Chapter 4 - Bobby

It's been over a month...

I'm walking out of Soledad University since my class is over. I'm currently with Bobby, who has his arm around my shoulder.

He is my only friend here at school, and we know each other for years already since we came from the same orphanage.

He is the exact opposite of me when it comes to looks and background.

If others call me a flower boy, he's the muscular type of guy since he always goes to a Gym. He's tanned and seemed like a delinquent but got good looks, so many girls crush on him.

But even so, many still avoid him here at the university because of his intimidating aura.

We are not from the same year level since I'm already graduating while he's in his 3rd year. He is a year younger than me and is a bubbly one. Unlike myself, he doesn't have to worry financially since the couple who adopted him before is wealthy. I can say he's really fortunate.

"You know, you're sort of weird these days. It's like you're so chill and not the old busy bee Lester I've known for years. Well, it's not that I don't like you getting rest from your part-time jobs. It's just that I'm not used to it. "

I just smiled. "Actually, I've already found an easy job that pays high. Thanks to that, I've already saved for my tuition somehow."

He stopped walking, so I also stopped since his arm was around my shoulder, and I eyed him with a questioning look.

My forehead furrowed as his eyes widened, and he removed his hand from my shoulder then covered his gaping mouth. "D-don't tell me you accepted that d-dark offer, buddy?! I told you I was willing to lend you any amount you need, but why did you enter such a world?!"

I raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" I don't remember mentioning anything about my work to him before.

He then whispered to me. "You know. Some gay people offered you a job. You already know—"

I immediately pushed him away and immediately punched him in the arm. "You want a punch or something?"

Instead of getting mad, he breathed in relief. "My bad. But you already punched me, so why bother to ask?" he ruffled my hair as a payback.

"Gibberish. Do you really think I'm that kind of guy? Even how much I would be so desperate to make money, I'll never accept that." I can disguise but never that.

"I knew it! I'm sorry, buddy. I don't know why that idea suddenly popped up in my mind." he apologized while scratching his nose. "But what kind of job do you have now? Thanks to that, you declined some students who wanted to pay you if you do their research papers."

We continued walking, and I was just looking ahead. "I still accepted as many as I can. It's also an income, but fewer students ask me for help since it is almost Christmas break. And about my current job, I'm a resthouse caretaker in Tagaytay. 350 dollars a month."

His eyes widened again. "What?! 350 dollars! In just a month?!"

I nodded. We had the same reaction when Gab told me about this before.

"That's unbelievable! Why would they pay that much? What if it's just kind of a scam?!"

Bobby. I was actually the bad guy here if you only knew.

"Actually, I haven't met the owner of that resthouse yet, but I'm grateful that they are generous with their workers. Don't worry. I got this."

"Okay... If your new job is going well, it seems that I don't have to fret. But wait, I'm starving. Let's eat something." He looked around then pointed to a siomai store. "There! I'll treat you some."

I shook my head. "Thanks, but I'm full, and I have some food at home. You can eat there, and I'll just wait for you here." I pointed at the restaurant behind me where I'll stay waiting.

He seemed to want to ask me again but then accepted my answer. "All right, buddy. Stay here. I'll eat fast."

I nodded, and he left to eat.

I slid my hands inside the pockets of my uniform slack and turned to face the restaurant behind me, then stared at it. Only wealthy students can enjoy eating inside since food prices here are costly. I looked at the kitchen door and remembered my terrible memories of this place again.

I worked here as a server before but was immediately fired because of those bastard student customers who had nothing to do in life but mess with others. Just because I'm not like them born with a silver spoon in their mouth, they immediately gave themselves the right to embarrass and look down on me.

I experienced them making me pick up money tips on the floor. Some made me slipped while serving food because of some wet tissues they purposely threw on the ground. There was also a time that I was accused of throwing juice at a group of male students when it was of a girl's work who was with them. Just because I ignored her when she was really trying hard to get my attention.

Because of that accusation, they almost beat me. The manager stopped those guys before that happens, and to pacify them, he just fired me in front of them. Even though I was already a candidate for the restaurant's assistant chefs.

My dream was to become an outstanding and well-known chef, and that would have been the stepping stone I would have added to reach that dream of mine, but that slipped away because of them. Fucking bastards!

I clenched my fists and bit the bottom of my lip too hard.

I know students at the school branded me an orphan that will do anything for money. I won't even deny it.

I'm indeed a penniless orphan abandoned by my parent and will do anything for money to survive. It's impossible not to blame my lowly origin.

But to think that they are more pathetic than me.

Many students who do not want to do their research papers, assignments, and projects pay me to do those for them. I already started doing this secret business of mine when I was in my 1st year. I studied really hard to learn how to do a thesis as early as possible to earn money.

I'm not a genius or anything that great. With my firm determination to earn money, I could come up with good thesis topics that brainless graduating students from other schools buy from me.

Sometimes, I do everything, and I just explain it to them. In exchange?

Of course. Money.

In the exams, many of my classmates would want to sit next to me. Why?

Well, I signal them the exam's answers, and in an instant, they will perfect the exam just like me.

Because of that, it imprinted on their minds that Lester Yoso should be treated like an animal that they are the ones feeding even though the fact was, they benefit from me.

I tasted the blood from my lower lip that I was biting too hard. I just wiped it with the back of my hand and smirked as I stared at that hand of mine.

They must be thinking that I endure everything they do to me because I'm weak.


They let their guard down too much and showed their weaknesses, that they do not know; I can use as ladders to reach my success.

They thought they were the only ones who benefit from me. Just wait for me to reach the top they'll never set foot on because of their birdbrains and too much slacking off. I'll just watch them who are intensely jealous of me as they look up at me.

"Oy, Lester Yoso!" I was brought back to myself from my deep thought when someone violently pulled my shoulder to make me face his direction.

A familiar face appeared to me.

Tall, lots of piercings in the ears, sticky wax hair, branded clothes, and boasting expression.

Neo Aguilar.