Chapter 6


It had already been two weeks and Halloween was here. I hadn't heard or talk to Parker since I asked him to come to this party. He actually completely ignores me and won't even look at me. I'm not sure why it bothers me so much, but a small part of me wanted him to show up tonight.

I felt like a doll as I sat in front of the mirror. Ari attacked my face with makeup. She carefully curled my hair into soft waves and after some hairspray, she wiped her forehead dramatically.

"Done." She huffed

I hardly recognized myself with dramatic makeup. I had a dark smoky eye and a bright red lip. She handed me a headband with devil horns to complete my look.

"This is too much I can't go down there like that." I nervously examined myself in the mirror. It was your typical slutty Halloween costume. I had a red sleeveless crop top with black skinny jeans and red high heels.

"You have to!" She pleaded, she was dressed in all white with white angelic wings and a halo headband. "You're my partner in crime tonight"

"I feel so uncomfortable in this" I tried to pull the fabric of my shirt down to try and cover as much skin as I could.

"You look so hot though! C'mon after a couple of drinks, you won't even notice." She batted her eyelashes at me.

"Ugh! Fine let's go before I change my mind"

"Yay!" She grabbed my wrist and dragged me behind her downstairs to the party.

Dylan and Ari's mom and stepdad were rich, to say the least. They had a modern mansion tucked away in the forest. Their driveway was at least half a mile long and it was lined with everyone's cars. As we descended the stairs the music thumped loudly, it pulsated in my head making my head hurt worse.

The whole downstairs was crowded, it felt like the entire school was packed in the living room and kitchen. Ari dragged me through the sea of dancing bodies to the kitchen. She handed me a shot glass and poured a clear liquid in it, spilling it over the rim onto my hands. I knew in an instant it was vodka, and I could already feel my stomach-churning.

I gave her a desperate look but she returned it with a devilish smile. I think we were wearing the wrong costumes. She clinked her shot glass against mine. "Happy Halloween!" She threw back her shot at the same time I did. I felt the liquid fire burn my throat as it warmed its way to my stomach. I blew a breath out hoping not to catch the after taste.

"Way to leave me out you two!" I heard Dylan say from behind me. I turned around, he was dressed in black boots, firefighter bunker pants with suspenders. He was shirtless revealing his rock hard abs. I felt myself blushing as I looked at him.

He flashed me a toothy grin and grabbed his fire helmet, "I think I need to put out a fire" he looked around the room and then back at me "or are you making it that hot in here"

I let out a laugh "Smooth"

"I've been saving that line all night" He shrugged and let gout a laugh.

"Gross can you stop flirting with her Dylan and take a shot with us!" Ari shoved a shot glass in his hand and filled our glasses up once again.

Two shots in and an empty stomach I felt the alcohol start to take effect, I felt lighter and less worried. Ari pushed her way into the middle of the living room and danced rhythmically to the music. She held up her hand and waved me over to join her.

I followed after her towing Dylan with me. We all danced together in a circle surrounded by everyone else. I shook my head back and forth to the music, the alcohol numbing the pain I was feeling.

"I need something to drink!" Ari said after a few songs, little beads of sweat were forming on her forehead. She parted her way through the crowd and disappeared leaving Dylan and I.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him and pressed his body against mine. I could feel the heat of his warm skin through my clothes. I placed my hands on his chest to brace myself and give us some distance. I think he mistook what that meant and wrapped his arm around my lower back.

I could feel myself starting to get sweaty, not only from the crowd but the nervousness. I had never been that close to a guy before and I wasn't quite sure what to do. He was attractive and it seemed like he liked being around me, but what does that mean?

The tempo of the music slowed down and so did our movements. I wrapped my arms around his neck and our bodies were now completely pressed up against each other now. Everything around us seemed to fade away as we swayed back and forth.

I looked at him and he gave me a small smile. He snaked one hand behind my neck and rested his forehead against mine. I could feel how sweaty my palms were getting. He tilted my chin up with his fingers and pressed his lips against mine softly like he was unsure how I was going to react.

I felt myself kissing him back, his lips were warm and soft. I could smell his cologne invading my nose as I inhaled. I realized I was kissing Ari's brother and pulled away from him. Without looking him in the eye I turned to leave.

"I really need to find a drink" I said as I retreated.

"Wait, Luce" He called after me, but his voice faded into the music as I hurried away.

I looked around and Ari was nowhere to be found, there were too many people and my head was throbbing worse than before. I made my way to the kitchen in search of some water. I made my way through the group of people surrounding the beer pong table as they slammed beer from red solo cups.

I found the fridge but there were no water bottles inside, I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Looking for this?" Someone said from behind me.

I turned to see a blonde hair guy standing there holding a water bottle. Relief rushed over me as he handed me the bottle. I let the cool water parch my thirst.

"Thank you" I threw the empty bottle I just slammed into the trash.

He gave me a sly smile, "You're welcome"

"Hey there you are I was looking for you" Ari came up to me looking a little worried

"I was trying to find you but I was so thirsty"

"Are you alright? Dylan said you ran off." She still looked at me concerned

I waved my hand trying to reassure her, "I just was thirsty and started getting too hot" I thought back to our kiss and I felt myself start to blush. At least I could blame the alcohol or how hot it was in here.

"You don't look so good still, are you sure you're okay?" She put her hand on my shoulder.

"Actually I'm starting to feel a little dizzy, I think I'm just going to step outside for a second. I'll be okay, go back to your party and I'll be right back." I gave her a smile.

"Are you sure Luce? You can go lay down in my room if you need to it's alright."

I shook my head which was starting to feel heavier. "I promise I'll be right behind you I just need to cool off for a second."

She looked at me skeptically but then nodded her head. "Alright" She hugged me and with one last look, she grabbed another drink and danced her way through the party.

I needed some fresh air, everything was making me feel claustrophobic right now.

I pushed past people trying to find the exit, after what seemed like forever I finally found the sliding glass door. I pulled it open and was met with the chilly evening air. I shut the door behind me and all I could hear was the bass of the music now. I sat down on one of the patio chairs taking in the scenery.

They had a large pool in the middle of the backyard that was surrounded by all the trees. The steam rolled off of the pool into the chilly air. Despite how cold it was it felt nice, my skin felt like it was on fire.

I was struggling to keep my eyes open everything in me wanted to lay down and just close my eyes. Why was I feeling so strange, I hadn't had much to drink.

The door slid open and I heard faint footsteps on the ground approaching me, but I was too weak to open my eyes. I felt like I was on a boat with the how dizzy I was beginning to feel. The smell of alcohol washed over me as the person came closer.

"Ari?" I asked still unable to open my eyes.

A few moments passed and there was still no answer, "Dylan?" I called out hoping it was just him.

Their rough cold hands snaked around my body lifting me and cradled me against them, but my skin crawled at their touch. I tried desperately to fight against them but it was no use their grip was too strong.

My head was growing heavier but the throbbing pounding sensation was intensifying. My whole body was on fire and my bones ached, I started to scream out in agony.

Their hand covered my mouth, and in his deep husky voice commanded me to be quiet. I knew at that point I had been drugged and this was his plan all along. I forced my eyes open but it was too dark, all I could see was his silhouette. The moon was full but only small slivers of moonlight were able to break through the dense canopy of branches.

I screamed again from the pain, my bones began to snap and break. He tried to cover my mouth again but I bit down as hard as I could.

"Bitch!" He yelled as he dumped me onto the ground.

I didn't have time to get away before he jumped on me trying to pin me down.

A warm sensation flooded my body, I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. With one tremor all the pain exploded at once and I screamed at the same time a howl erupted.

My assailant backed away, and I was confused by his sudden change in his demeanor. He took off running through the woods. I tried to run away but my legs felt different, I looked down and all I saw was fur. A wave of dizziness washed over me again and everything faded to black.