Stupid Wolves

Phoenix's POV

I finally get out of this hospital. Olivia and Winter came and brought me some clothes and shower products. I took a shower and used my vanilla and lavender body wash and my mint and coconut shampoo and strawberry conditioner.

Once done I put on my matching undergarments, my black high waist skinny jeans, a baby blue shoulder off crop top with my black leather jacket. I put on my combat boots and dried my hair. I did a high low with random plates and a fringe.

I walked out of the shower and saw Olivia and Winter waiting for me. We walked out and I saw my car. I guess Winter brought it here.

I hopped on and turned on the engine. It roared to life, I heard Winter turn on the engine of the car and I raced off with them behind me.

'Hey Winter, let's go stop off somewhere, I'm hungry.' I said through our mind link.

'Yeah sure, Ethan and Nikesh are waiting for us at Starbucks.' Winter replied.

'Ok.' I replied before shutting it off.

We got to Starbucks and saw the boys. We walked up to them, Olivia sat beside Ethan while Winter and I stood.

"Hey, have you guys ordered?" I asked.

"No. We just got here like 5 minutes ago." Nikesh replied.

I nodded my head.

"So who wants what?" Winter asked.

We got what they wanted and walked over to the cashier. Olivia came beside me.

"So what did you want Oliv?" I asked.

"I'll have the Caffè mocha and 2 cinnamon rolls please," she said politely.

I nodded at her while smiling. We got to the cashier. I looked at him, he stood about 6'2 with black fair covering his eyes slightly and Light brown eyes. He smiled at us.

"Hi. What can I get you girls?" He asked nicely.

I smiled at him.

"Can I have 2 Caffè mocha, 1 pumpkin spice latte, 2 chocolate frappuccino, 4 cinnamon rolls, and 3 chocolate brownies." I asked

"Sure," he replied smiling.

I paid the cashier and we waited for our food and drinks. As we waited the door opened and we heard laughter. They smelt like wolves and humans. They stood beside us, in the corner of my eye I could see three males and three females. The males were wolves and females were human.

And Oh my goddess, the females had little self respect for themselves. Seriously, they all wore really tight shirts that showed almost all of their chest, and the most shortest shorts ever.

They wore high heels and they wore makeup. They seriously had so much makeup that if they broke a sweat, there whole entire makeup would fall apart.

The males wore washed-out jeans, one had black and two of them had blue. They wore either a black or white v neck top and each had either a leather jacket or no jacket.

I could feel all three males looking at us. The females walked off to find a seat, and to my dismay they had to pick the one next to ours. The males ordered and stood behind us.

'I can feel one of the male wolves looking at my ass.' Winter mindlinked me angrily.

'Just don't do anything. They will leave soon.' I replied.

I can see Olivia shuffling uncomfortably.

'Olivia, are you OK?' I asked concern.

'No. One of the male wolves won't stop pulling my hair.' she replied.

Just as I was about to say something, the male wolf that was behind me touched my ass. Oh fuck this. I turned around, grabbed his hand and twisted it.

"Don't touch something that isn't yours," I growled angrily, applying more force.

He looked angry. I let go of him and looked at the other male wolves then back at the one in front of me, staring him down.

I heard a slight whimper. I looked beside me and Olivia was pulled by her hair by one of the wolves. I let go of the male wolfs hand and grabbed the one that pulled Olivia's hair.

"Don't touch her if you know what's good for you," I warned.

He looked fearful but was replaced by an evil smirk. He pulled me towards him and turned me around facing Olivia and Winter. I felt his breathing come down to my ear.

"It's so sexy when your angry," he said seductively.

Urgh, pathetic. I was getting angry.

"How about we go to my car and talk things through," he said huskily.

I was now pissed. I was about to say something when Ethan and Nikesh came up in front of me, blocking Olivia and Winter from my view. And my did they look angry.

I could feel the three male wolves fear radiating off them in waves.

" I suggest you release my sister before it gets real ugly," Ethan said deadly.

Oh shit. They're in for it now. I thought. The male wolf didn't release me, only hold me tighter.

"Why should I? We aren't done." The one that held me said.

Woah, someone has balls. I felt his release loosen a it and took this opening and got out of his hold. I stepped on his foot and elbowed him on the nose. I smelt blood and smirked. Weak.

I stood in front of them. I heard the cashier cough getting our attention. We all looked to him.

"Your food and drinks are ready," he said.

I nodded smiling. We walked over to the cashier forgetting about the little incident we had with the male wolves and grabbed what we wanted.

I grabbed a chocolate frappuccino and two cinnamon rolls, Winter got the chocolate frappuccino and a brownie, Nikesh had the pumpkin spice latte and a brownie and Ethan had the Caffè latte and brownie.

We walked over to our table. Olivia, Winter, and Nikesh on one side and Ethan and I on the other. We were laughing and talking about random things.

Ethan's POV

(before seeing the incident with the girls.)

We sat down at the table while the girls got the food and drinks. Then three female humans came up to us.

"Hey." one of the said seductively.

We looked at them. All three of them had the most tight shirt covering barely nothing and really short shorts. There faces had so much makeup, it wasn't funny. Like if they so much as crack a smile, their makeup would crack.

Not paying anymore attention to them, I pulled out my phone and starting looking at my Instagram.

'Why won't they go away!?' Nikesh yelled frustrated through our link.

'I don't know.' I replied blandly.

We both shrugged and went back to our phones. They tried to talk to us saying 'let's get out of here babe.' Like no thanks hoe.

One of them had the audacity to touch me and say

"Ohh, you got some muscle."

I looked at her dead in the eyes. She had Brown eyes. I pulled my hand up and grabbed her hand. Making her think we were gonna go, I pushed her hand away. Nikesh and I got up and walked to the girls.

Phoenix's POV

Just as we were going to go, the three male wolves and three female humans came up to our table looking at us angrily.

Paying no attention we grabbed our drinks and walked passed them like we never saw them. We walked out the store with them following us. We turned around looking at them.

"What do you want?" I asked irritated.

"I want to fuck you so hard right now." one of the male wolves said.

I scoffed. I heard Ethan's low growl.

"And what, may I ask do you drive?" I asked.

He smirked.

"A 2016 Porsche Boxster."

"What about you two?" I said looking at the other two male wolves.

"2017 Porsche 718 Boxster." the other male wolf smirked.

"A 2014 Chevy Corvette Stingray." the last one smirked.

I looked behind them, sure enough they sat on the hood of their car with one girl.

"So what do you lowly people drive huh?" one female human asked.

I smirked.

"We actually just bought these not long ago. We got the latest models." Nikesh said smirking.

"A 2018 Ferrari 488 GTB" Nikesh smirked with Winter beside him.

"A 2018 Lamborghini Huracan," Ethan smirked with Olivia beside him.

Shocked was an understatement, they were envious. I guess its my turn. I walked to my car.

I turned to them with my keys in hand. I pressed the button and the car lights turned on.

"A 2018 Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Roadster." I smirked.

"Well, this has been so much fun, so I would like to play with my 8th toy if you don't mind," I said while hoping into my car.

The others did as well. The engine roared to life once again and I drove off, seeing the wolves and humans jaw drop with furious expressions. I laughed out loud and drove back to the house.