Chick Of Doom

I fully utilized my advantage to learn everything that I can. The things that I learned are.

1. Guide to Mutations

2. Guide to Evolution.

3. Identification of various abilities.

4. Soldiers Training.

5. Hunters Training.

6. Brooders Training.

7. Identification of Edible plant and Medicinal.

8. Chicken Fights.

9. Mapping

10. Community Initiative.

11. Different Specie of beast and Monster.

There are still restricted knowledge such as locations of demons, location of Hidden race, And also How to make Sacrifice Ability.

Sacrifice Ability is the Top Secret of the BLUE ROSE FEATHER. It's what keeps them alive for almost a century even though they fought with another beast community that seem the secret.

One important thing I learned is that, a beast can only mutate his organs once. After evolution, there will be no more mutations, but more evolution.

That is after the First emulation some were able to achieve Second evolution.

First evolution beasts are a bit sane and cunning. Most of them are leaders of their pack or flock.

The Second evolution beasts are mostly intelligent but couldn't express themselves. There are exceptions to other species.

Third evolution beasts are intelligent like any sane beast. They are capable of learning, planning, and also communications. They usually establish a civilized community.

It was believed that third evolution was not about strength increment but only Cognitive Development.


As a one leg chick, I get looked down upon by those that have partial cognitive. thinking that I am weak or hopeless.

My mode of transportation was always hopping with one leg. Sometimes, I even forget I have one leg because I am so used to it, hat I don't feel any more challenge when moving.

One may wonder how a group of chicken live carrying of goods, making of houses.

Well basically it was not some grand way of doing things. But any beast that has undergone evolution has good control over their body. 

Let's take the legs of a chicken. it may look rigid, but after evolution the chicken can move it like a human palm. The digits can be used to mold clay easily. Also a chicken will be able to bend the leg towards its face. and make the claws to scratch it face or chest.

Overall the digits can be used like a palm. some cock spread their wings as support, when carrying any task with their digits.

The wings can be used in a similar manner as the claws to certain extent. The base of the feather can be manipulated easily. With that chicken can spread and compress the wing to any pattern as long as the base allows it. 

the chicken can open their wing in front of their chest overlaying it one above another. thus creating a container. that how the chickens carry certain loads.

It's all about using their well developed cognitive and finding ways to use the body efficiently.


I spent a year with them. the Twenty-eighth Queen came again bearing a product "nectar".

It turns out that Lord Zakara request for Honey from platinum bees, last time, when they were leaving. And today they brought the nectar. 

The blue rose use the nectar in food to improve the evolutionary essence.

A week after the bees visited they decided to have one last in depth conversation before they left.

I believe that zakara wants to have another business interaction with the bees.

I was invited for the conversation. It Looks like Zakara realizes that the bees want something from me. So he kept me by his side whenever there was conversation between him and the bees. He will regularly asking for my opinion.

Today is no different, I am by his side while they were talking while I scrutinize the bees. She always kept her distant from Zakara.

At first I thought that she was afraid he would attack, or it was her training that made her guard against any strong character. 

But it was neither of the two. There was a time, we enter into a sealed cave where the blue rose kept their precious gems and special ores. If it's the above hypothesis why will she agree to be in confined space with him.

"Excuse me Lady War Queen, I was wonder…" she cut me off

"Don't call me war Queen, you are not worthy of it. " she retorted 

It turns out that, as I am weak against her I can't refer to her as War. The reason is, since I can't fight her to confirm the name I am not worthy of it.

Blue Rose is a powerful Community of chicken. thus, they can war with the bees anytime they want. In that case the leaders of Blue Rose can call her War Queen because they will surely attest to that.

'Pretty lame excuse if you ask me.' I snicker

Kazan said "The reason why she kept her distance is not because of fear but to avoid friction of aura." 

She answered my question and I was dumbfounded about it. Then I remember she attended to brooding, it was said that she can speak to eggs. And she also responsible for identifying those that can achieve evolution and those that can't.

She also chooses those that have the highest chance of surviving sacrifice ability implantation.

"Why are you telling him something that shouldn't be known by kids?" War Queen seems to dislike me.

"Chara is a genius, so we tend to educate him with all relevant knowledge that will help him." Zakara back me up

"A Chick of Doom, has no use with that kind of knowledge, his flesh was contaminated by demonic aura. So he doesn't have to worry about other aura" The bee Queen said casually.

"And you said he is a genius??, what a laughable claim. You know what!!?? He tried to make us believe he is special, by contaminating a bear with demonic aura and the bear loses control, it end up attacking our Front hive. That was his way of showing a genius plan" she added

I quickly correct her by saying " I cast my ability to the bear so that it can take honey from you easily. So that you know that I have enhancing capability."

"You have enhancing ability" kazan quickly, ask.

The rest of the blue rose all look at me with question gazes. I was speechless.

"Of course he has enhancing ability, he makes a mutated bear to evolve within a day. But unfortunately it died the next day, not by our hands but by itself." Queen said sarcastically 

Adiye eyes change while evaluating me. Then she looked at Zakara asking, have you known he was a demon conterminant?

He nods his head without speaking.

"So how does your ability work." Evelyn asks again.

"Let not discuss this now" Zakara ordered

"Why" Evelyn want to ague 

"Because he is lying. Or sorry he can do it only when he is facing the sun and frustrating like a fool." Queen added while she was laughing with a redicle.

"How… no you.." I wanted to retort but I couldn't.

"Do you really think that the great Platinum hive can't understand your stupid act Child of Doom!? How naive of you, ignorant fool" queen was visibly irritated by me. And today she is over the board.

Zakara looks at her and says " It seems you were given an assignment that you don't like by the eldest queen."

"Nah!! My soldiers lost a prisoner of eloquent speech" she reply casually

"Is it true that with eloquent speech they can manipulate enemy?" Elder Bara ask

"Yes. that how he escaped" she answered while looking at me with agree look

" Eldest Queen Want to use the the wisdom beast, to see if the beast speech can spell demonic aura"

"Now I understand why you are angry," Elder bara said.

"What kind of speech" Adiye ask hearing new knowledge she was extetic

"The beast can make a coherent speech that may mean nothing particular, but have a profound effect on the surrounding." Elder bara answer

Hearing her explanation I was taken aback, because Iya told me some sentences that I was thinking meant nothing. But when I think about it, they may be an arrangement of words that carry power.

Let me think about whether my hypothesis is correct.

'The Universe has Order and purity. May the purity follow the innocent and the forgiver. The sinner when he repent, Nature aberration at peace.'

These were some of the words. They mean nothing to me. But now look at that purity did she know the existence of aura that can contaminate others, that is why she taught me this.


I am idiot I am idiot I am idiot

I already have a cure with me, all along but because of idiocy I did not realize it. I even call myself a genius thinking I am kind of smart that can survive in this death forest. 


The queen is wright I am an idiot


An authoritative voice enters my brain and stops me from going deeper into darkness. Then it occurred to me I just have been trashing around with madness now. 

I just think a bit, then I realize my thoughts are clearer than when I activate my ability. From what I understand the demonic aura leaves my thoughts and brains, which cause my emotions go haywire and lose my mind.


Looks like these Words of purification are legit. My mind calms down. All I need to do is find a seculate location and have to chant them over and over again until the demonic aura leaves me.

My unhealable wound will heal, maybe my lost leg will regenerate again. Hahahah I WILL BE BACK SOON.

Chwe "what are you doing Lady Adiye"

Evelyn looked at me in pity "cleaning your wounds. You injured your comb by heating the cave wall"

Dtum tum… tumm..dtumm

I bent my wings to touch the comb, but she stopped me, saying I should let her clean it first okay. As if calming me down more

But I move away and use my wing feather to touch the comb, a terrifying expression registered on my face.

Zakara said " Come on that a small scratch don't fuss about it"

The War Queen added" You look afraid? One more scratch on the body will not make a difference. I commend you for your good tolerance of pain is a sign of good warrior"

While they speak I am shivering with fear. Adiye hug me a bit while whispering

"Calm down little one. Speak what troubling you"

She brings me back to reality. And I said to them.

"Demon is coming here!!!!"