Chapter 16

She locked the door and slowly sank down,her eyes stinging with the tears she'd so stubbornly refused to shed.

She was a shameless traitor.

How dared she enjoy that kiss?

How dared she feel so good when his hand had run the length of her back?

How could she had let a single kiss drive her crazy with need?

She was truly shameless.

She was pregnant with a child she didn't know it's father. How could she have so badly wanted to make love to him?

She wasn't supposed to kiss him. She most importantly wasn't supposed to enjoy doing it.

She'd only gone to apologize to him.

For days,they hadn't spoken to each other and she'd only gone to right her wrongs.

Then,the tears began to fall.

She should have kept her distance - When she started noticing the broad expanse of his chest and how tanned his skin was,how beautifully mesmerizing his hazel eyes were and how she would love to get lost in them,how lovely he looked while handling utensils in the kitchen and how completely male he looked while working out - She should have kept away from him.

It had been like a tug back to reality when his hand had rubbed against her belly,which was beginning to get rounded with the impact of her pregnancy. It had been a painful reminder of the person she truly was.

She didn't need to loose focus now. The plan had been to come here,have her baby,probably get a job and move on,not want him.

Oh!,how she wanted him. His touch had sent a shocking wave of need through her and a foreign feeling had pitched it's tent in the depth of her stomach.

She hugged herself and cried all the more.


Daniel watched her flee his room and if she was being pursued by some evil spirit.

He was such an idiot. He'd spent the last few days trying to assemble a speech but she'd made things easier for him and had come to him instead,obviously lifting the weight off his shoulders but instead of behaving like a normal human being, he'd rather acted like some fantasy driven,sex starved moron.

He'd let his need for her blind him.

All he'd thought of at that moment, when he'd been with her,after so many painful days of been without her,was to lay her down,right there on the couch and make sweet love to her.

For days,he'd dreamed of her and had been unable to sleep for nights,just thinking about her.

He'd longed for her from that day they'd shared a meal in his kitchen and being in the same house and not being able to speak to her had made his inability to have her all the more painful and all he could do all those times when he'd taken her breakfast while she was still asleep was to just stand and stare at her sweet face.

He'd been holding on to his last thread of control and she'd just come here,to his room, in his most vulnerable state and he'd let go.

Whatever this thing it was he felt for this woman,he didn't know what it was but he knew he couldn't be without it,without her either.

She fired his blood and just looking at her sent jolts of awareness to many parts of his male body.

He dragged his hand through his hair and stood up.

He paced his room a few times and the hunger for her was replaced by worry.

He didn't want to spend another miserable days without speaking to her. He may have messed things up right now but he wasn't going to relax and let it blow to his face. She might decide to run off and he couldn't risk that. He was going to make an attempt to salvage the situation.

He needed to apologize to her, even though he wasn't the least bit sorry about kissing her. The only thing he was sorry about was that she didn't feel the same way towards him.

Ultimately deciding to right his wrongs,he headed to her room.


A gentle rasp on the door caused her to jerk forward and she realised she'd fallen asleep,right there at her doorstep. She sat still and prayed inwardly that he'd go away.

She didn't want to see him. She didn't want to look into his hazel eyes. Funny enough that foreign feeling was still making waves in her stomach.

Could it be the pregnancy hormones? Do this hormones make one go wild with want?

Urghhh! She just wanted to curl up and bite her tongue till she passes out.

The knock came again and she knew she had to let him in.

Maybe he was here to apologize for taking her unawares with his delicious kiss.


God! Where had that come from?

She laboriously stood up from the floor and straightened her shoulders. Not wanting him to notice she'd been crying,she used the back of her palm to wipe all traces of dried out tears from her face and reached for the door handle.

He stood there,unmoving for several seconds and she cleared her throat.

'I'm sorry'. They both blurted to each other at the same time.

'I'll go first'. She said calmly.

'Go on then'.

'It didn't happen'.

'What didn't happen?' Confusion was evident in his eyes and if not for the robustness of the situation at hand,she would have burst into laughter.

'Uhmmm...The k...k..kiss. It didn't happen'. Her face was flushed with embarrassment.

'I'm so sorry about it. I didn't mean for it to happen. I...' He scratched his jaw.

'It's fine. It didn't happen and it shouldn't be allowed to happen again'.

'It won't... I promise'.

He must have been holding his breath because his shoulders sagged with relief.

'To make up for my unruly behavior, I'd love to make you an awesome dinner. But I'd like for you to be in the kitchen while I do the cooking. What do you say?' His brows were raised suggestively as well as pleadingly.

'Mhhhhhhh...'. She pretended to think for a second with a smile on her face. '.....I never say no to food'.