Chapter 17

'You must really be one heck of a foodie'. He commented as he poured the fresh tomatoes into the blender.

'I hate to say I told you so'. She laughed good naturedly.

Her laugh was the loveliest sound Daniel had ever heard. It lit up her face in a way that made him want to stop and just look at her.

Now that he looked closely,he noticed that she smiled a lot and that she also had dimples on either side of her face when she smiled.

He must have been really stupid for denying himself the luxury of this woman's company for the past week.

Never again.

'What did you say we were cooking?'

She asked,the smile not leaving her face.

'Tomato soup and grilled Chicken and cheese. My mum sent me the recipe quite a while ago. I haven't had the time to actually try it out'.

'Wow! You really do have a reputation in the kitchen'.

'You can say that again'.

'Am I expected to just sit and watch? Is there not anything i could help you do?'

'None at all. Just sit and watch me'.

He set about his task.

'Don't out do yourself Daniel. I'll eat anything you make here'.

'You read people too?' He said with a puzzled look. He was really trying so hard.

Cooking had always been an easy thing for him but tonight,he couldn't help the feeling of apprehension he was feeling. He really wanted to impress her,to the point that he was outdoing himself.

'I think I'll have to take cooking lessens from you. I'm really a mess in the kitchen....'. She chuckled. '....The day I tried to make bacon and eggs. It was a total disaster'.

They both laughed.

'I've never really made a mess of anything in the kitchen, ever. My mum always says I have the kitchen goddesses smiling down at me whenever I enter their presence. Whatever she means by that'.

'Seems these goddesses are totally against me'. She shrugged. 'Your mum... She must be a really cheery person'. She added almost immediately.

'Yea and so are her daughters'. He commented nonchalantly.

'Your sisters?'. She sounded interested.

'Exactly. But they can be better described as terrorists'. He didn't want to even begin with those women.

'Tell me about it'. She pushed.

'I'd rather not'. He pretended to be very busy with the vegetables.

'Then tell me about your girlfriend'.


'Oh! There's nothing to tell'.

'Why? Is she a private person? Oh! She's a mama's girl or... Is she a bore?' She was practically bouncing about in the 'Kitchen guest' chair now.

'Neither. Because there's no girlfriend'. He replied.

'Bloody liar'. She eyed him in disbelief.

He was really surprised that Macy was an inquisitive kind of person.

'I refuse to believe that a hot guy like you is without a girlfriend'.

'You actually find me hot?'.

'Don't change the topic'. She gave him a stern look.

'Well, I used to have a girlfriend but we broke up'.

'You guys fought or something?'

'We just realized we were not meant for each other and so we called it quits'.

Who was he kidding? Lisa had dumped his ass and on National TV.

'And you're hurt'. She must have noticed the crack in his voice for she was giving him a concerned look now.

Was that a question or a comment? He was confused.


'If that is pity I spot in your voice,kindly discard it. Lisa's an old story now.'

'Lisa...'. She seemed to test the word in her mouth. '....The few Lisas I used to know were really not heart breakers'.

'Heartbreak? Who said anybody was heartbroken'.

'Deny it all you want,Daniel but your face is a dead giveaway. You should see your face right now. But if you ask me... I'll say there's no need to pretend. It's just you and I here and trust me, your secret is safe with me'.

He turned the chicken over on the grill.

'Dinner is almost getting ready. And I think there's something I'd need you to do after all'. He looked her straight in the face making sure to hide all the hurt from his past relationship showing on his.

'Nice try on trying to change the topic yet again but I'll go with the flow. What do you want me to do?'

'Get two dishes from over there '. He said pointing to the cabinet that held the dishes.

They had dinner with her evidently avoiding speaking about relationships.

They discussed random topics ranging from their favourite meals to their hobbies.

He finally told her about his sisters and how they were a pain in his ass.

He told her about his family,his late dad, noticing how enthusiastic she was about hearing of his family and his childhood but how she avoided speaking a word about hers.

He decided not to push her. At least she was speaking alright,only avoiding particular topics. Getting her to even sit and have lengthy talks with him was a great win itself.


Macy stepped out of the car and took a deep breath.

It's been like forever since she felt the impact of natural air.

On Daniel's insistence, she'd agreed to visit the hospital and register for antenatal care. He'd made her understand how important it was for her and her baby.

She smiled inwardly. Daniel had been so many things to her all at the same time. They had spent the precedent weeks together and it'd been pure bliss. From long walks around the house to delicious home made food to early morning gyming to long talks over the phone whenever he was away. She'd become so attached to him. Although their relationship had no definition yet,she was nonetheless still enjoying it.

Daniel had shown her love when the word was beginning to sound meaningless to her. He'd been very attentive to her needs. Even with her numerous mood swings and constant 'hot and cold' attitude,he never stopped being caring.

The days when she'd run to her room and refuse to see him,the times she'd snap at every little thing and the times she'd punish him with her silence whenever he asked about her past.

The honest truth was that she still wasn't ready to talk to him about her past. She didn't want the look of admiration he always had whenever they were together to become one of pity or even contempt. She was familiar with that look of pity.

During her first few days in his home, she'd gotten that look alot.

'Are you sure you don't want me to come in with you?'

She turned around to look at the subject of her reverie and shook her head in declination.

She wasn't ready for that sort of intimacy yet.

'Just go ahead. I'll call you to pick me up when I'm done'.

He drew her close and kissed her on the cheek, a gesture he'd made her come to grow used to.

'I'll see you'.

She stood there and watched him drive off before she turned around and walked into the hospital.

The faint smell of drugs and antiseptics greeted her and she frowned.

She hated hospitals.