
Phoenix's POV

We walked back to the tables. Once we got there everyone was introducing themselves.

I sat beside Aunt Evie.

"My name is Lily, Luna of the Full Moon Pack, and my mate Fred, Alpha of the Full Moon Pack." mum introduced.

Suddenly Olivia lowered her head a little out of fear.

"Oh dear, please no need to do that. You are family now." dad said reassuring her.

Olivia looked confused and looked to Ethan.

"I didn't formally introduce myself to you, my little mate. I am Austin Stone, Alpha to be of the Full Moon Pack," he said looking directly at her.

Olivia's eyes grew wide. Wow, I guess she didn't know. Olivia looked at me.

Oh right.

"I am Phoenix Pearl Rose, Alpha Female to be of the Full Moon Pack. And little sister to this big softy." I said poking Ethan.

Everyone laughed and I heard Olivia giggle a little. Ethan looked at her in awe.

'Dearest big brother you are so whipped!' I said in our mind link.

He growled playfully.

'Ohh and wipe that drool off your mouth, it's disgusting' I said while laughing.

'Ha ha ha very funny dearest sister.' he said sarcastically.

We went back to conversing with each other until we cleaned up and left to go back to the house. I stayed back a bit though to clear my head. I stood up and was about to return to the house when I felt a pain in my right shoulder.

I looked and saw an arrow sticking out. Another arrow hit my right shoulder again.

'Ethan! Help!' I yelled in the mind link.

'Where are you!?' he yelled frantically


That was all I said before I felt an arrow go through my chest. I fell. I tried to stay awake before I heard a menacing growl! Paws hit hard against the ground until I heard growling and screams of horror.

More growls were heard and the sound of flesh ripping filled the air.

"NO! MY BABY!" I heard mum scream.

I heard running footsteps. Mum knelt down before me looking at me with glassy eyes.

"ETHAN! HURRY!" mum yelled.

I heard more footsteps coming my way. Then saw Nikesh, Olivia, and Winter approaching. Ethan was instantly by my side with only basketball shorts on. He smelt of rogues blood. I felt my eyes beginning to close.

"No! Stay awake for me Phoenix! Stay awake!" I heard Ethan yell.

I tried. I really did. I felt the arrows in my shoulder getting pulled out as well as the one near my heart.

"Come on stay awake!" Ethan yelled.

My eyes closed and I felt myself being lifted into someone's arms. My head laid against someone's bare chest. I knew it was Ethan's.

The last thing I heard was

"Stay awake Phoenix!" before I was unconscious


Ethan's POV

Dad had gone with Uncle Rock and Aunt Evie to the packhouse to discuss so matters of the pack. Mum was with me, Nikesh, Winter, and my mate Olivia.

I saw Nikesh, Winter, and Olivia already on the sofa and mum just in front of me. I was about to join them when I felt a pain in my right shoulder. Just then another pain shot through my right shoulder.

I fell to the ground clutching my shoulder. Mum and Olivia were instantly by my side.

"Son, what's wrong?" mum asked clearly worried.

I was about to answer when I heard Phoenix.

'Ethan! Help!' Phoenix yelled in the mind link.

'Where are you!?' I yelled frantically



That was all I said and went running back to the clearing. I shifted into my wolf and ran faster. When I got there an arrow was through her chest.


My wolf Hollow growled furiously. I smelt rouges behind the Bush and immediately attacked them. Two males and a bow and arrow with a vile of wolves bane.

I growled loudly and started ripping them to shreds. Their screams filled the air.

"ETHAN! HURRY!" I heard my mum yelled. I shifted and slipped on a pair of basketball shorts and was instantly beside Phoenix.

"No! Stay awake for me Phoenix! Stay awake!" I yelled in panic.

No, I can't lose her! Not my baby sister! I quickly pulled the arrows out of her shoulder quickly. Then in her chest.

"Come on stay awake!" I yelled at her.

Her eyes closed and I was beginning to panic even more. I lifted her into my arms and carried her bridal style with her head laying on my chest.

"Stay awake Phoenix!" I yelled for her to hear me before I raced straight to the pack hospital.

I ran as fast as I could and got there in no time. The doctors rushed to her and grabbed a hospital bed. They tried to take her out of my arms but I growled at them.

" Please. We need you to let go or else we could lose her." the nurse said pleadingly.

I placed her on the hospital bed and they immediately took her to surgery. I was about to follow when the same nurse came to stop me.

"Please wait in the waiting room. The operation will take long with her condition like that." the nurse said.

I growled frustratedly. I didn't get there in time. I sat with my mum as I held her as she cried. Dad, Uncle Rock, and Aunt Evie rushed in through the entrance.

" Where is she? Where is my baby!? " Dad yelled angrily.

Mum rushed to dad and he immediately held his crying mate. Olivia came beside me and took my hands sending my electric shocks that calmed me down.

"Don't worry. She is strong, and she will make it." Olivia reassured me.

I hope she is right. Heck my sister is an Alpha Female, one of the worlds most deadliest assassins and took out an entire rouge army without breaking a sweat. She will pull through.

5 agonising hours went by and a doctor finally came out.

"Phoenix Pearl Rose," he spoke.

We immediately got up. The doctor walked over to us and looked at the clip board with a grim look. No please no.

"We did all we could to extract the silver from her system. Unfortunately some did go into her digestive system. All she needs to do is wait it out." he said.

"Is she going to be Ok doc?" Winter asked worriedly.

"She is in stable condition. She should be sleeping for a few hours but she is up and is asking for you. She is quite the strong alpha female. But if she slips into a coma, that just means that her wolf is trying to get the rest of the silver out of her body. " the doctor said.

" Could we go see her? " mum asked.

" Yes. But can I speak to the one that carried her here? " the doctor asked.

" That would be me. "I said.

Mum, dad, and the others went to go see Phoenix while Olivia stayed with me.

" I presume you are the brother of Phoenix? " the doctor asked for confirmation.

I nodded my head.

" She has some cuts on her arms and inner thighs. The nurses that operated on her told me that it looked to be self harm. And the bruising around her torso as lower stomach. Tell me, does she have a mate?" he asked.

"Yes. But he rejected her." I said angrily.

The doctor was in deep thought.

"Just as I suspected." he said.

"What do you mean? Doctor?" I asked curiously.

"The bruising around her torso and low stomach is caused when her rejected mate is mating someone else. To stop the bruising, she has to either find her second chance mate or mate with her first mate." he said.

"Is there anything else?" I asked

"No. Now go see your sister." the doctor said smiling.

I walked off with Olivia but not before hearing him say.

"I've found a great prize for my king."