Chapter 3: "His Name Is Angel"

The Seal: When You And Another's Fates Are Sealed (Forever Bonded To Each Other) Which Commonly Comes Into Play When An Cupid's Love Arrow Is Shot. In Some Unusual Cases, Two Cupids Can Be Affected By The Arrows, In These Rare Cases Said Cupids Should Seek The Help Of The Goodness Of Love: Aphrodite Or The God Of Love Eros.

Being Shot With An Arrow As A Cupid Can Have DEADLY Consequences.

Symptoms Include ;

Headaches, Lost Of Abilities, Sickness, And Etc.

I flipped the text book shut, grazing my fingers over the leather covering.

I didn't say anything to Wyatt was sitting beside me, he was in man whore mode right now. I glanced at the blonde girl with the tacky bleached hair, makeup painted on as if she was a Leonardo da Vinci painting and then my eyes wondered to Wyatt, who actually wasn't paying much attention to the cheerleader who was talking off his ear and watching him over the years, I knew he wasn't listen.

My attention wondered over to Angel who was sitting a few desks away. He was leaning back in the chair, rocking it abit.

"Alright class! Pay attention " Miss Saigon's voice boomed. For a small woman, she sure was loud but none the less, the class quieted down.

Wyatt brushed my arm in his turning to pay attention to what his favorite teacher had to say and I felt a small shock,almost unnoticeable but it was nothing compared to what I felt with Angel.

"This is the part of these school year where you are grouped together for the annual school project. Last year's grouping with horrible so this time I'll be doing it" She snapped her fingers and a piece of paper appeared mid air. "You will get your projects when you get your group, let's start shall we? "

The grouping went on for some time until...

"Wyatt, Hazel, Angel And Ethan. God of Love "

I gritted my teeth together but didn't say anything.

Not because of the group but because of the subject.

The god of love.. Eros. Desire in human form, the man with the arrows, the original bad boy and my dad...


"Well this shouldn't be that hard" Wyatt chuckled and I shot him a death look.

"Get into groups! "

I cringed but the 4 of us formed a semi circle.

Wyatt being the one of the friendliest jocks you will ever meet quickly introduced him to the other two boys.

I looked at Ethan who was directly in my line of vision.

Ethan only transferred here last month, something about him getting into alot of trouble at the campus in Brazil. He didn't strike me as a bad boy, maybe more a misunderstood teen.

He was more good looking than I remember but then again, this is the first time I've been this close to him.

He had brown shaggy, shoulder length hair that just looked like you could run your fingers through it all day, chocolate brown eyes and sun kissed skin, that prefect glow.

Even though he wore glasses, that didn't make him any less attractive if anything he looked like those hot 'nerds' you see on tumblr.

"Did you know that Hazelnut's dad is the original cupid - oww! "

I kicked Wyatt under the table.. Hard.

"What? Really? " Ethan asked and I nodded. "wowa.. Must be fun"

"Something like that" I mumbled, looking away.

It's not like I hate my dad or anything like that but our relationship has been strained over the years, since my mom vanished for the last 3 years.

Ethan nodded knowingly and thankfully didn't ask any more questions.

The rest of the day kinda skated by with nothing too eventful happening. The 4 of us oddly enough became fast friends in that short time and for once I didn't mind being the only girl.

Wyatt gave me a ride home as usual and it was unusually quiet.

Wyatt cleared his throat. "So.. I noticed Angel has the same 20 tattoo. Care to explain? "

I stared outside, fighting with myself on if to tell him what I believe it was but for a was like a death wish and I didn't want to worry him.

I didn't answer as I stared out the window.

I wanted to tell him but I still felt like I shouldn't.

"Hazelnut? " I glanced at him.

His jaw was tease, in fact his whole body was rigid which was very uncommon for Wyatt.

"I think something happened and I'm not sure how yet" I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

He didn't say anything and just nodded slowly.

It only occurred to me that he pulled up in front of my house when I noticed a familiar slick black Lexus parked out in the drive way.

"Tell your dad I said hi" Wyatt said as I stepped out of his jeep.

I watched as he threw the vehicle in drive and took off down the street.

Quietly, I stepped inside and dropped my back pack by the door.

I could tell my dad was in the kitchen because of the amount of noise coming from that direction.

Sounded like he was trying to cook.

The last time my dad tried to cook, we had to call the fire department.

I giggled at the memory of me having to draw on his eyebrows because he literally blew them off when the kitchen exploded.

"Europa! Is that you? "

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at use of my second name as I stepped into the kitchen.

Mr. Cupid grinned brightly when his eyes fell on me and wiped his hands in the apron around his waist.

I didn't even have time to react when my dad tackled me into a tight hug.

"Dad" I breathed out. "let go"

He reluctantly pull away from the tight embrace.

"Hello my princess, how was school today? "

He moved away from me and over to the stove, fiddling with the knobs.

I glanced down at the ominous number 20 tattoo on my hand.

"It was okay... " I said, pulling out a chair to sit by the kitchen island. "dad, I have a question"

He wasn't looking at me. "Shoot kiddo"

"What's this?"

"What's What-" He dead stopped when he saw my hand, his expression was hard to read.

He stared at my hand for some time and then sudden vanished in thin air, leaving behind a cloud of white smoke.

"Real mature dad" I mumbled, pinching my nose bridge in annoyance.

"My poor amora!, When did you first see that?" The voice jumped me but then I immediately relaxed.

"Hi grandma" I said as I greeted my grandmother.

My dad probably went and got her but where is he?

My grandmother - Aphrodite - the goddess of love was one of my favorite relatives. Strawberry curls bounced around with every movement, her beautiful heart sized face was etched with fear and concern even though she was as old as time it self, I was still amazed by how little the gods aged or if they do at all.

She rounded the counter and trapped me in hug.

I have a family of huggers.

"Sometime this afternoon I think" I answered when she finally let go. " What is it? "

The goddess of love snapped her fingers and my dad appeared, a deep frown etched on his face.

"Have you been struck by an arrow? " She asked and I shook my head, no.

"Poisoned? "

"Mom, she wouldn't know if she was poisoned. Remember she's part human".

She glared at him.

I could still feel the age old tension between them and I stood up, and said. "What the hell is it? "

They looked at me , faces grim and I instantly knew this was more trouble than I thought.

"Who is the boy that bares the same tattoo? " My dad asked.

"His name is Angel"

"He's human? "

"No cupid... Well at least I believe he is"

The possibility of Angel not being a cupid, never really crossed my mind.

Dad nodded his head slowly as though he was trying to piece something together.

"The tattoo is a warning." He said grimly, leaning against the kitchen island. "20. As in 20 days, it's a count down. "

I felt my heart drop.

"I die in 20 days? " I needed to sit down.

My dad didn't say anything and I turned to my grandmother for some kind of answer but instead she rushed forward, her fruity sent invaded my nose as she hugged me.

"I don't know... But you and this boy are connected by the seal, I'll ask around to see if anyone knows how this came about " Eros sighed, running a hand through his jet black hair.

I nodded.

I can't die in 20 freaking days! I'm only 19, I have life to enjoy. Friends to make, a family to live for...

Looking down at my hand, I knew that things like this don't just happen. This was purpose work, but the question who would want to kill me.

Only cupids have access to arrows, love potions and stuff like that and ALL cupids know the hazards of the arrows so why would someone do this...

It could only be an arrow or I was poisoned... Both were kinda unlikely.

Sighing, I ran my hand down my face.

"Let's get to the bottom of this because I'll be damned if I die before prom"