Chapter 9


I maneuvered my old beetle down the road. I gripped the steering wheel tightly as I pulled into the parking lot. My stomach was in knots as I looked at Parker leaned up against his motorcycle. The fading evening sun glimmered against his tan skin and accentuated his biceps that bulged under his shit. His angular cheekbones and strong jawline made him look like an angel. There was no one that was as beautiful as he was. I blushed at my thoughts as I parked a spot away from him. I got out of my car brushing my hair out of my face nervously as he pushed off his bike and approach me.

He walked beside me as we headed into the woods to the mouth of a small hiking trail. We walked in silence next to each other, I had so many questions but I wasn't quite sure what to say.

He broke the silence first, "What do you want to know first?"

"Are you really a werewolf?" I asked

He nodded, "Yes, and you didn't know you were one?"

I shook my head, "No. I thought that was stuff from books or movies." I laughed nervously

He laughed, "I don't know what that's like."  He glanced down at me "Not knowing, I mean this has been my whole life. I've never known anything else."

"So there is more than one of you?"

"Yeah there is a whole pack of us, maybe a hundred of us" he stated so nonchalantly.

"A hundred?" I was shocked at how many people like that were walking around in this town.

"Were actually quite a small pack compared to some of the other ones out there." My eyes widened at his statement. But felt more at ease that this wasn't a huge and abnormal thing for me anymore.

"Why am I like this?" I asked, like there was something wrong with me.

"Well, you have to be born with the gene. So it has to be one of your parents."

My brain drifted to my father. I wonder if it could be from him. He never wanted to talk about his past especially this place.

"Did you or your pack know anyone by the name or Mark Walker?" I asked, maybe he would know the truth behind who my father really was.

"No that name doesn't ring a bell." He said apologetically, "Why?"

I sighed wishing he had more answers for me, but I was left with even more questions. "He's my father."

"Can't you just ask him?"

"No I couldn't even if I wanted to. He walked out on my mom and I about a year ago. I have no idea where he is." I hadn't talked about him in so long. I was still so angry at him so I just preferred not to think about him.

"Oh," He regretted asking me that, "I'm sorry." Was all he could say.

I gave him a small smile, "It's okay, maybe some of your pack could help get me the answers I need?" I said hopefully.

He shook his head "It's not safe for you here if anyone find outs about you. My father is the alpha and he would kill you for even stepping foot in his territory"

"Why?"I questioned, horrified. I didn't even want to imagine being rip to shreds by a giant werewolf.

He grabbed my hand and let me over to some fallen trees, he gestured for me to sit and he sat next to me. His leg was almost touching mine and I could feel the warmth radiating from his skin.

"Pack's just like real life have politics, that's the best term I can use to describe it. There's hierarchy and order. The alpha comes from a long bloodline of strong wolves that are bigger, stronger and faster than any other wolf. They are the leaders and you have no choice but to follow their orders." He sighed

"Well can't you just take over as alpha?"  My head was starting to feel heavy trying to take all this information in.

"No I can't take over as alpha, I'd have to kill him first." He said, his face was hard as he said that like he contemplated it at times.

"What do you mean you'd have to kill him first?" I asked shocked at the revelation.

"It's probably going to sound crazy, but maybe if you knew the legend of the first werewolves it would help you understand." He put his hands in his lap and drew in a big breath.

"Many centuries ago the moon goddess needed a champion to protect her lands and her people so she merged the soul of a wolf to her best warrior. The wolf lended him his strength and vessel, and they forged one bond, two souls became one. He was the most powerful creature out there but he needed numbers in order to protect her vast lands. She created many more werewolves, but he still remained the strongest. And he was named their leader, the alpha."

"His first born son grew greedy and wanted his fathers strength, so he raised an army against his father. His father had grown weaker with age and was defeated by his son. His son slayed him in front of his followers to show them that he was the strongest and that any treason would be punished with death. He laid waste to the lands and slaughtered everyone in his path. He wanted to rule the land as the king of the beasts."

"The moon goddess was unhappy with the uneven balance of power since she had created the first werewolf to protect the humans, not to raise a king to rule the land." I was struggling to keep my head wrapped around what he was saying but I continued to listen to him. "So she took his lover, the only thing that he cherished in his life and killed her."

"He pleaded with the mood goddess to bring her back. He said he would do anything to be with her again.  So she made him promise that he would use his powers to protect the lands instead of ruling over it"  he sighed and glanced at me making a shiver run down my spine.

"The moon goddess had given her the heart of her prized wolf, whose soul she had given to her first warrior. His love was reborn as a wolf, the heart and the soul, of one being split into two. He had found his mate. He vowed to protect his pack like he would protect his mate" he smiled at me softly making my stomach feel like it had butterflies.

"That is absolutely amazing, and crazy to even think about" I laughed, I didn't know what else to even say. I was at a loss for words.

"So the moral of my story is, you follow you alpha otherwise consequences happen. Also I love my mother and would never want to kill her mate and leave her heart broken like that." He said "My dad will not step down from being alpha until he's good as dead so I have no choice but to follow"

I understood the challenge he faced and didn't push the subject further. "Do all wolves have mates?" I asked, curious and intrigued by the whole story.

"Yes all wolves have mates but sometimes wolves have human mates. And my father doesn't believe in humans as mates. He wants to eradicate mixed blood wolves." He looked at me nervously.

"Am I mixed blood?" I asked, I'm pretty sure my mom wasn't a werewolf she would have told me if she was.

"I'm afraid so, that's why I wasn't sure about you until I saw you shift. You don't smell like a normal wolf, you smell like a human." He said.

I got a little self conscious that he could smell me like that, "I hope I don't smell bad?" I laughed trying to lighten the mood.

He shook his head and looked a little pained, "You don't smell bad at all." He promised.

"So do you have a mate?" I asked curious.

"No I don't" he looked away from me as he said that.

"How do you know who is your mate?" I was curious now to see how this would happen to me. Would I instantly fall in love with this person?

"Both wolves have to be 18 before your wolf can find it's other half. And from what I heard you just know. My mate may not be eighteen yet or maybe I haven't met her" he shrugged.

"What if I don't want a mate?" I was seventeen. I wasn't ready in a year to commit my life to someone forever.

"You can always reject your mate, but I've heard it's more painful than death for both"

I shuttered, I couldn't imagine that pain. "So why does your dad hate half blood wolves so much?" I asked changing the subject.

"My dad won't talk to me about it" he shrugged.

The sun had fully set and the darkness started to consume the forest. I could still see his face, his expression was so gentle. The moonlight kissed his skin and I wanted to gently caress his face.

He leaned over, his face was a few inches from mine. I held my breath as he reached up and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Every time you touch me it feels like fireworks on my skin" I whispered shyly, I was glad the cover of darkness hid my blush.

"I know," he locked eyes with me and pulled away.

So he had felt it too and it wasn't just me.

"We should probably head back now" he said getting up.

We walked through the darkness together, our arms bumping one another ever few steps. I enjoyed his presence and didn't want to go just yet. He lead the way slowly, staying at my pace as he guided us down the trail.

A owl suddenly flew in front of us startling me, I grabbed his hand and his arm tightly. He let out a low chuckle and I felt my face flush again. "Sorry that startled me." I released his arm, but he continued to hold my hand as we walked back.

When we reached my car he finally let go of my hand, "Get home safe." He gave me a coy smile as he hopped on his motorcycle and with one kick he revved his engine to life and he was gone in a second.

My engine roared to life and I guided her home quickly, my stomach was full of butterflies the entire ride home. I pulled up to the house and when I walked inside my mom greeted me.

I plopped down next to her as she sat on the couch watching television.

"Did you have a good time studying honey?" She asked

I nodded "Yeah it was fine." I lied

The commercial ended and the news popped on the channel. Breaking news rolled across the top of the screen.

"A body was discovered in the woods of Kettle Falls today. Eighteen year old Riley Adams was reported missing Saturday night when he failed to show up for work. The police are investigating his death. If anyone has any tips please call the hotline." 

They showed a picture of him on the screen and my whole body froze. When I looked into his eyes I shuttered. I remembered him from the party. He was the one who had attacked me in the woods.