Impending Doom

Lord Zakara stood up on his two legs, raised his head up, gazing straight with unbreakable determination. Inhaling, filling his lung to the brim. He released a CROW, the most Cockly(Manly) crow I have ever heard in my entire chick life.

Adrenaline rushed through me and everyone around. Even War Queen was terrified and intimidated by it.

Three second, for good three second. Everyone and everything, even the air , stood still. No one breath soundly as if a calm before the great storm.


As the valley was surrounded by horse shoe like mountains. Above the mountains on east, south and north have a cave where watchers live. The watchers have nothing to do but to observe the avian creatures. But on that hateful day their real job was revealed.

One hundred cocks stood on a complicated designs of mix circle and rectangle. Chanting a single word MIST. This became a mantra that came from the southern mountain.

One hundred Hen stood in complicated design that showed a zigzag pattern like wind waves. Chanting a single word GALE. This also became the second mantra that reverberated in the air.

Another one hundred mishmash between hens and cock make a confused pattern that can send anyone that looks from above dizzy. They chants " Thou thy chaos BLUE ROSE''

Within that moment the chants became one . Gradually a blue mist came out from the mist chanters. At the same time the mist became like a wind and moved in disarray blowing with great speed and strength toppling the plant and some chicken in the valley. Destroying long poles. 

Gradually it stopped thrashing around when the third party chants became prominent and the gale moved up above the valley mountains turning dark red. The formation of the chickens began to form on the newly formed clouds.

One by one, the chicken on the formation dry. A painfully drying as most of them cry of pain. Life is siphoned out of them while they are alive and sane.

Nonetheless, none break the formation. They struggle, they whimper and cry non stop until all that remains is dry bones and flesh. Yet alive, the dried flesh broke apart and turned to dust in a slow agonizing manner. Until they rest in peace.

...…, …..

From the chanting to cry of agony where heard throughout the valley. Even though none see what actually transpired but the cries of despite is bone chilling.

"I thought Our ancestors were Monsters, but now I know mine is a saint. Blue Rose however is…" Queen words trail without completing her sentence. After she realizes that she is amidst Blue rose descendants.

But none show any dislike or irritation for what she has spoken. In fact, Adiye answered her.

"That is the price of being a weak species amidst chaos and terror. ."

It became noisy after that. All soldiers that are out of the valley turn south and rendezvous close to a lake before one of the old cock stands before the lake . He stood for a moment chanting a confusing words. 

His chest bulges out until his heart rips itself out. It turns into black stone, while his body bust to red mist converging with the black stone. The black stone plop on the lake. It transforms the lake into black mud that is rigid and half solid. The soldiers all jump into the transformed lake without hesitation, disappearing immediately after they touch the half solid tar.

In the brooding house where the eggs and young chicks are taken care of, the story is different. Giant cocks that usually work at farms or other fields, enter the house. They began to swallow all the eggs in the chamber.

Their crop increases in size the more eggs they gulped down until they can't take it anymore.

Blue rose community has a system that they adhere to whether at peace or war. The number of eggs should not exceed the holding capacity of those special breeds of cocks. If one of the cock dies then the egg yield will reduce. 

Blue roses have a maxim " those that should survive, most survive."

So all chicks and eggs must be saved and protected at all cost.

The chicks were ushers to a center of the brooding house where there was a formation, a gas was released which made them truly fall to sleep, so as not to witness what was to happen.

This time it was selected hens that stand in circle, numbering up to eight. Chant weird sentences that has love and care amidst.

Gradually they bust into most. The mist coagulate and transmute into water drops. It covers the whole chicks, serving as protection with utmost comfort.

The eldest hen in the brooding sighed. She steel her heart and stabbed her chest with a beak. Blood flow out dying her claws and digits. She wrote some words on the floor with the blood as ink. The written word radiant evil aura which consumes her whole. 

The ground crack into a slit opening. The water that covers the chicks moves toward the crack and enters despite the small size of it. Next was the giant cocks moving close to the cracks which they zoom inside one by one.

 At the center of the valley chickens congregate in line entering massive cracks on a giant platform.


This kind of escape method can be seen everywhere if one look in the Blue rose community. 

The abilities demonstrated is what was called BLUE ROSE SACRIFICE. The ability has many restrictions, and the requirement is whole life form as a trigger and energy source. But one thing that makes the Evil technique wanted by the All sentient beast and other life forms is that the ability cast is absolute. Once cast so nothing can revoke it. It can only be bypassed or avoided but not stop its effect.

So a higher being cant come and dispel the red cloud, or any other effects.


Adiye was visibly on breaking point seeing all her brethren dying one after the other, just to allow others to live. Especially when the old hen at brooding house cracks a spatial door for the chicks to be saved.

She looks at the cause with anger but she holds herself from saying anything.

Bara said while sighing at the melancholy of the situation "So why is the demon after you from the first place"

"Because he is Delicious" War Queen answered

"We are all delicious" Adiye roared in anger. To her this is stupid answer, all chickens are known as delicious snack.

"Well! I told you he is a chick of doom. But none of you took my word seriously. In truth He is a walking, living, breathing elixir of evolution".

" Did you know that?" Adiye asks Zakara and Bara at the same time.

"Technically no, Because Lord Zakara ordered him not to spill his secrets, when he tried to tell us. And he personally warned me not to ask and not to listen to him."

She looks at her husband baffled by his choice of this profound information. Before realizing something, it was said that chara was actually contaminated with demonic aura. So his flesh or anything on his body is practically a poison when consumed. Not only that, the demon can track him when he gets injured.

Still if they have known this, they may have taken precaution ahead of time without all this sacrifice.

A good looking old lady entered the cave, all looked at her. She was smiling as if nothing of impending doom was coming. She brushes Zakara feathers while passing by his side, and says to Evelyn "you are no longer a brat, okay. So lead our brooding section and make me proud." 

This lady was actually Adiye grandmother, as for the hen that died at the brooding chamber was Adiye mother.

The old hen pass them and stand before a white tablet

"Founder BLUE ROSE please guide all our spatial passage to great safety and prosperity"

The tablet lit up before the old hen gradually disappeared. Unlike other agonizing pain and despair, her own death is simple and uneventful.


But that did not stop Evelyn from breaking down. Zakara has to hold and pacify her.

"So! Have you seen why the Elder Queen calls you Chick of doom." Queen says.

She was not affected one bit regarding the continued death, in fact she was visibly elated watching the notorious Sacrifice ability first hand.

"Bara, I want you to take Chara and Adiye to safety. I will stay and make sure that Demon did not track our people" Zakara ordered

"No we have enough sacrifice, you are coming with us. We leave chara here. When the demon came he may have him" Adiye visibly shaken defying the orders immediately.

Zakara looked at her with love and "My love you want me to be a laughing stock, everyone is doing their job without hesitation but me as a leader shy away".

With those small words of his, he calmed her a bit. To them Sacrifice is not just a mindless death. But something of pride. An obligation that makes them feel they have lived and fulfilled something profound.

"Too bad The Great Cock will meet his demise at the budding stage. Eldest used to praise you by calling an Ànomaly that should not exist among the chickens!"

He only smiled at her. Before adding more order and the method of Succession in case he did die. But he emphasizes that Chara must be protected and they should not blame what is happening now on him.


I was watching and absorbing everything that is happening now. The War Queen is afraid but not worried, because she seems to have a way of escape or something.

I know Adiye is angry at me; she is just holding herself together.

Elder Bara is sighing repeatedly, while the rest of the chicken are both angry and lost

Lord Zakara is the only one who is calm. In my eyes there was no fear, remorse, anger directed at me or the demon that is coming but a pure anticipation of what to come.

"Lord Zakara from what I can see this demon is in the third evolution or above. He is beginning to locate us" Bara said

"How is the evacuation, Adiye?" Zakara asked his wife. He moved away from her, this time he meant business as a lady of the community.

"More than half has already escaped. Only the soldiers and those that are far away which return late." 

"Alright granny's gate is still open, you should enter now."

Elder bara was the first to get close to the white tablet, he zoomed inside. Then the rest of the chickens present entered one by one.

I thought to myself, I should tell Lord Zakara My purification prayer and peace of my flesh, so that he will be stronger. 

I walk close to him while hesitating, before I try to say something.

"Don't fluster yourself, you are our kind and a small chick at that. We have the responsibility to protect you until you reach adulthood." Zahara said to me

I know he is saying that to make me feel better. Well I play it, by just doing what I need to do. I use my beak and bite my shank less thigh and rip a small piece of flesh. I put the flesh on the ground and look at him. 

He bent his head towards me adjusting the direction so that his ears would be close to my beak. 

I say "chwe" in a whisper. He move away and nods his head. 

"Go with them, I am coming back alive" Lord Zakara ordered.

We moved close to the white table and stood in line.

"You do know that demons can fight beast two evolution higher."  War Queen ask


"You are only fifth evolution, how can you contend against it? If he is Third evolution you stand a chance but what will you do if he is fourth evolution??"

"Fight It as always"

"Arrogance is what kills most great Men " Queen concluded before entering the Tablet.

After everyone enters, the white tablet dematerializes.

He stood and looked at the position of the tablet. A chuckle left his mouth while thinking.


There was this deep anticipation written all over his face.