Oasis Community New Members

I thought It will be easy to train seventy-five chicken, but I was totally wrong. It was harder than expected. This mindless chickens know nothing but to eat and excrete nothing of any significant about them at all.

But that will change eventually. I have to change the entire plan and training procedure. The seven well-trained, will take turns in training these idiots. The new training schedule is as follows;

1. They will be divided into seven group.

2. Group A, B and C will be release in the morning. Accompanied by Clawtwo, Clawthree and Clawfour respectively.

3. They will return in the afternoon. While the other three groups will be out with Clawfive, Clawsix and Clawseven.

4. In the evening the last two groups will be accompanied by me and Clawone. This group has few members and are selected because they seem a bit smarter than the others.

This order will be shifted every week. As the morning group will shift to afternoon. They will shift to evening and evening group will be morning group. This shift will continue till the intended skills was well Imparted into them.

Also, the claw brothers might each have their grouped to train, but in truth we will all be full-time assisting each others.

The first three groups has eight members each. The second three groups has nine members for the two group but clawseven group has ten members.

As for my and clawone group have five members only. This make sixty-two in general.

The remaining thirteen members are too little for the following routine, so we kept them around us to have uninterrupted minor gradual training.

The training will consist of the followings

1. Beak pecking: this is to help them mutate their beak in a faster rate.

2. Claw striking: they will be imparted with a skill on how to raise their legs and attack using their claws.

3. Group or team training.

4. Running : How best to run away from an enemy.

5. Following order.

6. Silence: the best thing about all of this is to make them be silent in a relevant situation.

These are some none complicate training that the new oasis members are going to undertake.

We separate them as planned, grains will be provided to them twice a day. As for those that might be on the training ground, they will be taking to the earthworm community to hunt a worm.

The earthworm are aggressive and strong as they now have mutated. From time to time I will find an evolve one among them. The good thing is, they are lower life form, even their first evolution did not provide them with any cognitive development.

So, the chickens in training will have to fights with their life on the line to have to break fast or dinner.


Damn!!!!! It's totally not easy. The entire plan was a change. Yesterday, we are able to divide them and put them in a cage successfully. But now in the morning the first group scramble away the moment there the cave cage was open.

Like headless chicken, some run to drink water, some runaway from the oasis, some jump to anything that seem edible and eats.

Calling them and controlling them alone was a headache. If we use too much force they will be injured, but if not, they will not listen.

In the end, I give clawseven go a head to use brute force which break most their bone, some will died without my intervention.

It will be hard for them from now own. The idea behind is for clawone to become a terror to them in the training situation and thus he became the General. They will know pain as long as they do something not ordered.


These trainings are never easy. I thought I might take a breather with the help I'm having, but it was actually the opposite. But the thing are beginning to be easier as the seven are getting used to training others, they are learning. That is giving me a lot of time to think and plan some of the technique I learned from Blue rose.


The chicken have learned how well to hunts the worms, and beak pecking was a lot better as most of them have manage to mutate their beaks. Even there claws have been mutated by some of them.

A lot of promising members are beginning to show themselves. As of now I some smart among them have been moved to clawone group. And that increase the number of scouts among them.

She seems to talk and receive feedback from them easily. Her training rely more on cognitive than the body, so she still has the less number of chickens under her training.


Three months of training was a long time for all of us, but it was a success. As of now all of them has basic skills of survivals.

Some of the orders they could grasp are; Attack, scout, silence, assemble, run, eat, sleep and also respect to seven claws.

It was not that easy to impart a mindless chicken with this basic commands. They have no concept of understanding only instinct and what they repeatedly see and do.

Now, they are good to go. From now own clawone scout will be looking for any weak beast in the vicinity of the oasis. The beast will be attack by the chickens as a practical.


The practical fights went to own successful. Most pullets get injured but they ware easily healed when they return to oasis. As for cockerels, they are more ferocious and battle junkies.

I decided to enlarge the practical training. An exhibition to the forest. They will hunt and ambushes coyotes. The leaders are clawone and clawseven.

Today will be the day that the soldiers in training will go to an meet with a trial of blood and death. The experience for this mission will enable them to be battle ready.

I have repeatedly given them the plan. Each claw will have nine members. Only clawone will have six members, this make the whole team as sixty in numbers. Also, this is not about frontal clash but a tactical fight, that involves; Ambushes, gang fights with numbers and also luring prey to trap.


It has been two days since they left!. And the day is ending without a sign of them, they should be back by now. The mission ends today.


Maybe they have met with some mishap. I want them to be on their own without me there to navigate the operation this will allow their skills imparted will manifest without my intervention.

If a person know how to do something, and yet in every situation he has to be ordered before doing it. Then when it was matters or when he is alone they might not be able to do it properly. So space must be given to them to practice their skills on their own accord to master to truly master it.

I went back to Caveone, checking the thirteen chickens that are now sleeping after today's bout with earthworms.

They are smaller and weaker than the rest. They have barely pass chicks stage when we brought them to Oasis. But now after three months they have become bigger and stronger.

Their training has already started long ago, because they are chicks at first. So, their training was a bit different. We make them peck for a whole month and then send them to battle earthworms. They are not to eat but kill and bring them out, basically they harvest.

Another thing is they are responsible in supplying grains to groups that are in cavecage. After they become strong they hunt snakelates and other small animals.

A week a go, they begin to learn slashing with claws. And there are promising young ones among them.



This small cockerel love imitating clawseven, every morning he will crow!.

I'm standing on a talk rock gazing at the forest direction, but there is no sign of them. Maybe I should follow behind and see what happened.

Oh! Forget it. I turn around walking back to the Oasis center. The scenery is very good and refreshing. We keep building some minor caves and also outline roads and training fields.

Cluck cluck.

I heard hen clucking, I run in the direction of the sound. Then I saw them coming back, I can only say they are in bad shape. Most of them are bloody, some lost their wings, leg, and some deep injury on their bodies.

Clawseven is hopping with a single leg, he lost the other.

The moment they reach Oasis I direct them to caveone, and they jump to wonder pond.