Second Chance At Love

Phoenix's POV

I was in complete shock. My wolf yelped happily that we have another mate. He looked shocked as well, but soon an emotion I couldn't read passed through his eyes.

"We should talk about this in private," he said.

I slightly frowned and so did my wolf. Did he want to reject me? Did he not want me as his mate? Am I not good enough for him?

Questions ran around my head and I couldn't help but the sadness hit me. I mean yes I was shocked that he was my mate, but I was also happy that I have another chance at love.

He leads me to an empty corridor and into one of the rooms here. Luckily it was empty. He opened it for me and I walked in. Hoping that he wouldn't reject me.

He closed the door and locked it. He turned around and I couldn't help but stare at him. My moon goddess was right, he is hot right now. I can't believe I didn't see it until now. He walked forward to me and grabbed my hands. I looked down and sighed in content as the sparks rushed through my hands up my arms. Tears forming in my eyes unknowingly expecting pain.

"Phoenix, please look at me," he said softly

I shook my head in not trusting my voice. He let go of my left hand and pulled my chin up so I was looking. When my eyes met him, I wanted nothing more than to hug him, kiss him, love him eventually. But I know he's going to reject me.

" Why are you crying?" he asked sadly

"You're going to reject me, aren't you," I said sadly.

Her face fell. He wiped my tears with his thumb.

"No. No. No. I wasn't going to reject you." he said reassuringly.

I looked at him.

"Really?" I asked hopefully

"I brought you here because I was going to say something important to you," he said

I just nodded for him to go on.

"Phoenix Pearl Rose. I have found you, my mate, and I intend to not let you go. You have to know that I am a player. But now that I have found you, I am going to drop my player ways and make you mine forever. And just so you know, once I kiss you after this, your mine, and you are not going anywhere away from me. " he said in all seriousness.

To say I was happy was an understatement, I'm overjoyed. He's willing to drop his ways for me. To make me him forever. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, making sure I wouldn't go anywhere away from him. Our gaze into each other's eyes was intense, his eyes flickering back and forth to my lips back to my eyes.

I bit my lip as he licked his. Then his lips smashed onto mine. Goddess, he tastes so good. I pulled him closer to me if it was anyway possible. It wasn't an aggressive one, no. It was a soft and passionate one. He licked my lips for entrance and I denied him making him growl in disapproval. His hands lowered to my ass and he gripped it tight making me gasp in surprise, taking the advantage of sliding his tongue in my mouth. He explored every inch, leaving nothing untouched. I pulled away to gasp for air. God that was amazing.

I looked into his eyes as we were still in a daze.

"I want to take you out tomorrow. Wear something comfortable and warm," he said.

I nodded with a smile on my face. We went back to our brothers and his father. Austin was so into what Dave was saying. As we neared they spoke clearer.

"So tell me about your family. I'm sure your mate is very happy and proud of what has been accomplished." Ethan says while a smile was plastered on his face.

"Well, my family are pure breed Lycan's. My mate is unfortunately back at the kingdom running some things while we are here." Dave said proudly.

Ethan looked confused

"I'm sorry. Your mate is running a kingdom?" he asked completely confused.

"Yes. My wife is the queen of the Lycan kingdom. My eldest son Hayden will be replacing our place soon once he finds his mate." Dave explained.

I stood there shocked. Oh, my moon goddess. Dave is the Lycan King and Hayden my second mate is to take the throne once he finds his mate. Which is me!?

" Oh, I'm so sorry your majesty. I didn't know I was talking to the King. " Ethan bowed a little.

Dave chuckled

"It's Ok. We are surrounded by humans so we had to control our aura," he said.

I looked at Hayden. He looked down a little. I looked back at Ethan.

'We need to talk when we get home.' I mind linked him.

'Why?' he asked

'It's important ok.' I told him

I saw him nod his head. It was getting late and Ethan and I decided to go back home. I hugged Hayden goodbye and waved Jeremy, Jayden, and Dave goodbye. When we were in the car Ethan began to talk.

"So what was so important that you had to speak to me?" he asked.

I breathed in nervously. Wow. I'm nervous. I've never been nervous before in years.

"Hayden is my second chance mate," I said slowly.

He looked at me shocked. Then the realization hit him.

"So that's why he didn't let you go at Starbucks. And it explains why you were gone with him for a while," he said more to himself.

"Aren't you angry? Or upset?" I asked confused.

"Honestly. I'm happy for you sis. You finally can love someone as much as he loves you back. You deserve love, and if it's with him then it's fine. But if he tries anything stupid or something to break your heart, I will kill him mercilessly." he said the last bit in all seriousness.

I smiled and hugged him. He chuckled and hugged me too.

" Thank you. Your the best big brother ever. " I exclaimed happily. He chuckled more.

" Well I try. "he said cockily.

I laughed at him. As we drove home we were talking about the night and how we liked it so much, better than we expected. As we got home, I walked into my room and sighed in content. I dressed into some booty shorts and a sports bra to sleep in. I pulled my hair in a messy bum and wiped off my makeup. I slept with Hayden the last thing on my mind.