Chapter 7: "You Smell Like Sin"

Note To Self: Never Let Wyatt Drink Again.

"You really outdid yourself this time" I sighed ,rolling Wyatt over to the other seat which was much harder to do because he weighted a ton.

"Maybe" He hiccupped. His hand lingered on mine as he gazed at me. "You are so beautiful "

I ignored him, closing the door behind me.

I slide into the driver's seat, adjusting the seat and started the engine.

I started ahead at the dark road, the street lights illuminating the road.

"Hazel? " Wyatt said as I pulled out onto the road.

"Hm? "

He was quiet for a few seconds.

I was driving slowly mainly because of the time of the night.

It was 2 am and usually, it's around this time that people race and an accident is not something I can handle right now.

"I've had a crush on you since we were kids" Wyatt finally said.

I blinked in surprise, keeping my attention on the road.

"You never paid any attention to me, so I gave up" He continued. " Why didn't you? "

I can never get this honesty from sober Wyatt.

It was weird.

"I didn't think that you liked me.. " I said as I slowed down in fout of his house and cutting the engine off.

"Oh.. Well I did.. I mean I still do" Wyatt turned to me, ocean blue eyes drilling holes in mine.

This was a different level for me. I always saw Wyatt as my way too hot best friend...

I never thought he liked me.

I just stared back at him. I had no idea what to say.

I knew he was drunk but drunk people and children are the most honest.

Maybe if I knew this a years ago , we could've started dating...

Wyatt leaned over, brushing a hair away from my face before I could react, he shot forward and kissed me.

I don't know why but after a few seconds, I leaned into the kiss, running my hands through his blonde hair. His hand moved down to my waist as the kiss deepened if that was even possible.

I couldn't explain the feeling the kiss gave me.

It was mixed with familiarity and longing.

I pulled away, trying to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry" Wyatt said.

"For what? "


I'm sure the whole neighborhood heard my scream. You see, Wyatt vomiting all over me.

It was the most disgusting thing since that time he ate a cockroach when we were kids.

Needless to say... The moment died quickly.

After an awkward good bye, I drove home still cover in vomit.

Thankfully it seemed like no-one was awake or here for that matter and I crept upstairs to the bathroom.

Let's just say... I scrubbed myself clean until I started to turn pink.

"You smell like sin"

" Why are you here? "

Blake smirked, sitting up in my bed.

"Eros said I could sleep over. " He answered.

"In my room?" I asked, clinging to my towel.

I was weird being In my room basically naked with a guy.

I mean the guy was Blake but still.

"No, but he isn't here so he'll never know"

Blake stood up, walking towards me and I subconsciously took a step back.

"Like I said.... You smell like sin. What have you been doing? "

I glanced at him. "Nothing. Now get out I have to get dressed. "

He rolled his chocolate brown eyes, he touched my shoulder and pushed me back abit so that I was trapped between him and wall.

"I'll ask again... What were you doing Hazel? ". Peppermint breath fanned my face as he gazed at me.

It was a very sexual look as he towered over me.

"I didn't do anything, now please move" I said, cursing myself for how weak I sounded.

He leaned in, his lips brushing against my ear and he whispered. " I know you are lying. Confess your sins so this-" He pointed between us. " can stop.."

I sighed. " Wyatt kissed me"

Blake instantly stepped off and that moment of lust disappeared as though it was never there.

"Took you long enough " Blake said.

"What was that? " I asked, still aware of the fact that I was in a towel.

"One of my many curses "

It was a blunt answer and I figure it had something to do with Hades.

"Whenever someone sins, it draws me to them like a magnet. One of my jobs is to get people to confess their sins so that whenever or if ever they get to the underworld, their after life wouldn't be so rough ".

"That's kinda nice... " I said and he frowned.

"I guess... But that was different.. " He said, putting so much distance between us that I almost thought I had contracted Ebola in the last 5 minutes.

I hugged my towel tighter. "Can I put on clothes? "

He nodded, exiting the room.

I sighed loudly, looking for clothes to wear and finally I found a short pants and a crop top.

I yarned.

I felt dizzy, like a bad kind of dizzy.

I sat on the edge of bed, feeling the dizziness shifted.

Blake came back into my bedroom with unreadable expression on his face.

"What?" I asked as I made myself comfortable in the warm bed.

"Nothing. Sleep tight Hazel" He turned and walked out.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

Blake has been acting weirder than usual.

I shook my head, resting it on my pillow and drifted off to sleep.