hate my self...…!!!!!!!  Crying..., ...




What is happening? I guess it can work albeit differently. But it doesn't matter he can follow.

What if I drag it in a crocodile lake. Yes ….! 


To the left left left...

Yes. Determination fills my heart. As I flew towards one of the most dangerous and savage beasts. The iron scale crocodiles.

They have their king, that is more ferocious than wolves pack king. 

Slop I fall in the lake

Boooooom the entire water flies away. After the monster drop inside the lake. Each crocodile scramble away. With absolute despair etched on their soul. The iron scale crocodile king is no different.

But alas it's for naught, as in ten-second they were massacred by the monster with little to no difficulty.

None survive...… The lake was dyed red. The beast that lurks in the bush run away. Not insect nor bird was found within the vicinity of carnage. 

The community has about one hundred iron scale crocodiles. But on this fateful day. They were no more and no one will avenge them. 

The beast looks around. There was no oversize chick. Then it raises it head looking at the sky. There was still some cloud as a result of yesterday's rain. 

A chuckle escaped from the monster. As if amused by the incident.


I do not know myself? But this encounter enlightens me. I am not hopeless as long as I live, and determine to do so. Nothing may stop me.

I may be weak, the weak can survive. But I decided, I will not only survive but also live. 



This little chick will conquer you eventually. Struggle, strive, roar rage, and despair. Your fate is sealed.


I find a small shrub and lay under. The sky is still hazy, but not dark. The birds and beast have all gone silent. By my observation, that monster is like a hidden terror in the forest, or basically, an anomaly that should not exist.

Any slight movement of it will course silent as if a nightmare has a risen. Well, it's a nightmare.

I just sacrifice an entire community of fearsome crocodiles by just plopping on the lake. So basically no community in my knowledge can stand against it.

My earlier outburst on conquering the forest did make me feel better. But let me be real. How in Iyas name will I do what I claim??

It's just the rage of adrenaline, as I watch a true carnage befallen innocent crocs. 

His power is beyond compare. He has no resistance. Its like a Wolf trap in a chicks' house. What can the chicks do??

They will only run away, hoping they will not be noticed. But in this case, there was no hope of running as the beast was adamant about destroying them completely.

Now that I think about it. It's sending me a message, of the carnage, I will be responsible for.