Chapter 10


I stared at my food and pushed it around my lunch tray. The cafeteria was in a buzz about our classmates body being discovered. Everyone was grieving and talking about how he just disappeared from Ari and Dylan's party. I remember the fear in his eyes as he gazed at me in my wolf form.

I still didn't remember anything after I blacked out, I just remember waking up covered in blood. Blood that wasn't mine."

"Are you okay? You look a little pale." Dylan said snapping me from my thoughts.

I nodded once,"Yeah just a little tired." I smiled trying to conceal the panic I was feeling.

A couple of cheerleaders walked by talking loud enough for us to hear their conversation, "I heard he was mauled by an animal right outside their house" she gave Ari and Dylan a dirty looked as she walked past us. 

The other girl looked Ari up and down, "I bet she killed him" she sneered.

"Don't listen to them Ari" Dylan said giving them a dirty look as they sauntered away.

My stomach churned and I had to hold my breath to keep myself from puking. Could I have really done that to him? If only I could remember what really happened that night.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Ari looked at me concerned.

"I'm feeling a little faint."

Dylan wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into him. "Just rest your head on my shoulder for a second." I didn't argue as he grounded me helping me fight the floating feeling.

I closed my eyes to help steady my breathing. And when I opened them I locked eyes with Parker across the room. The girl he was normally with sat next to him like always but he wasn't listening to anything she was saying. His face was hard, I could tell he was clenching his jaw by the way his muscle bulged.

I pushed away from Dylan and said, "thank you"quietly. Parker's gaze seemed to soften but his eyes were black still as he looked away from me.

Olivia walked up to our table and we all groaned as she approached. She looked around at all of us and sat down next to Dylan.

"Dylan, baby can we go talk?" She asked as she snaked her arm around his neck.

"What do you want Olivia?" He asked

"Let's go somewhere private." She whispered in his ear, I cringed at the thought of them together.

"Why?" He huffed.

"I just need to talk to you." She pouted her lips as she said that.

He sighed and pushed her off of him. "Fine."

She gave me a dirty look as she wrapped her fingers around his hand and dragged  him away. I just rolled my eyes. He was way too good for her.

"He is crazy." Ari looked at me she was annoyed with the whole situation, "I really hope he doesn't take her back."

"Me too, I don't think he's that dumb." I shrugged, or at least I hope he was.

"He didn't even put up a fight, he just went with her." Ari was glaring at them as the left the cafeteria.

The bell rang and we both groaned, I dragged my feet getting to class. Ever since I found out that Tyler had been murdered my stomach has been uneasy. I needed to talk to Parker, maybe he could help me get my memories back. I wondered how I could talk to him without anyone seeing.

Ari and I took our seats in chemistry and I caught the scent of heavy perfume as Olivia entered the room. I scrunched my nose, I didn't know if I was able to smell it because of my new wolf senses or if she was just wearing that much perfume.

She caught me looking at her and glared as she sat in the back of the classroom. Her eyes narrowed at the site of me. I quickly averted my gaze.

"Don't let her bother you" Ari whispered, giving Olivia the middle finger, she just rolled her eyes and looked away from us.

"She doesn't" I shrugged, if I really wanted to I could probably rip her to shreds. I hadn't tried out my new strength yet but I'm sure I was already a lot stronger than before.

My stomach cramped at the thought, I was still afraid I was the one who killed him.

"So did something happen with you and pretty boy?" Ari asked suddenly

"Pretty boy?" I questioned, was she talking about Parker?

"You know, Parker. Don't act coy, you two have been giving each other looks for the past couple days. And its not just a normal look, you both look like your hiding something." She nuged my side with her elbow

"Honestly, nothing." I hope she couldn't see through my lie.

She studied my face and smirked, "Uhuh"

I knew she wouldn't believe me but at least she didn't pry. I didn't know if I would ever be able to be 100% honest with her. I could hardly believe it myself.

I gave her a look, I was trying to have a stern look like I meant business, but she just laughed and looked at the teacher who was going on and on about our upcoming project.

I felt a piece of paper hit me in the back of the head and I groaned internally, how old was she? I snatched the paper from my hair and unwrinkled the paper. Written in bright red ink were the words "Stay away from Dylan. He's mine" scribbled across the paper.

I slid the paper across the table to Ari. She snatched it from me and ripped it up dumping the pieces onto the floor.

"Who does she think she is? She doesn't own him and you two don't like each other like that anyways." Ari whispered angrily to me.

I swallowed hard, so she still didn't know about out kiss. "Exactly. She's just crazy." I said loud enough for her to hear me.

The teacher cleared their throat and looked at us, we sat silently until the end of class.

When we made it to gym Ari immediately found Dylan to tell him was his psychopath ex had done during chemistry. That's what Ari was going to refer to her as now.

"She wrote what?!" He asked surprised, "She seriously told you to stay away from me?" Dylan looked at me in shock, his brown eyes were full of concern. What could she really do to me?

"I don't understand where she get's the idea that we like each other." I stated.

He looked at me a little sad, "Yeah, its a mystery. Well I better go change." He said suddenly taking off to the guys Locker room.

"Hottie at 2 o'clock" Ari said pointing her eye browns is the direction or Parker. He was laughing and his face was lit up with joy. I wished in that moment that it was me that was making him laugh like that. He ran his hand through his raven colored hair brushing it out of his gleaming emerald eyes.

I felt my heart fluttering at the site of him. It brought the memories back from the other night when we were talking, his face was so close to mine. I wanted to fall into his embrace and kiss his soft lips. I could feel the heat creeping up to my cheeks. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to ask him to talk without stuttering.

"We better go change" was all I said to her as I dragged her to our locker room. She just snickered as she followed behind me.

I was exhausted by the end of class, the teacher didn't allow us to stop moving the entire time. He made us run the entire period and I was out of breath. I was hoping this whole werewolf thing would have given me more endurance. Maybe I really did dream the whole thing?

"I have to give Dylan a ride home, is it okay if I go?" Ari asked, she had already changed while I was laying on the bench winded.

"Oh yeah sure! Ill see you tomorrow." I waved her onward dramatically, as I flopped my other arm across my forehead.

"See you tomorrow Darling." She blew me a kiss and was off.

After a couple of minutes I was ready to get up and go, I went to get up and I was shoved back down onto the seat. My head slamming against the wood.

"What the hell?" I hissed.

Olivias nails dug into my shoulder and she pulled me up and pushed me up against the lockers.

"I wanted to make myself clear."  She dug her nails into my skin as hard as she could making me wince. "Stay away from Dylan."

"I don't even like Dylan. Were just friends. You broke up with him anyways." I was starting to get annoyed with her.

"I've seen the way he looks at you, and a little birdy told me you kissed at his party." My eyes met her icy cold glare.

Great, I didn't need Ari finding out and getting mad I didn't tell her. With lighting speed I was able to grab her wrist and twist is slightly throwing her off balance. I pushed her up against the locker as I twisted her arm backwards, just on the verge of being able to snap it with one twist.

She cried out in pain but I held her tightly, I lowered my mouth next to her ear and whispered "I'm not afraid of you." And with that I let go as she ran off.

I smirked, I hope that was enough to get her to leave me alone. I didn't want to fight her but I would if I had to. I wasn't going to be bullied, not again.

I quickly changed, hoping I might be able to catch Parker alone.

Parker was standing up against the door to the gym, the brown haired girl he talked to hardly reached his shoulder making her look short. The sun glimmered against her ebony hair which accentuated all of her features. She had to be his girlfriend, she was so pretty.

He smiled at her fondly and she laughed, grabbing his arm. I wondered if he also made her feel fireworks when they touched. My stomach felt hallow at the sight.

He looked up and our eyes met, he said something to the girl and she waved and headed out of the gym. He waited a few seconds to make sure she was gone before he approached me.

I craned my neck to lookup at him as he stood towering over me. He made me feel so small.

"Hey" I smiled up at him, my stomach felt like it was full of butterflies.

He gave me a crooked smile, showing off a dimple in his left cheek. "Hi" he said.

"I'm glad I caught you." I said looking down at my fingers, a little embarrassed.

"Oh yeah?" I could hear the amusement in his voice.

"I needed to talk to you." I looked back up at him, I could feel the panic coming back. I killed him, I just knew it.

"Are you okay?" He asked suddenly, looking at me concerned. Like he could feel my shift in mood.

"Yeah," I took a deep breath, "Can we go somewhere and talk?"

He shook his head, "I can't right now, there's something I have to take care of first. I'll come pick you up later and we can go somewhere to talk." He extended his phone to me. "Here give me your number."

I took his phone in my hand and was fighting the urge to smile, I typed my name and number into his phone quickly and handed it back to him.

"Ill text you so you have my number too." He flashed me a smile before he turned and left leaving me standing there smiling at the spot where he was just standing.

I made it to my car and my face still felt flush from my encounter with him. My phone buzzed from an unknown number. I glanced down and smiled as I read the text. He texted me he name with a winky face. Yet that was enough to get me smiling like an idiot.