Knocked his head off

"Kunkunkun so what was it you were after brat?"

"Money sir"

"Oh~ and why would a brat like you want money?"

"To buy my granny some nice jewellery"

"Hoho~ well seeing as it's my money let's go pay your granny a visit"

I shook my head "there's no need for that sir".

Doflamingo seems amused by this boys responses.

"And why's that?"

"Because she's probably coming to get me"

At that he began laughing frantically and then he quieted down. Doflamingo noticed that this boy was calm yet could recognise him. His infamy has been noted and that pleased his ego though the fact that the boy wasn't scared was a little unnerving.

Is he a stupid brat who doesn't know any better or in the off chance is he the child of someone powerful. Doffy decided to continue probing the boy, when he asked his questions he was aiming to discern weaknesses from the boy yet he's not displaying any except a dependency on a parental figure which is normal.

"Kun kun kun~ do you know who I am boy? What I am?" The sounds of gunshots were echoing out through the city aiming closer to the cabin yet doffy payed no mind.

"Your donquixote doflamingo, a pirate, a slaver and someone who has big ambitions in the world" bellamy said which satisfies doffy some more.

"So you know all that..... yet you steal from me?"

"You have all the good stuff, where else am I gonna get it?"

"Kuhahahaha hour certainly interesting boy now tell me.....why shouldn't I kill you?" He said before kicking me in the stomach across the room.

It hurt but not that much compared to my training. Those sit-ups really are toning my core up hahaha. I looked him in the eyes and said "because it'll be one the biggest regrets of your life."

He quieted down and lost all his sense of humour "let's test that shall we?" And then took a swing with his fist.

His hand impacted my head and it left my shoulders. I heard a womanly screech in pain, as time slowed down for me I saw my granny jump through the window with her eyes locked onto me.

<5 minutes earlier>

Tsuru was in a rush to capture these scum bags, the donquixote pirates have been a rising star in the under world and a rising pain in the ass for tsuru. Her grand son was right, she was losing weight and she is getting grumpy over it. Her body that she spent years investing in has been wasting away because she had little down time.

That gorilla garp and the old Buddha sen goku get to do whatever the hell they want. Kong was always allowed to take his breaks unimpeded. Even those young upstart logias who reached vice admiral can do they as they please. But not her, she has to work tooth and nail to get to her position.

Now that she's strong she can let her foot of the throttle is what she thought but her subordinates need her. Overnight she became a paragon for women of the core and now they're scrambling to join her division. She's not angry about it though the amount of lesbian admirers are abit much and the paper work is insurmountable. It's all worth it to see her grandson. Even when her daughter left chasing her justice she still left her with her grandson.

So when his two little friends appear crying about how he was taken away as they were stealing devil fruits from pirates. From that blonde bastard she couldn't keep her temper in check and directly rushed off the scene towards their destination. Her anger has ruined her observation haki but her enhanced senses can make up for that.

She located a cabin and heard something crashing so she rushed towards it. She looked at the shadows the candle of the hut are producing and made out to figures. A tall feathery one and a small boy. The tall one just took a swing and the young ones head began to leave its shoulders. She freaked out and burst through the wall only to be greeted with an unforgettable sight.


My granny burst through the wall just like garp and went wide eyed at what she was seeing. Doflamingo's glasses slid down a little at the sight of me and tsuru but before he could react it happened. My neck turned into a spring and stretched as my head was sent back but then the force stopped.

My spring neck was returning to normal shape and it dragged my head back just as fast as my head was attacked. Doflamingo but me hard enough to separate my head from my shoulders so I'm gonna separate his 'head'

{bane bane no bell} I shouted taking a note from luffy's book as my head sling shorted straight into doflamingo's crotch at the same speed he hit me with. *crack~ schlup~* the noise resounded throughout the cabin as doflamingo's crotch shattered and his balls burst under the force of my devil fruit boosted headbutt.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A girlish scream bellowed out all over the island and marked the day that people would not question why doffy wore pink anymore. After all it suits a women~ I really did separate his head from his body.

Tsuru was slack jawed for a second before her training and motherly instincts kicked in. She ripped the rifle off her back and slammed into doffys chest so hard that he'll need reconstructive surgery. He was sent hurtling out of the cabin across the water skipping like a rock. He eventually impacted one of his crews shipped. They quickly pulled him aboard, the men grimaced at the sight of their lord or should I say lady now.

Tsuru completely ignored the blonde bitch and grabbed her grandsons in a hug. "Bellamy are you alright he didn't hurt you?!?!" She asked frantically she pulled him out of the hug and noticed his head was bleeding. The skin on the side of right eye was cut, presumably by the destroyed bones that was doffys pelvis. She grabbed his head and used her wash wash fruit to clean the wound and rinse away the damage.

She was then greeted by her grandson with a scar on his right side yet he was grinning. "Granny we just took out a pirate together. We make quiet the team!" She froze as she was greeted with the mirage of her daughter overlapping bellamy. "I suppose we do" she said as she brought him back into a hug.

After that things went quickly as he was brought back towards the girls. They broke down in tears when they saw him. They ran to him and began sobbing that they were sorry for leaving him and that they would get stronger so they could protect him. Bellamy not realising that they were developing a yandere tendency spoke out.

"I look forward to that after all we're gonna he together forever travelling the world!" He just cemented that trait in their hearts. Then they hugged him closely as they were berated by the marine women who were particularly harsh on bellamy. They blamed him for making tsuru worry.

So once he had enough "hah?!?! I make her worried?!?! You useless bitches are the reason my wonderful granny is losing weight and sleep. If you picked up the slack and caught these bastards already she wouldn't have had to come all the way over here and over see your useless asses." The room froze as Bellamy walked away leaving the useless marines to stew in their complacency.

Bellamy also ignored the look of jealous forming on a dark haired teenage girls face in the corner and she gripped her sword tightly and glared at him hatefully.

As he left followed by muret and mani he couldn't help but ask "girls? Where's the loot?" They then got embarrassed as they regaled him with the tale of how sarquis had somehow grabbed one of the devil fruits in the confusion and ran off. After tsuru left they then wolved down there's and hid the final one so no one could take it.

"Wait which ones did you eat?" They then looked away. Muret then squeaked out "sarquis took the hyena one, I ate the needle one and mani ate the ring one".

I then smiled as I thought how I won't be caked Bellamy the hyena in this life. Sarquis literally had that devil fruit. I smiled at the girls and spoke again "it doesn't matter, who wants a mangy mutt devil fruit anyway. Also shouldn't you be happy? Mani you got a jewellery devil fruit that makes rings and muret yours makes needles. You can take acupuncture too a whole new level". Then it dawned on them that they got exactly what they asked for. Just not in the form they were expecting.

Bellamy walked them home excited to begin experimenting with their devil fruits tomorrow. Meanwhile on a boat a very dangerous surgery was occurring as doflamingo was having his body fixed. He wasn't as strong as the future one yet so he took real damage. His crotch is gone~ so the surgeons are remodelling that into what they could, a vagina. His chest was also shattered yet he survived so they performed surgery there to to restructure it. His hormones are completely messed up due to the impact to the head as he was buried in the ship so they took the opportunity to fix his ribs and give him a pair of tits.

Today lady doflamingo was born and all because she didn't listen to a little kids words. Far away in the dressrosa kingdom the princess viola felt as if she was just saved from a grave fate.