Chapter 2: Love Is For The Humans

The next morning, I woke up with the world's most horrible headache but the night before was a little fuzzy to me. All I remember was running but the reason was beyond me.

Brushing my hair out of my face, I managed to get out of bed and to the bathroom.

Thankfully after a few minutes, the headache subsided.

I was already late for my first class- archery so I slowed my pace when I realized that it made no sense rushing to a class that only had 15 minutes left.

I sat on a nearby bench, feeling the heat from the sun's rays. It wasn't blisteringly hot and I found myself relaxing but that was until an unexplainable feeling washed over me, it was mixed with raw attraction and an electric pull that I didn't understand.

Usually those are the symptoms we learned about it class that humans experience they come in contact with a potential soul mate.

Cupids don't fall in love, we can't. It's part of the rules.

"Hey? Can you help me a second "

I almost groaned at whoever this was that disturbing my peace.

I cracked open my eyes and blinked in surprise.

The rough voice made sense as I looked up at 6ft 2 guy with the mesmerizing moss green eyes, he was muscular but not in a steroids kinda way but what really caught my attention was the tattoos that patterned his skin,each one told a story of its own and some looked like they hurt more than others.

Looking at the guy, he didn't belong here and I was at starting to wonder if he's a human that somehow wondered on the campus but wildfire attraction between also rose a few questions.

"Yeah? " I asked.

"Where's the secretary's office? "

"Oh you're new" I stood up, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. " just walk down the hall and make a left".

He just nodded and walked off without another word.

I shaked off the feeling to follow him and walked in the opposite direction to my next class.

After that brief moment with the tattoo guy, he crossed my mind a few times during the day.

I couldn't focus, even in my favorite classes. I was too distracted by his guarded eyes and tough exterior, I knew that there was something under that...something painful.

Even at lunch, I barely paid any attention to my surroundings. I just starced blankly at my food, ranking my brain for an explanation as to why this stranger was affecting me so much and we barely had a conversation.

I came up short.

I had no damn idea why.

Cupids don't fall in love, it's a conflict of interest. You can't be the judge of love without a clear mind.

We cupids live by a code.

Love is for the humans.

"Hey you okay? " Wyatt nudged me, tiling his blonde head.

I couldn't even focus on him for too long which was a first.

Wyatt was a slight for sore eyes.. Well basically any eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to remember how we even became friends since we were polar opposites.

He was the popular, blonde haired, blue eyed Calvin Klein looking model, Captain of so many clubs that I lost track, straight A student, womanizing, 6ft 3 hunk of a man.

I was the semi popular, brown haired with big brown eyes to match, the girl with the famous parents, baby faced 5ft2 ball of sarcasm.

"Hazelnut? "

I scowled."Stop calling me that "

He grinned, damn even his straight white teeth was attractive.

"Nope, never"

I rolled my eyes.

"What's that? " Wyatt pointed at my hand and oddly enough, there was the number 20.

I starced at it, trying to remember if I wrote it there for a reason.

"I probably wrote it sometime today" I shrugged.

"Looks like a tatt-" He cut himself off when one of the other guys called him to watch a video on their phone and Wyatt's attention shifted instantly.

Boys are so simple minded.

There it was again... That feeling.

I looked around for the guy and I found him sitting alone, his lack of company wasn't from the fact that no-one made friends with him but more that he had this stay the fuck away from me vibe.

I watched him from across the room, feeling that electric pull draw me closer to him, beaconing me closer.

"I'll be right back" I mumbled to Wyatt, who I wasn't even sure heard me.

As soon as I stood, Mr. Tattoo guy head snapped up as though he sensed me from across the room that I may add is overrun by teenagers.

Our eyes locked as my feet move on their own as though I was being controlled.

The closer I got, the more I felt it. The feeling intensified and I felt light headed.

We kinda just starced at each other for a few seconds.

"Um.. Hi? " I squeaked, mentally face palming myself." I didn't get your name early ."


Well that's ironic.

He looked like the furthest thing from an angel and I would know, I've met a few.


He bopped his head slightly and I saw his slightly dilated eyes drop to my hand and a confused look crossed his face.

He held his hand, revealing a number 20.

One would think because of the amount of tattoos he has that it could easily be mistaken for one but this number 20 was bright red, more looked like a warning and was identical to mine.

A feeling of dread came over me and I sat down opposite Angel. I was aware of the people watching us but my mind was working in overtime to care.

Okay, I once read in a history book about Cupids linking. Almost like imprinting even though in this case, today was the first time we meet and we haven't even touched.

Then an idea came to me.

"Hold up your hand in front your face"

He obeyed.

Carefully, our fingers brushed and the electric shock from those few seconds made us yanked our hands apart.

It was painful but I also felt like being closer to him.

"Oh shit."

We looked at each other, then realisation hit me like an 18 Wheeler truck.

"It's the seal... "