Chapter 1:"You Are Already Great Hazelnut"

You see, it was about 3:30am-let's say 4am just to be sure when I found myself running for my life down a dimly lit path.

I prayed I wouldn't stumble because that would it the end of Hazel.

Arrows whizzed past either side of my head, making me pick up my pace.

I hid behind a nearby tree, clenching my chest and trying to shake off the oncoming backout.

"Come out, come out where ever you are" The familiar voice shouted and I rolled my eyes.

"Over my dead body Wyatt!" I shouted back, quietly walking towards the finish line which was much further than I thought.

"Is that a dare? " I could tell Wyatt smirked. It's like I could feel it in the air.

I rolled my eyes again.

Something I do alot whenever I'm around Wyatt.

The boy just brings that out.

I stayed quiet as I came out of my hiding place when I noticed Wyatt had disappeared.

Never a good sign.

I looked around the park but I couldn't see anything due to the darkness and unfortunately Cupids don't have night vision.

We can materialise a bow and arrows, make people fall in love on command, some of us can fly but night vision was just to out there huh?

It was unsettlingly quite, only the sound of my breathing could be heard.

I wasn't even picking up on Wyatt's energy, it was like he switched it off somehow.

Hazel! What are you doing? You're supposed to be running to the finish line!


I ran off in the direction of the finish line, I wasn't even running 5 minutes yet when I felt heavy weight come down on me.

Freaking Wyatt!

"Can't you just let me be great!" I exclaimed, kicking him off me.

He chuckled, laying beside me on the ground. His icy blue eyes were fixed on the night sky, he seemed calmed.

Gazing at him, I forgot that we were in the middle of a combat test. I was so distracted by his chiseled to prefection jaw, the way he flexed his jaw like he was thinking hard about something.

Wyatt turned, eyes twinkling under the moon light.

"You are already great Hazelnut"

Usually I would cringe at the nickname he branded me with since we met 3 years ago but the way he was looking at me...the annoyed feeling never came.

What is up with me tonight?

I snorted." Now is not the time to be mushy mushy"

He smirked. "I wasn't trying to be"

He quickly stood up, pulling me up with him.

He smiled at me and said. "Run"


By now he had flicked his wrist and his custom bow with his initials appeared and that's when it hit me.

"Oh right... " I took off down through the park, dodging the arrows and finally crossed the finish line after about an hour of trying.

My knees gave out and I gripped a nearby tree for support.

I hated running, the pain in my chest was unbearable.

"Hazel? " Wyatt came up behind me, concern clear on that handsome face of his.

I waved him off.

"I'm fine"

That was the lie right before black dots started dancing in my vision and the grass was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.