Oasis Community Part three

Everything in my body aids in living organism development. My flesh, feces, feather, everything.

The plant I excreted on germinated vigorously, and produced better seed. So I target all the most important plants to us.

The pond in CaveOne, is filled with water. We were able to make a canal from the Oasis lake that we can block anytime.

The water will flow through the canal till it reaches the cave pond.

The function of the pond is for me to relax inside, floating above water. Of course, I need something to relax on. So this was the best choice of relaxation.

I'm still like a chick with down feathers that is fluffy. But a bit of mature feathers are on my wings, about five of them, three on tail, then the one behind my comb, that one is crystal.

My down will erect, and I will float like a leaf on water. It was relaxing that way, moving while floating.

But I'm working despite the relaxation.

No I did not mean my mind is thinking(working). On the contrary my mind is relaxing.

I'm working with my body. ..............How?? Hehe.

By being inside the pond the water is becoming pure evolution essence.

Instead of injuring myself all the time, I experiment whether the water I washed myself with, Will it have the effect of my blood?.

It turns out, It's a little less potent but more pure and desirable.

when I used the water on a captured insect, it undergoes multiple mutations in days, with less aggressive personality.

But when I dropped my blood on another insect the mutation was fast, and the insect became aggressive.

So, I concluded that my flock will be drinking this water instead of feeding them my blood or flesh.



One thing I realize is that, I never saw my feather on the ground, even after fighting a beast. while other birds feather will drop at moment notice.

I fluck one down feather and dropped it on the ground, the moment it drops, it blurred away and vanished.

I did it again and again, but the same things happened. Furthermore, I search everywhere, to find where it went but have no clue.

I began to worry, what if someone is watching me from the shadows. Furthermore, I call out if there was anyone, not once but multiple times but its silently.

I became a bit crazy looking in every shadow I see, including my shadow.

It took me days before I understood. The feather vanishes to Gale realm, that is the realm I can see when I activate my ability.

I pluck a feather, and activate my ability. I saw the feather was still in front of me. then the gale began to affect it, later on it flew with the gale.

So, it leaves this dimension completely to the Gale dimension. That is why it can be affected by gale and disappeared in this dimension.

I was enlightened by this, later I realize I can make it to stay here without vanishing.



All community members came and stood at caveone entrance.

Oh!!??. I see seven chickens instead of six. The newcomer was a young pullet. There were some injuries on its legs.

She stood behind our scout. I stood before the scout looking at her, but she pecked my head as a way of saying the newcomer is a friend.

"This will be your naming day." I said this repeatedly.

I stood before the big guy. And call him;

"Clawseven" yep I have to repeat myself as usual, but he raises his leg in slashing position as if attacking me. He slashed the air seven times.

Haha that was a new development. I stood before him and point at him with my beak and say clawseven.

I moved to another cockerel and call "clawsix".

Then looked at the big guy and pointed at him and called him clawseven.

Well that basically how they were named. But they sometimes mistake it to attacking order.

Either way it's a good improvement.


Scout was named clawone. Because she is the only one that can understand most of my intentions. Clawseven not the dumbest but the strongest among them.

The new pullet, because she was always with clawone, she was able to learn scouting.

It was a refreshing feeling after some time. The fruits of labor began to sprout. All of them were able to mutate their beak and claws. I attribute it to repeated rock pecking and slashing.

That was not all not, Clawseven crow became louder and intimidating, that shows that his esophagus and lungs mutated.

Clawfour has new strong wing feathers.

Clawone can manage the rest of the chickens except for claw seven. He is too prideful, and he has been trying to mate with her, but she refuses.

Among them there are four cockerels and three pullets. Clawone, clawfive, and claw three are all female.


Two months after intense grueling training for them and headache for me, we set out for our first expedition.

Our goal is to find other chickens and bring them back to Oasis.

The mission is simple, we will first scout all locations where we found chickens. Before we make them follow us.

The reason why we will not just grab them is, some intelligent beast watches chickens as their livestock. Without care that beast may attack the expedition team if he realizes we are poaching his livestock.

I and clawseven, first visited the forest and search for days before we locate some flocks of chicken. My hypothesis is correct, there are wolves and foxes as owner.

The thing is, it's not that they rear them, no. The chickens live within the territory of the wolves.

When the wolves are hungry they hunt chicken.

But even that the wolves may get injured or die, but it is still better than fighting other super strong beasts.

The wolves are sixteen, but most go hunting in the morning, so we sneak on the remaining five.

Clawseven, jump in the air silently and dive to the closest wolf. The wolf's kin sense of smell alerts him but in the next moment a deafening crow disarray his preparing, his head was punctured.

One died instantly by the hand of Clawseven. The biggest wolf sprint towards him, growling in anger.

I swear I saw him make a grin before accepting the challenge. He sprints forward to her too with ferocity equal to hers. He jumped into the air and diving recklessly toward her while she revealed her fangs and pounced on him positioning her fangs rip off his neck on moment notice.

At only one claw distance, He bent his body to curls adjusting his open wing when she visibly has his neck close to her mouth he spun slashing her with right leg claw.

Damaging one of her eyes. He drops on his right leg and burst forward before she orient herself!


Punching underneath her jaws with his beak. The beak reaches the brain and kills the wolf beast.

Woahh My best warrior in action.

In the end all the wolves died just like that. We gather the chicken to follow us but the flock leader refuses.

I just look at Clawseven before he makes crow and all the chicken became silent. Later on we March away from the location.

I made us travel to a safe river and take a detour to avoid the wolves from tracking us.

Through this kind of expedition for a week we gather seventy-eight members.

The hellish management and training begins again. The good thing is that now I have trainers.