Dream or Future

I left Lydia's home after everything was settled.

When me and Cora got home, I asked her "Do you think it was right to tell them?"

Cora shrugged "I don't know, but I am interested in this training you are planning for them. I like Lydia and Allison but the only person I care about, is you, mas-...Ezekiel, so whatever you do to them, I don't mind as long as I'm yours forever I don't care about other girls" she said as she rubbed her cheeks on my arms.

I chuckled "You really are obssesed with me Cora" I said rubbing her head softly making her moan in delight.

Cora giggled "I told you, when you saved me, all I had was you and even my sibblings never came back for me, only you were there. I will always love you no matter what, even if you become a monster, I'll still be there for you because without you...I'm lost"

I smiled at her.

We soon went to sleep cuddling.

I closed my eyes to rest them, like I always do but suddenly I felt my self being thrown into a battlefield.

Mountains of dead bodies, weird creatures flying while angels persuing them. Demons impaling humans, hounds eating people around and...I see Cora laying on the ground.....dead, my mind was about to go into berserk seeing this, but I forced it down. I kept walkimg and kept seeing my girls dead.

Demons dragging their bodies to eat, I tried to stop them but I couldn't. I tried....I really tried.

My eyes were shining red and about to break this illusion that I found my self in when I heard a chilling roar that sent shivers down the spines of anyone who heard it.

I didn't felt threaten as I felt this creature looked familiar, suddenly a huge wolf like creature stumped on everything that walked the earth, even humans, allies and foes.

I saw how each stepped the creature took sent earthquakes, opening the earth. The beast growled at someone standing at the top of a throne.

That being had a holy aura that would put any angel to shame. Even the archangels flying around did not have such a thing. I recognised this being as God, but why was God fighting.....me?

I looked at my girls bodies again and started putting 2 and 2 together and came up with a solution.

God has killed everyone I cared about....but why?

The huge beast rushed towards God with his jaws open. God lifted one hand and threw a blast to the beast, the beast ignored the blast and kept running at him.

God had a surprised face seeing the beast shake off his attack like nothing.

The beast was already in front of God ready to snap him in half with its teeth when suddenly God used a voice that boomed throughout the earth


This word affected not only the beast but everyone in the whole world as every creature came to a halt. The beast however started twitching its paws. I saw how the beast eyes shinned in a fiery red releasing whatever binding there was on it.

The beast freed it self from God's control and pounced on God. God widens his eyes surprised seeing as everyone else had stop but the beast broke off his control in just a second. The smug on his face was no longer there and jumped away from the beast attack but the beast still bit off a leg from God making God a three limbed God.

God saw how the beast swallowed his whole leg and saw the beast transform into a human form.

God stared at the man who had just tranformed, God looked at his leg and panic started to show on his face as it wasn't healing.

He tried to crawl away but his nerveousness was getting the better of him.

The man stood in front of God and spat on him "Is this what the almighty God of the multiverse amounts to?"

Disdain clear on the man's voice. God went red from anger and shame "How DARE YOU!!! A measly wolf talk down to GOD!" God roared "I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT I DID TO CREATE THE UNIVERSE" God's body started shining in a threatening way "BEHOLD, THE BIG BANG" laughed God maniacally as his body started inflating about to blow up.

The man went into action and transformed into the huge wolf and ran towards the bodies of his beloveds and I saw how he brought them back to life and heal them completely in less than a second.

His furr grew covering the 6 women in his embrace, God's body exploted and created a light so bright that it blinded all beings who saw it, shockwaves of kinetic energy started hitting them, soon after followed the earth being destroyed in the big explosiong that continued to spread throughout the galaxy, once it reached the sun it created a bigger explosiong making it spread faster and faster, the sun exploting started creating a black hole and the black hole sucked in the beast that was sent flying through the void when the explosion happened, the beast had his 6 women in his embrace as he protected them with his body.

I saw how even the explosion of the world did jack shet to its furr as it shinned whiter in the endless void making it beautiful, like a shooting star traveling through space, they enter the black hole and soon disappeared from this reality.

Suddenly, someone appeared on my side making me jump in surprise as I didn't feel him.

"TF? Jesus, you scare people like that often?"

"No" said Jesus looking at the whole universe being destroyed.

"That is you, you know!" said Jesus pointing at the direction where the beast went to.

I sighed "I figured, but i'm sad because not everyone was there" I said as I remember seeing only 6 women and only saw 3 of the ones I'm going out with right now.

Jesus smiled and patted my back "Don't worry to much about it, this battle happened years from now and you can still change the past of your partners, you see you are strong enough to defeat this God so strength isn't the problem" he conforted me.

I still looked down and whispered "Yeah, but will I be able to protect them all?"

Jesus just lowered his head "Probably not" he said in a low voice feeling Ezekiel's sadness.

"Everyone dies eventually" said Jesus disappearing making me jumped out of bed sweating buckets.

I gritted my teeth as I remember the demons, angels and other creatures in the battle. I have to do something about it. This all started as a war between me and the other creatures, God came after and started destroying the world taking advantage of the situation.

This means an alliance with the demons and other supernaturals beside angels is a must if we want to stop God from destroying the world.

I saw I can kill God in the future but I have to act faster so that he doesn't kill himself along with the universe.

"I think I have to rule this wolrd if I want them to band together and fight the angels anf God" I murmured at the beautiful night sky.

I turned and saw Cora and Melissa sleeping peacefully on my bed. 'I have to become a monster to kill a God huh?'

I smiled seeing Cora drooling as she bites off the pillow whispering my name in her sleep.

Things are getting difficult not for me but for everyone around me. I have to teach them so that they are ready.

I saw I was able to bring back the 6 women back to life but if I could do that then why didn't I bring every of my partners back?

One, I obtained that power of resurrection after eating the leg of God.

Two, my other girls had already gone to true heaven which is why Jesus told me not to worry too much about it, because they were waiting for me in true heaven.

'Really! couldn't he had just say so before?' I scoffed. The chances of these 2 things happenning were high so I can only hope them be true.


Jesus PoV

Jesus sat on his throne as he saw Ezekiel gazing at the stars thinking about what je had just showed him.

"Was it wise to show him the alternate future?" asked an angel worried.

Jesus turned to the female angel, volumptous body, blond hair with blue eyes. Jesus saw the bump on the angel's stomach and just laughed.

"Worried about your boyfriend?" asked Jesus.

"Yes, sir" answered the angel

"I wonder what he wuld say if he knew he was a father?" mused Jesus imagining Ezekiel shocked face.

"Well, we have different physique so it'll be years before I give birth to this little angle inside me" commented the female archangel.

"Well, you can go now. Thanks for taking care of the throne while I was gone Gabriel" said Jesus dismissing the pregnant archangel.

Gabriel just nodded and saw Ezekiel on the screen wiith longing eyes before she excused herself.

"Things are getting interesting" said Jesus to himself "what I showed Ezekiel was an alternate reality of what could have happen if..." Jesus stopped seeing Ezekiel stand up from the rooftop and disapperead.

"Hooo, this is interesting" mused Jesus seeing Ezekiel disappearing. 'I didn't give him teleportation, did he copy that from me from our little chat?'

"Haha....hahaha.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, FATHER!!! I think I found my friend!" screamed Jesus to the sky, the sky rumble in happiness.


( a/n: Soooooooo soooorrrryy!!!! for not uploading shet the last week, but don't worry mortals for I have not fordaken you!! Don't worry really I might be occupied but doesn mean I'll drop. I'm having fun writing this so I doubt I'll stop!😅)