Oasis Community Part One

Ahh! It's good to relax, once in a while. Since when did I relax??? Never! Hahaha.

Where were we?. Yes?


I wish that Creature that asks me about Bravado kills me right away, but unfortunately for me, he did not care one bit.

I was drenched by rain, in loss of what to do with my life. After the disaster I inflict, I do not want to struggle anymore. I'm tired of thinking about how to survive.

Back then My body grew and developed like mature cocks, that gave me some hope. But then a month later it started to regress, I emaciated, and my strength was siphon out of me.

Walking is becoming a tedious task. Even activating my ability halt. I have no choice but to use my wits to get some food.

It is an excruciating experience. I was in that situation devoid of any desire that creature came asking me.

When the rain stops. I drag my sorry safe to a nearby plant, to peck some leaves as food.

I roamed aimlessly for weeks until I saw a flock of chickens in a relatively less dangerous area. That was the trigger that made me jump back to liveliness again.

Finally, brethren. I join them in their scratching and pecking the soil. It felt natural and lovely.

In the evening we all run back to a shelter. Our Visibility is not good at night, care should be taken. The chicken was actually pretty smart as a beast and aggressive. A small wolf or panther will not dare attach the flock.

The routine of finding food and water is static. When the sun rises, we are out for food. When the sun sets, we return to a shaded area under a tree.

There was no apparent leader. But some bigger cocks usually take the leads in scavenging of food or fights.

I have started hatching my plans. My aim is searching for any comfortable location to solidify this flock as my community.

Luck is not on my side. In the fifth week after I joined them, a pack of coyotes struck at night. It was a disaster.

They are nine and we are eleven. We might have outnumbered them that was not a considerable difference.

It's a fight that I later comes to realize it's really an advantage for my part, to cull weak. If I'm being cruel and pragmatic.

Four wolves were killed. Two by my sneak attack. One by another giant cockerel, he is largest among us. And the last one was a gang up fight.

Seven of the chickens were killed and taken by coyotes. I took the lead to leave the place. The stench of blood will surely attract other beasts.

Along the way, we were attacked by a snake and one pullet was eaten. All in all three survived after these awful nights.

The three that survive were the smartest among the rest, the large cockerel is still alive and kicking but with injuries all over his body. Yet he still has the energy to woo one of the pullets.

I find a puddle of water, drop blood inside and make them drink it. Their wound healing was visible to my naked eyes. I watch closely how it was done.

The wound first releases some transparent liquid before it becomes clean without dust and debris. The flesh from the inside stitch itself, and then the skin closes.

It looks like the liquid serves as Healing water. It cleans the wound first. Then it increases the vitality of the surrounding flesh which makes them sprout and merge. Thus, closing the wound.

This will be decent knowledge for my future experiment.

I use my wits and craftiness for our survival. I must explore a location before settling down every night. We also change location from time to time.

The chickens are hard to control. If I tell them not to fight a beast they will not listen. Or if we are in the territory of a strong beast, and it scents longer, they will refuse to follow me to peck some useful fruits, even if the beast is not around.

In the night I have to stand guard or one of the idiots will wake up because of noise and wander around. They became my source of headaches.

I tell them, and show them how to ambush a beast. But those idiots will always jump into a fight.

Another frustrating thing is that they always make clucking sounds that attracts unwanted attention, even if it's only a wind blowing.

One day, we heard a sound of fights between flocks of chicken and other beasts.

We stealthily move closer and pry through the leaves. Yeah! After repeated training and bashing their head they gradually began to imitate me a bit.

We saw eight chickens fighting five coyotes. These damn coyotes are weak compared to other strong beasts. So, they always hunt small prey like us.

I looked at my tree companion and spoke.

"Listen and listen carefully, we are going to sneak attack them from behind. You big guy jumped high from the sky and struck one of them."

I look at him, and point him with my adorable wings.

"You and you should attack one together, aim for their eyes. And run if the ambush failed. I SAID RUN IF THE AMBUSH FAILED"!

They all stood there looking at me like an idiot, but I repeated it again and again.

I tell them to go. I want to see what they will really do.

The big idiot crow the moment he entered the battlefield.

Idiot idiot idiot he can't follow simple instructions.

But then a surprise came to me. His crow did draw attention to him, but the other two successfully carried their ambush.

He also aims his attack directly on an injured coyote skull killing him instantly.

Not only that, he jumps and attacks the coyote leader which distracts it. The other two carry another sneak attack on the pack leader, they do fail but the big cuck successfully strikes its head with a beak bashing his skull.

The coyote did not die immediately until two-strike landed on the head.

Within a moment three coyote beasts died. The rest scramble away but one still dies by the big guy's beak.

That day I jumped happily in the air. I hug them all for their big performance. I realize it's not always about ambushing but a good meat shield is needed to draw away attention for others to carry out the ambush.

Who will think unintelligent chickens will have this strategy

Flock leader is a pollet. She came and brushed her feather with us as a "Thank You". She did look at me strangely because I'm a leader yet a small chick.

Six of them died, only four remain. We merged our numbers and became a seven-member flock.

Surviving in the jungle was never an easy task. As we get into danger multiple times.

Most of the time it was a hungry beast attacking a powerless chicken and paying the price, sometimes we ran away.

But our frequent enemies are coyotes. We meet, we fight. If they outnumber us, we run.

I manage to train the newcomers on survival strategy. It was easier this time. Maybe, the tree influenced them.

Tragedy happens, one of the four that later joined died in a fight against a stray wolf. We escape the wolf by hair tread.

I decided to find a less dangerous location where I will train them more in a peaceful environment.

We left the forest to a desert. I have been to the desert before when I was drifting alone. It's dry and sunny, most beasts don't like it.

There was an Oasis in the middle of nowhere. I spent three days there before I left, back then. But now I'm here to stay. We will get used to the heat and sun.

The advantage of this place is; the beast doesn't linger for long, even though there is a lake in the place. There are also some grasses that produce corn, and grains. We can feed on that.

It has giant stones and rocks, no cave though. But we will make the cave ourselves. Coconut trees are numerous and some other plants with fruits. The place is good for staying but because must beasts are carnivores they tend to leave in search of meat in the jungle.

As for us chicken, we can manage with the plants and insects, especially earthworms.

We are going to rear earthworms.

My plans are big but eventually, I know I can achieve them one at a time.

...…, …

We arrive! It's the same as before. There are some birds on the trees, insects in the bush and some fishes in the lake. The lake is two acres in size, but it is deep.

I survey the whole oasis searching for any potential predators. We found giant snakes and a monster behind a rock sleeping.

The monster looks like a monkey and bear. Monkey face, bear hands and body. He has a bushy tail like a squarely.

I look at the big guy and ask him can you kill him?.

He shakes his head as no.

Can you crack his skull?

He was silent for a moment before he nodded.

"I want you to walk close with no sound and bashed his head with your great beak."

Luckily, he listened and did not crow. He arrives at the beast. He shifted his head back to build momentum and strike.

Swiftly, the monster moves away before grabbing his neck, but misses. My cock jumps back and is ready for more clashes.

"A flock of chicken, thanks for the snack." Said grinning!

There was an injury on his chest which made him move slowly.

"Battle formation" I crow. Well chwe, since I can't crow yet.

"Wait, you are intelligent chickens" the beast asks.

"Yes we are!! From Blue Rose. Mighty Zakara Vassal." I lied.

"Blue Rose!!?" He asks!

"Don't tell me you don't know about a great kingdom of chickens in the North". I exaggerated!

"I don't. But I know Zakara. He has been trashing around recently, destroying one community after another looking for someone. Rumor says he beat down a demon."

"We are one of the scouts by him, sent to look at other surroundings."

"A young chick dare to lie to me"

He moved forward with great speed to crush us. The chickens all scramble away.