Chapter 6: Art In Human Form

Angel wasn't the easiest to move, even for gods. Apparently, his confession only sped up the effects for the seal, hence the lost of consciousness.

My heart hurt for him as I hovered over him. His breathing was irregular and we took turns checking to see if he was alive.

Twice he stopped breathing, twice Apollo stepped in, twice I felt my world crumble and twice... I almost died.

Whatever happened to him, happened to me soon after.

It was torture.

I touched his forehead, wiping away sweat. I barely knew the guy and yet he's a huge part of my life.

"Hazel" I didn't turn around, I was too busy beating myself up for whatever reason was causing Angel's pain.

Blake came beside me." You need to sleep. I'll take over"

"No, I'm fine."

Never once did my eyes leave Angel's face.

Blake sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"He'll be fine" Blake said.

I glanced at him."How do you know that? Actually don't answer that"

He chuckled.

"Honey? " My dad peeked his head in. " I thought you were asleep"

"She wouldn't leave" Blake answered, rolling his eyes.

"I figured" Eros said as he stepped into the room.

His gaze dropped to Angel who was sleeping and even in slumber, he looked uncomfortable.

"I have to visit the underworld"

"My dad summoned you, didn't he? " Blake asked but it more came out like a statement.

"Yup" Dad said, popping the 'p'. " How you were raised down there has always been a mystery to me"

"Not only you" Blake said, rolling his eyes.

Eros kissed my forehead, something I grew accustom to then he vanished into thin air.

"You need food, so let's go out to eat" Blake jumped up, clasping his hands together.

"I'm fine. You can go" I sat not to far away from Angel.

"No no, Hazel. Food is life" He towered over me.

"I have to watch Angel"

"Fine. " Blake said cooily. I blinked in surprise, expecting him to argue but he didn't.

Instead he scowled at me, then disappeared.

Overdone and over used people!

I sighed loudly, and no not because Blake left but because for the first time in a while I was alone. Well not fully alone but Angel was unconscious so that's kinda the same thing.

I stood up, glancing down at Angel before going into the kitchen.

The talk of food made me hungry and I started searching the cupboards for food after about 10 minutes of looking, the hairs on the back of neck stood up.

I didn't flinched when I felt his hot peppermint breath fan my neck, when I turned I was met by chocolate brown eyes and a deep scowl.

"Here" He dropped a bag of Burger King on the countertop beside me, stepping off me.

"Thanks? " I didn't mean for it to come out like a question but I was confused by the gesture.

He nodded stiffly and disappeared.

I was use to Blake's mood swings, so I was mostly unaffected by them.

About an hour and a half went by, Blake never came back, neither did my dad or any of my family and Angel was still out like a light.

The list of things I got done in that time was unreal, I never have time when family is around. Don't get me wrong, I love my family.. But they are distracting.

I leaned over the counter, running a hand through my hair. I really need to wash it.

There was that feeling again.

The raw emotion, the yank of love dragging me against my will to my arranged soul mate.

I turned around and screamed out, jumping about a foot in the air.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack! " I exclaimed, trying to calm my heart beat but I knew that was impossible because the scare wasn't the only reason why it felt like my heart was going to jump out my chest.

"Sorry. " Angel mumbled, leaning on the doorframe. His muscles tensed when he folded his arms over his broad chest.

It was distracting to say the least.

Those few hours of rest apparently did him good because he looked rested and refreshed.

I must have been starving at him for too long because he raised an eyebrow, walking towards me.

I froze.

I couldn't deal with his close proximity, it only drew me in.

Angel smirked and I ignored that familiar feeling whenever he looked at me.

"How long was I out? "

I took a huge step back, putting some much needed distance between us.

"Almost 12 hours" My answer was short for a reason.

I had some time to think about the situation when he was asleep and to my dismay, I came to the realization that none of this was real.

The feelings, the looks, the words... All of it was the seal.

It was hard to try to understand that but that's what it is.

We feel this way about each other because of a stupid seal, there was no true, hardcore feelings here so before anyone really gets hurt, I'll keep it professional like a cupid should.

I stepped around Angel, who gently grabbed my arm, making me face him.

"I sense a wall going up, is it for me? " He asked.

I found myself focusing on his facial features . Horrible decision, I know.

Angel was saying something now but I tuned his out.

I need a reason to hate this guy. To make fixing this seal easy. Love is always a little easier with a dash of hatred.

Appearance wise, there was nothing I didn't like about him, even his tattoos and piercings. It was hard to figure if I really believed that or if it was the seal but one thing I knew that...

He was stunning.

Art in human form.

In terms of personality, I barely knew him. Without the seal being in a play, there was a 99.9% chance that we wouldn't be friends, let alone soul mates. We came from two different places with two different headspaces.

This stupid seal was making hating him or at least disliking him a bit nearly impossible.

"Did you hear me? " Angel smooth voice snapped me out of my thoughts

"Yes" Nah

He smiled and I melted.

"I'll see you Saturday "

Wait what?

I laughed nervously. " What should I wear? "it's a just a dinner date" He chuckled. "You look good in anything "

I blushed at his compliment.

Wait... Did he just say date?

Ah shit he did!

Did I agree to go on a date with a man I'm trying to hate?

Angel turned away from me, grabbing his backpack from the floor.

"I was afraid you weren't going to agree" He said

I wonder why?

"I mean you are so beautiful... and I know we have this whole seal thing/ ach cupids mess to deal with but.. " He trailed off, meeting my gaze.

I was floored.

I was confused

I was happy

All in one... One big all in one. There was a jumble of emotions that I was trying my best to ignore.

He seemed to not notice my expression and stepped forward to hug me.

I wanted to move but I didn't.

I invited his warm embrace, even though it was against my better judgement.

It was the first real time we ever touched each other and my body was going crazy. It wasn't even sexual but yet.. There I was melting at his feet.

It was one of those hugs you get when you've had a long day, that calms you down and makes you feel loved.

Like I said before, it's the seal.

I pulled away first, remembering why any contact was a bad idea and stepped back.

He cleared his throat, rubbing behind his neck. "I'll go"

I nodded.

"Hazel? " Angel turned around, only a few feet away from me.

"Yes? "

"I meant what I said earlier... I think I really do love you" He leaned forward and kissed my forehead then got in this car and drove away.

Closing the door behind me, I sighed. I knew that it was the seal.

"I love you huh? " Blake was leaning against the countertop, munching on a chicken nugget.

I rounded the counter, popping a nugget in my mouth.

"Sounds serious "

I rolled my eyes. " He just believes he does. That's how the seal works"

"Are you sure about that? "


Blake tiled his head slightly, gazing at me.

"Your father enlightened me about something while I was up there" He pointed up and I knew that he was referring to Olympus.

I rose an eyebrow."Go on"

He stood, running his hand along the marble countertop before towering over me.

Even though Blake is family, I never really thought of him like that. Since we were young, I always thought of him as a close friend that acts like a big brother.

"He said that you are forgetting about your own human emotions, there is a possibility that Angel might be your soul mate. " Blake stepped back.

My dad was right.

I was forgetting about my human nature, as humans we are programmed find our other half. As cupids we are programmed to assist humans in finding their soulmates so what happens when you are both.

" There's a chance Angel could be my soul mate? How is that possible? He's a cupid fully"

"Well they are still trying to figure that out"

I was beyond confused now. So the feelings are real? Or at least mine are.

I flicked my wrist and my cell phone appeared.

I walked into the hallway, with my phone pressed against my ear as I waited for him to answer the phone.

"Hello" A deep voice came a second later.

"Hey Wyatt, what are you doing tonight? "