I jumped out of bed because I heard the windows brake and Liam yelled, Chloe jumped and Jr is crying.
"LIAM, AND CHLOE GO GET THE GUNS, JR GO IN NOAH'S ROOM AND LOCK THE DOOR DON'T COME OUT TILL WE TELL YOU AND CHLOE GO WITH JR WHEN YOU GET THE GUN!!" I yelled and put my clothes on and grabbed my gun and ran downstairs pointing the gun. I turned all the lights off and walked slowly into the kitchen. I heard the front door close, so I turned around and loaded my gun. It made a loud sound and I heard someone talk. "Stay right there and drop the gun" Me muffled. *So he might have a mask on* I said in my head. I dropped the gun and kicked it. I heard him pick it up and he turned the light on. He didn't look like I know him.
I heard Jr yelling and a door slam shut and three men came down with Liam, Jr and Chloe. "Put us down! Leave us alone!" Jr yelled and the man put tape over his mouth. "What do you want from us?" I asked looking very mad but didn't show it. The man laughed and pointed to the door. The three men that had my kids and Chloe walked out the door with them.