Stupid Wolf

Phoenix's POV

I heard a lot of yelling going on. The wind blew hard. Wait. The wind. I immediately shot up and saw that I was being carried by someone. Little sparks flew and I knew who it was.

"Justin! Let go of me now!" I yelled.

"No! You are MINE whether you like it or not! I am going to be powerful! And if it means marking and mating you forcefully, then I will!" he yelled.

Well. Ladies and gentlemen. Justin has finally gone insane.

'Winter! Ethan! Nikesh!' I yelled in our link.

'What is wrong!?' Nikesh asked.

'Oh, you know. Nothing much. Just being taken away to be forcefully marked and mated to my insane ex-mate Justin.' I said sarcastically.

'Where are you!' Ethan growled

'Looks like North West near the border. Hurry!' I yelled.

I cut off our connection.

"You are so gonna die today," I say smiling.

"Oh really. And who is gonna do that huh sweetie? We are nowhere near the packhouse. You can scream all you like but no one will hear you." He said evilly.

"Well, I don't need to scream. Someone is coming for me. Or more like people. "

"And who might that be princess. I am the soon to be Alpha of the second strongest pack. No one is gonna save you." He said

"Are you sure about that Justin?" I asked him

"Yes. Besides your a nobody. Your just an...." that when he paused.

"I'm a what Justin?" I asked him.

His body stiffed and I took that opportunity to kick him in the stomach and twisted his arm. I managed to get away until I heard three very vicious growls.

Just then out of the Shadows, I saw Winter, Nikesh, and Ethan's wolves come out. A deadly look on their face. I ran to Ethan's wolf. I got to my knees and hugged him. Thank goddess he was here.

Winter and Nikesh both snapped at. He looked like he was about to shit his pants. They both got closer to him and grabbed each side with their mouths. They ran back in the direction of the packhouse and I jumped on Ethan's back.

He ran so fast that we got there in 5 minutes. I saw mum, dad, Uncle Rock, and Aunt Evie outside looking worried.

I immediately got off Ethan and ran to mum as she ran to me.

"Oh, my baby. Are you OK? Are you hurt? Did he force you? Where were you?" She rushed me with questions as she examined me for any sign of injuries.

"No mum. I'm fine. I'm just glad Ethan, Winter, and Nikesh got to me." I told her.

She hugged me again and I saw Winter and Nikesh come out of the woods with Justin still in their mouths. They got closer and they forcefully threw Justin to his parent's feet.

Justin scrambled to his feet immediately. When Justin was about to say something, Aunt Evie slapped him hard against the face. Tears welled up in her eyes. Disgust, Disappointment, and Anger in her eyes.

"I taught you better than this! But taking her and trying to forcefully mate with her is unacceptable! You have gone too far! First rejecting her, then going around and having sex with every female that opened their legs for you. And now FORCEFULLY TRYING TO MATE AND MARK HER! "she yelled.

Damn, she's scary when she's angry. She wasn't angry, she was fuming with pure rage towards her son.

" What have you got to say for yourself young man! " she yelled.

Everyone looked at him. He looked down not facing his mother.

" I taught you how to love, respect, and cherish your mate! Have my teachings meant nothing to you? I'm disappointed in you Justin. Very disappointed. " She finished.

Her sadness was evident in her eyes. Uncle Rock on the other hand looked very angry.

"Son. I know that deep down inside you are a good person. But I have no choice but to do this. You are temporarily stripped from your alpha duties. You and your uncle will be training at his pack until he knows you are fit to return home. In the meantime, you will pack your bags for departure in 2 days." Uncle Rock said.

Well looks like Justin gits hell to pay with dad. He nodded his head in understanding. He looked up and I saw sadness and regret in his eyes. All because he wanted me. Or more like his wolf. I knew something was different with him and I knew it was mostly his wolf in control.

I got up and stood in front of him. I lifted his chin up to make him look at me and grabbed both of his hands. I sent him a small smile.

". I know you didn't mean to do what you did. I forgive you. But you need to forgive yourself first. You can't keep wallowing around and expect me to return to you with open arms. When you return from training, I want to see a happy and bright you. The one I once saw when we were younger. And who knows maybe you might find someone to love. But know that you are not alone. " I told him.

He smiled a little and brought me in for a hug. We pulled apart. He looked at his parents and then back to me.

" I promise I will write my Wrongs into rights. And thank you. I won't let you down. I won't let any of you down. " He said.

I smiled at him. He left to go back to his room. I released a heavy breath. I hope he finds love again. In the meantime, I've got people to hunt down.