Training the girls

(a/n: hehehe sorry)

So, new things happened since I met Jesus in my dream and the first thing is I somehow gained teleportation.

Honestly I don't know how I got it but it must have something to do with my bloodline and how in my dream I was able to bring back the dead after eating a part of God.


I now realize that I am more powerful than I let on. My adaptability ability is frightening but welcoming.


It was morning and I had called the girls to the house.

"Allison, I will teach you bow, martial art and some enchantments to enchant your arrows and bow" I explained to Allison.

"And you my dear Lydia, I'm gonna have to train that little air pipe of throat of yours" I winked at her.

She blushed and playfully slapped my arm. I laughed softly.

"Also, I do not know much about Banshees.....but I think I have someone who knows about them" I said thinking of a certain devil.

"and me?" asked Cora.

"You my dear, will fight against me. I am the only one here right now who can take you on so we will spar and I will teach you transformation.....I know you are an alpha right now, but you are still bounded by the moon and even though you have great control of the feral mind the moon sets upon werewolves. I know you still get affected by it" 'she also gets her periods at this time'

She nodded accepting her physical and mind training.

"alright girls. Be right back" I said leaving them to talk to themselves.

I took out my phone and dialed a phone number.


After 15 minutes, a woman rang the doorbell. I opened and as soon as I did, she jumped on me.

"Are you *kiss* going to *kiss* present me *kiss* to your family" she said in between kissing me.

I pulled her off from her neck like when you lift up puppies. She somehow liked it.

"No, you are not here for that and behave yourself" I repriminded her.


"No buts" I cut her off.

"You are here because I need you to tell me what you know about banshees" I said

She pondered for a bit "Is it for that girl Lydia?" she asked


"Hmmm. I know a thing or two about them.....but what am I getting in rrturn?" she asked with a sly smile.

I rolled my eyes and slapped her behind making her yelp "More like what's waiting for you if you don't speak up"

She battered her eyes to me with an expectant look. She happily agreed after she proposed a date later.

I took her to where the girls were, and found Cora sparring with Allison, and Lydia sitting on the ground watching them spar.

I chuckled and coughed to get their attention. They stopped fighting and looked confused.

"What is the new teacher doing here?" asked Allison first.

"Yeah" agreed Lydia with a frown.

I grinned "Lydia, meet your new teacher"

"I know, I met her at school, but what is she doing here?" she asked again not getting my meaning.

I laughed "Lydia, she is here to help you with you banshee's powers....she is a demon an-"

"Queen, Demon Queen" Jenniffer cut me off.

The girls widens their eyes hearing this.

"It's okay girls, she won't bite" I paused glancing at Jenniffer who looked the other way "Jenniffer is here because she knows about banshees and theur powers and she'll help you with it, okay?" I said smiling at Lydia.

Lydia seeing me smiling nodded shyly muttering "okay"

I then presented them and they got to work. Me teaching Cora and Allison while Jenniffer teaching Lydia, but Lydia and Jenniffer were both giggling and whisppering to eachother.

'As if I can't hear them' I scoffed

After training in combat both Allison and Cora, I asked Cora to go help Jenniffer while I go with Allison to do bow training.

I took Allison deeper into the woods and asked her "Do you have a preference in bows?"

"mmmm, I have one at home and I really like that, it was a gift from my grandpa"

"I see, where is your at this moment?"

She thought for a second told me where it was placed. I told her to stay put for a couple minutes while I go get her bow.

She agreed and went back to the gossiping girls.

I went to Allison's house and found Chris wasn't home, probably in one of their cover up meetings.

I did however felt 2 more people inside the house, one I know damn well, the other one is a scorn in my shoes.

The only reason I left her alive was because she served a purpose. I know Kate is crazy and I can tame her if I want but Cora needs to take her revenge but am I evil to want Kate to have her Were powers to fight Cora? this way Cora can improve and kill Kate while absorbing her power.

Werejaguar are faster the alphas and are stronger than your average werewolf, newly turned werjaguars are as strong as an alpha and that's what I want Cora to fught. Cora is an alpha so she can take care of her but what would happen if Kate were to gain the powers of alpha?

Would she be stronger as Deucalion and faster too. This is making me excited. I guess I'll have to experiment on that little slut to know the extensiom of her power.

If she turns to be a problem with the girls, I'll have to kill her myself.

Anyways, I found the bow and arrows. I was about to leave when a certain Milf stopped me. My back was facing her.

"Stop or I'll shoot" I heard the clicking of her gun ready to pull the trigger if I make a sudden move.

I grinned and with my super speed I moved in front of her in less than a second, I turned her around and pinned her on the wall.

"Have you forgotten me, little milf" I whispered in her ear.

Victoria hearing his boice, feeling the hot breath on her ear as well as his cock pressing on her lower back shuddered. Only one man ever made her feel like this and she wanted so bad to speak with him ever since they had sex. She wanted to talk to him but he was gone when she woke up which disappointed her but here he was, pressing his thick member on her back and whisppering on her ear. She can't help but breathe heavy, is he gonna take her here in her daughter bedroom? she kept thinking.

"is that arousal I smell? mmh it is! I wodner what Allison would say if she saw her mom dripping wet in the hands of another man other than her dad....would she call me daddy?" I teased nibbling her ear. She kept moaning with each passing second and when I felt her arousal reached a high point.

I left

Victoria turned around as fast as she could but she flopped to the ground holding her chest and breathing heavy 'where is he?' she glanced around the room but found no one. The window was open and the curtains were fluttering with the wind.

She glanced down and saw a pool of her liquid forming on the ground, 'he is dangerous' she thought as she weakly got up, but now that she knew he was here, something made her feel at ease.


I soon arrived to Allison. I took her to the woods again.

I gave her the bow and arrow and she rapidly hoisted her arrows on her back.

I looked amused as she seemed excited to use the bow.

She grabbed and arrow and shot at a tree, missed the target. I frowned as I saw her posture was a bit off so I asked her to do it again. She did and her posture was off again missing her target again.

I went behind her and fixed her arm a little, opened her legs a little more and told her to breath deep and shoot when she feels in control.

"I-I can feel in control when your cock is poking my butt" she pouted.

'Well, it is my fault that my bulge stands out and your butt is perky enough to touch my bulge when I'm behind you' I berated myself

I chuckled and pinched her butt, she jumped and yelped releasing the arrow. Coincidently the arrow hit bullseye.

Allison glared at me playfully and pounced on me kissing me.

I stopped her as I wanted to teach her more so we got to work with a pouting Allison.


it's been a couple arrows now and we are going back home.

Jenniffer is telling me what she taught to Lydian when she mentioned "You know, that girl has it bad for you. She says she dreams of you everynight and that she would do anything for you" she sighed "and don't get me started on Cora. She feels you are her master and you can do anything to her, evil or good and she won't deny you"

I laughed akwardly "Ha ha what can I say? I'm an wild stud that know how to handle his pack" I winked at her.

Jenniffer just looked down feeling shy all of sudden "Wish I was in your pack" she muttered.

I acted as if I didn't hear her but I knew that she'll soon join the family.

Lydia has learned how to take care of her vocals to do the sonic scream that she does but Imwhile thinking 8f her banshees powers. Something clicked on me that I don't know if it was possible. 'Cursed Speech' By inducing her Banshee powers with words, could she use it to harm or kill others with a single word?'

I would have to try after she has a handle on her sonic scream.

Cora is already strong and she has killed along with me so she knows how the wolrd works around me.

Allison and Lydia however, they haven't seen me kill people, but Lydia won't say much since her powers would eventually make her kill people by accident or willingly.

Allison however is what I'm a bit worried about. She seems happy and when I was teaching her bowmanship I could see a little bit of the same madness that Kate has. I'm going to have to work on her and make it so my word is absolute. She loves Kate too but once she finds out what she's done, I don't think Allison would keep caring about Kate.

'So much to do' I sighed

I made a sudden stopped as I felt a killing intent on me, I turned around and saw a pair of glowing red eyes, then the glowing red eyes directed his eyes towards Lydia.

I instinctly sent a killing intent powerful enough to make that beast whimpered while not daring to look at me anymore.


He hasn't regained his mind just yet. I'll have to pay a visit to a doctor and free him. Peter even though looks out for himself the most is a reliable person when it comes to supernaturals.

So having him in my pack would be beneficial, he seeks power. Power to no be control by others and I'll 'help' him get that power and then I will subdue him and make him realize that he has no chance against me no matter what.


My people of today!!! I have an announcement to make!!!

I HAVE COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
