Chapter 5


I joined Ari and Dylan at the lunch table in the back of the cafeteria. My hopes that everyone would forget about yesterday didn't happen. The stares and whispers were even worse today.

"Is everyone looking at me?" I asked sinking in my seat

"Honestly," Ari looked around the lunchroom "Yes."

"Ugh!" I groaned "I just want to leave now."

"I don't think it's a bad thing, a lot of people look up to you, are scared of you or just think you're crazy" She shrugged taking a bite of her sandwich.

"A lot of the guys think you're cute if that helps" Dylan added

I blushed, "No they don't and that doesn't help. I just wish this whole thing would blow over already."

"Well, honey welcome to the small town of Kettle Falls where that was the most exciting thing to happen to us since Anne Marie was caught kissing a 7th grader behind the science building in 6th grade."

I rolled my eyes, "If Olivia wasn't a psycho I could just apologize and we could be friends or just forget about the whole thing."

"She deserved it; just stop thinking about it and stop caring about everyone else" Dylan suggested.

"I mean you're right. I don't know these people their opinions shouldn't matter."

"I know one opinion you might care about." Ari teased.

"What? Your's?" I laughed

"No. Parkers." She said looking behind me.

I turned around to see his group sitting a few tables away from us, Parker and I's eyes locked for a brief second. It seemed like everything in the room disappeared and time stood still. The corner of his lip turned up into a smirk and he turned around. The girl he was always with glanced at me giving me a dirty look and looked away returning to her conversation.

"What was that about?" Ari asked looking at me confused.

"I don't know, he's probably picturing me tripping and falling again." I looked at her but she wasn't buying it.

"You so have the hot's for him and from that look, I think he might be interested in you too." She looked at me giddily.

I shook my head and waved my hand in disagreement, "Definitely not, you're mistaken."

"I have the best idea to test my theory, you are coming to our Halloween party this Friday and we are going to invite him and see where it goes!" She clapped her hands together.

"Yeah right" Dylan scoffed, "First I don't want him at our party, and second he wouldn't even show up. He and his group never go to social gatherings, especially parties."

"Yeah I agree with Dylan"

"You two are so pessimistic, just wait and see. Either way, you're still going because it will be a lot of fun!" She twirled her hair around in between her fingers as she looked at me intently.

"Okay, but I don't have a costume." I hoped that would get me out of going.

"Luce, Luce, Luce that is why I am here." She put her arm on my shoulder reassuringly.

I was afraid of what she had in mind. I was probably better off finding my own costume to save myself the embarrassment of whatever she had planned.

"Our parties are the best!" Dylan added.

I looked at him a little skeptical, "How are you even having a party? Won't your parents find out?"

They both laughed in unison, "No. Mom's boyfriend is taking her to Europe this weekend for their anniversary, and Dad just avoids that side of town because of her so we are all set." He shrugged.

"Hopefully no one calls the cops because I would hate for dad to show up like last time we threw a party." Ari looked a little nervous.

"Your dad is a cop?" I asked

"Yeah, he's actually head of the sheriff's department."

I let out a laugh, "You two are crazy! What if you get caught?"

They exchanged a look between the two of them, "Let's just hope that doesn't happen" Dylan stated.

I changed the topic because they both looked a little nervous at the thought of their dad showing up to the party, "I'm just curious on how you plan on inviting Parker to the party if he's super antisocial when it comes to people outside of his 'group'" I questioned

"I had an idea about that" Ari looked at me slyly

"I have a feeling I'm not going to like this idea" I was already a little apprehensive at whatever her plan was.

"I'm very interested as to what you have planned." Dylan leaned forward looking at Ari amused.

"Well, I thought that you could invite him" She shrugged looking at me.

I spit out the water I was drinking, "What?! Are you crazy? I-I can't do that!" I was starting to sweat at the thought of even talking to him again.

"What's the worst that could happen?" She asked

"Uh, that he could laugh in my face and say no!"

"He wouldn't laugh in your face," Dylan said

I looked at him "How do you know?"

He gave me a small smile, "I don't know I just have a feeling he wouldn't" He looked away and glanced at where Parker sat.

They were all laughing as one of the boys sitting there told a story. The girl sitting next to Parker placed her head on his shoulder and laughed along with everyone. He didn't brush her off or push her away.

It hurt me in the pit of my stomach to see that for some reason, I hardly knew him and it hurt to see another girl touching him.

"Honestly it looks like he already has a girlfriend" I sighed, my eyes still on Parker and the girl cuddled up to him.

It was nearing the end of the day, I was waiting for Ari on the bleachers as she changed into her gym clothes. I was engrossed in my thoughts, mostly of my wolf.

I hadn't told anyone about it because I didn't want them to think I was crazy. I liked the ring of calling him my wolf. I missed the way his soft fur felt against my finger tips. I wondered if I'd ever get to see him again.

Someone cleared there throat next to me, I snapped my neck upwards to see emerald green eyes staring down at me.

"Is this spot taken?" He looked at the spot to my right.

I shook my head and he sat down next to me. I could feel my palms slowly getting clammy.

"I just wanted to check and make sure you were okay after yesterday" he ran his hand through his black hair, ruffling it.

I blushed, "Oh I was hoping you'd forget about that" I let out a nervous giggle.

"Why?" He looked at me confused

"Well, quite frankly it's super embarrassing it happened and the fact that you saw it makes it even worse"

"Don't be embarrassed" he stated

"Easy for you to say!" I raised my voice "you weren't the one who biffed it on the track"

"No need to get hostile" he held his hands up defensively "I was just checking to make sure you were alright that's all, not to make you relive your embarrassing moment"

I relaxed a bit, he made it easy for me to get worked up. "Sorry it's just been a long couple days already. I was hoping to skate by this year completely unnoticed but it seems my plan isn't working"

"You'd never go unnoticed" he said almost inaudible, yet I heard it loud and clear.

He looked up but wasn't looking at me, his face was serious. "Well I'm glad you're okay"

I followed his gaze to his usual group of friends who were now staring at us.

"I better go." He said getting up.

Before he could turn to leave I grabbed his hand without thinking. My fingers tingled where they touched his skin.

He pulled his hand away quickly.

"Sorry" I muttered pulling my hand back as well "my fiend is actually having a party and I was wondering if you'd want to go" I was hopeful he'd say yes.

He looked down at me and then over to his friends and shook his head. "Sorry but no" he jogged down the couple rows of seats and over to his friends. The girl he was normally with gave me a dirty look before turning back to her group. She snaked her arm around his but this time he brushed her off.

Despite the rejection he just gave me I felt relieved.