Recovery And Traitor

Phoenix's POV

I felt stares burning through my skin, the air was tense, as if someone had a knife you could slice through it. I tried opening my eyes, but couldn't.

"I hope she's alright," Nikesh said sadly.

Are they talking about me?

'Of course, they are talking about you, you shithead' Aurora said sarcastically.

'So you finally show up. I've missed you Aurora.' I say sincerely

'I've missed you to. I've finally reasoned with Justin's wolf. He has let us go to be happy, but I'm afraid he said that Justin won't stop until we are his.' Aurora said frustrated.

'I sense that you do not like this human?' I say knowingly.

Aurora growled angrily.

'Of course! He hurt my human. Mate or not no one disrespects me or my human.' she said angrily.

'Thank you. Now, go rest. We have a lot of people to possibly kill and catch a women named Rebecca Smiths.' I said seriously.

I saw her nod her wolf head and laid down, retreating back to the back of my mind.

"Phoenix. Please wake up." it was Ethan. He sounded so broken, so lost.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me. If I hadn't come quicker you wouldn't be in this bed right now. We would've been in my room with everyone, snuggling with each other eating snacks and watching movies." he said sadly.

Urgh, I can't take this! I need to wake up. Just then I heard the monitor go off.

" Look, Ethan. She can hear you. Keep talking." Olivia said.

" Please. Please, I need my sister back! I know the strong and fierce Alpha Female won't back down. You have come to far to be just killed from a simple arrow." he said determined.

My fist went into a ball then snap. A flat line.

Gasps were heard. I hear heavy sobs from my left. I opened my eyes and looked at Ethan who had his head in my hand.

"Looks like I broke the big bad Alpha to be. No need to cry you big baby." I rasped out.

Everyone shot there head towards me. I saw Ethan, what I saw broke my already shattered heart.

He had eye bags looking like he couldn't sleep for days, he smelt like he hadn't had a shower and had puffy red eyes.

" Can I have a glass of water please," I asked?

Dad got the cup and brought it to me. I chugged it down like there was no tomorrow. Once finished I handed the cup back to dad.

"So what did I miss?" I asked.

I looked around the room. What? Have I lost my mind or something?

"Well, you missed like 2 weeks," Winter said.

My eyes went wide. Wow. 2 weeks huh? Oh damn I almost forgot.

"Hey Winter, did you do what I asked?" I asked her

"Yes. She didn't come back to the pack lands until recently last week. I have her in on of the cells." she said confirming.

"Thanks, Winter," I said with a little smile.

She just nodded her head.

"Who may I ask did you capture?" Uncle Rock asked

"A woman named Rebecca Smiths." Winter said.

Aunt Evie gasps. Does she know her?

"Why!? What has she done!?" Aunt Evie shouted.

I guess she really does know her I thought to myself.

"Who is she to the pack?" I asked causiously.

"She is the packs councilor, and one of our most trusted advisors. She is also my best friend." Aunt Evie said.

"The reason why I asked Winter to capture her is because she has been working for the rouges. She knows all the changing routines around the pack, and I guess she has been telling them about your weaknesses." I said in deep thought.

"I'm so sorry Aunt Evie," Nikesh said sincerely

"So when will I be out of this hospital?" I said to the point.

Everyone chuckled.

"Tomorrow. For now. Rest." Dad said.

I nodded my head. Before I could say anything else, screaming and glass breaking was heard.

"Where is she!?" someone yelled.

It sounded like, Justin?

I heard Ethan cursing words. And dad slowly getting angry. Umm? Did I miss something? Confusion written on my face. Ethan let go of my hand to be replaced with Olivia's.

Mum and Aunt Evie came to my side as Dad, Ethan, and Uncle Rock went outside.

"Where is she!?" the same voice yelled. Was it Justin?

"You will not lay a hand on her!" Ethan yelled furiously.

A threatening growl was heard. Growing more louder and louder. My head aching at the pain.

"You will give her to me! She is MINE!" This time, I knew it was Justin.

Did he just call me his? I don't think so.

"You lost that privilege when you rejected her!" Ethan growls furiously.

Ohh shit. If I don't do something, someone might possibly die today. I tried to get up, but Aunt Evie and Mum was holding me down.

"No. If I don't do something, one of them is going to die!" I yelled protesting.

I felt Aunt Evie and Mum loosening their grip, I took the as an opening before pushing them and heading out the door. I got to where Dad, Uncle Rock, Ethan, and Justin were.

What I saw did not shock me at all, Ethan and Justin fighting each other while dad and Uncle Rock tried to pull them apart.

Dad and Uncle Rock were failing to get them separated, I got a hold of both of the and pushed them apart, which sent them flying to the opposite ends of the wall.

"Enough of this nonsense! Justin, listen well and listen closely." I said walked towards him staring at him dead in the eye.

I grabbed his collar and pulled him towards me.

"I will never and I mean NEVER be your mate. You lost that the moment you rejected me. So get that through your thick skull!" I yelled angrily.

I pushed him away, turning away from him. I walked to Ethan and helped him up. We walked back to the room and heard an angry growl before turning away.