Forest Guardian

The ground quakes, and I look at the entrance but because I was in a bit of a curved location I can't see outside directly. But there was something that I feel different in this place.

I just ignore all the negatives and focus on myself. I am currently looking at my new grown shank, the digit, claws are all fully grown. They look weak and fragile I may not walk on them any time soon.

The down on my body is changing too, a good feather was growing and that is making me happy. I will finally look like a cockerel.

A particular plant sways and uproots itself, the roots are becoming sharp. I was flabbergasted on what I saw.


It just grabs a fly and merges with it. I look around then I find the anomaly that I felt earlier everything from plant and insect are mutating strangely by merging.

I saw an insect transform into an abomination before a giant plant devours it. The plant increase in size turning into more animal-like. So, this is how Monsters are made.

What causes it???

I calm my mind and recite the prayer. Silent covers the cave, all mutation stops, the plant abomination compress and became small plant-like with scales.

It plants itself back to the soil. But then the mutation began again, this time, the plant ravenously attack everything before I do anything.

I recite again. It plants itself again, close to a puddle of water. The water drains visibly. I quickly recite again the moment I saw it is going to trash again.

It calms down until it became a flower with a beetle like a leaf. I relaxed a little.

I jump in the air, but the root still grazes me drowning blood and some of my feathers.

The root turns to mouth devouring my feather and blood.

I hopped to the plant to destroy it, but it sinks to the ground and disappearing.

I waited for it to be back, but it did not.

Well, it seems it has free lunch.

My wound healed immediately. I step forward to the entrance. The outside is in carnage, an absolute bloodbath. Beasts and monsters of different sizes fighting each other.

Plants included as they suck beasts dry, expanding their size and structure.

I saw a bear-like plant that kills with fangs but uses its root legs to absorb the beast.

An avian creature that directly enters another beast's body, the beast will be broken from inside and contort, shifting the body structure until it became the previous avian beast.

I step back silently back to the cave, planning how to escape. As my ability is initiating I realize the ground is tainted with black fog.

"The demonic aura!!!"

I dispelled the aura from my body, but as a result, it contaminated the earth, water source, and beast in the vicinity.

A huge shadow was cast above me. Before I move away a claw plucks my feather and the beast flies away.

"Run, little one run. I'm destroying this section of the forest."

He said to me. He must be one of the guardians, I heard about them in Blue Rose.

They are A group of sentient beasts patrolling the continent in case a demon decides to do something evil. They will eradicate any prominent demonic activity and also destroy beasts that are contaminated.

I turn around and run, with a full speed I can master. Though I'm hopping, it will not make a difference if I use the newly grown leg.

I did not get far before I heard a booming sound and intense heat began to scorch anything in its wake.

Beasts joined me in escaping. I activate my ability to pass through everything and all the beasts.

Subsequent attacks keep coming, all threaten to consume me.


A lanky looking cockerel was seen half-dead on a rainy day. His eyes have no luster of life, yet alive. Drench by the falling rain"!

"You are the one who carries Bravado aura?"

The little cockerel looked up at the newcomer.


There was no fear or any emotion for that matter.

"Where is he"

"I do not know"

"Okay" the newcomer turns and left



I stood erect looking at the matching cockerel and pullet, that number a hundred. They are all young and have mutated beak and claws!

Today's expedition is to capture at least one insect or animal alive. They are to bring it here at the Oasis Feather.

Damn!!! It's tedious and frustrating to build a decent community. Look at these idiots. Before I managed them like this I almost bashed my head to stone, a thousand times due to frustration.

I want to scream to release some tension. But I just have to put on a Stoic expression, hide my true emotions. Lest one of them mistake it for something else.

Where are my seven Generals? My very first source of headache.

"Oh Clawone is here beside me"

I have seven Generals, and I end up naming them claw one to claw seven. Each has their personality. I raised them to the best of my ability and teach them everything I can think of. nonetheless only three evolve once.

Clawone is the smartest among them, a fine female Chicken. If she achieves third evolution, she will be a genius.

Clawtwo is male, a coward by nature. But he has a good survival instinct. I like him a lot.

Each one of them has their specific personality. They are not intelligent yet but are smart after a grueling training with them. I realize talking to them alone makes them smarter.

Ah yep, the big brave idiot is excited to lead this expedition. I turn to clawone to accompany him. So that, he will not start any unnecessary fight.

She looks at me with an angry gaze but jumps to follow them.

'This girl is getting smarter by the day.' I remark!

I turn around, limping back to our chicken made cave. Yep limping. The thing is, my regrown shank and digits, even after two years, I'm still not able to walk on it perfectly.

A promise to myself to build a community of my own has realized, one and a half year ago. It was not to the standard of what I need, but it's doing better than most.

Clawseven is the brown of the community, he is the largest and strongest, adrenaline junky but honest with itself. If he can't win a fight he runs.

My community is named Oasis feather. Oasis because we are in Oasis here. We have been here for more than a year now, after surviving trial and tribulation in the forest.

We ran to this dessert, it's about twenty-five kilometers away from the nearest jungle. Nothing is here but a small lake about two acres. Though, it's quite deep.

The vegetation is not thick. There are numerous coconut trees and fruits.

The best thing about here is the natural plant that makes grains, it grows like a weed. Not edible by must herbivores.

But to us chickens, we just need to put it inside our crop. The claw brothers and sisters don't like it either, but I just have to make them eat it.