Flevance outbreak

Those two years zoomed by and now me and the two girls are 8 years old. I plan to set off to sea when I turn 18 so I'm using the decade to recruit for my crew and train. Currently me and muret are following granny to the kingdom of Flevance, she was ordered to come and survey the situation so I asked if we could tag along. Muret could use more medical books and possibly new tools.

We discovered that certain needles she absorbed into her body can enhance her, we used the silver needles that we got from the auction to test those. Then we bought some cheap copper and iron needles. The cooper ones were easy to manipulate and shape while the iron ones were good for shooting. The silver ones improved her efficiency using acupuncture.

She began using acupuncture to make some money back home by offering door to door massages of the older generation. The old folks love it, my granny especially. It's not every day you find something that can actually break through a vide admirals skin in the blues. Based on my knowledge of the world everyone is the blues is pathetic compared to those in the grand line and especially in the new world.

Back on topic we're going to purchase some amber lead needles to test their effect. After speaking with granny I found out she can rinse poison out of a body similar to how the sweet general smoothie can. If my guess is correct white lead disease should be beginning to break out so I can recruit who I want.

We shortly docked and made our way through the city, in the lower and middle districts things are busy as can be. But when we entered the upper district the rich folk were packing their bags about to jump ship. Cases must have started appearing, I asked granny if we could see the castle belonging to the royal family. She had her lips twitch trying to come up with my angle here.

"Sure sweety just make sure you don't touch anything that's not yours." I grinned and nodded while Muret chuckled behind me. Along the way the women decided to have a spontaneous shopping spree so I pulled a pro male technique. I used my slinky mode (kami-e) and fell completely limp on the chair they set aside for husbands.

When they wanted me to try clothes they couldn't grab me to put them on so they sighed and just picked based on my sizes. I'm growing rapidly thanks to my diet packed full of sea king meat and new world fruit so I reckon I might be taller and better shaped than the original. I'm focusing more on training my legs than he did so I don't end up looking top heavy.

As two marine women tried to lift me so they could try to get some pants on me and I slinked out of their hands I reminisced about my training. The girls devil fruits progressed wonderfully once they had inspiration to improve. I mastered the rokushiki with both my body and devil fruits within this time. I then spent time trying to reproduce the rokougan with my springs by using the stored potential energy to fire out the shockwave. This was a step in the right direction for what I wanted to achieve.

Haki training also began for the three of us, with me already learning observation. Slinky mode helped me pick up the feeling much quicker though my range is trash right now. Armament I only grasped weakly recently so I'll have to train much harder. No black markings yet but I can hurt a logia. Granny has one on her crew that are the tar tar no mi. Granny picked her up because akainu was gonna induct her into his unit.

She's a cocky witch who always made fun of me, she has slicked back black hair with black shades on at all times. She also wears a black shirt under her white coat. Miss emo started tagging along to my training sessions because I have good ideas about devil fruits powers. The idiot just flung tar at people and used its sticky property to trap people. Also cause of a logia body, when I heard her lack of creativity with such a strong fruit I smack her in the head and that's how we discovered I could armament.

Her name is helgart landus and she's a commander on my granny's crew. So in exchange for sparring with her I gave her ideas for her devil fruit. What I could remember about tar was coal tar that I had to study for a project at school.

We then developed her coal tar medical hand skills, she basically can treat itching, scaling, skin damage and cuts by smothering it in her tar. Stopping bleeding during a fight is a useful skill.

Next I taught her how to make her own shampoo/ soap using her tar and it quickly became her crew's favourite. So my impression within their crew improved a little but the man haters still hate me to the bone

Next was two combat abilities; the first is {tar tracks} were she steam roles everything in her way by surfing on a tidal wave of tar. Granny made her redo all the roads in notice as training to which I laughed. She then discovered how to basically use the tar to surf on water similar to aokiji on his bike. Lastly was telling her how to ignite the tar, she developed her own red hawk series of moves.

After that I left her with the fact that tar is semi liquid and semi solid so she should train to harden and soften her body to defend against haki users. After that she became a punching bag that I can barely touch once she mixed in her haki and rokushiki.

Back on task we were led into the castle only to find it filled with the servants that the royals abandoned. They flew the coup so granny stormed off to find some officials that she needed to have words with. I told her me and muret were going to visit the hospital after looking around which she waved off.

After she was gone me and muret looked at each other before taking off in a mad sprint looking for the royal vault. Twenty minutes of searching and we found it in a secret tunnel from the kings work study. After approaching the key hole muret stuck her finger in it. {needle lock pick} she nodded her finger into numerous copper needles that she would mould to match the shape of the key.

One twist later and the vault was open for the taking. We went down the slide that opened up after the vault was unlocked which took us to the royal treasury. There were stacks of berry, gold coins, royal jewellery, some high grade weapons, a few journals on good subjects like mining and chemicals that muret snagged and finally another devil fruit.

The royals took off leaving a devil fruit behind, I walked towards it and checked it to see which devil fruit I was dealing with. I grinned manically once I discovered which one it was. It was a large green coconut decorated in patterns that remind me of Picasso. It's the art art fruit! And for those of you who read a certain fan fic you know just how op this devil fruit actually is.

I then called back Muret "hey Muret~ come here with the sling ring~" yup you heard right. Mani was able to make a damn sling ring after I explained it to her however it came with complications.

Mani's sling ring does indeed open portals however they are only to mani, when she uses it they open at any one of the other sling rings she's made. Yep they only connect to other sling rings. Another thing is that living creatures can't pass through yet. Mani isn't strong enough to make that effect yet so she's gone back to training. She's made quite a few nifty rings over the two years but this one is useful.

I rubbed the ring on my finger which let me call mani. "Hello~". "Hey mani are you at the hideout?" "Yes bellamy~ I'm waiting for your package~" I guffawed while she laughed. She picked up the habit of making innuendoes after hanging around granny's crew for a while. Muret just snickers "hihihihi" in the background while I deadpan.

I rolled my eyes and said "we got jewels, cash and a devil fruit to tuck away" she then cut the act as a small hole opened up beside Muret. I began stretching my arms out and pushing lots of cash and gold through the hole while mani packs it away in our hideout. While we will be here doing our thing she'll be counting the cash and hiding it in our tunnel that we dug our over the two years.

Me and muret can literally make ourselves into drills so we built a tunnel network under my house. Thank god construction in this world is also crazy otherwise we would have had a cave in. The spring and spike archways we made are tough enough to hold up the ceiling.

"Mani pass through the other devil fruit, I have a feeling it's time to use it." "Rodger~" and with that the treasury is empty except for a lone devil fruit that popped out of the hole in the air. When the government comes to clean out the vaults they'll suspect the civilians will have taken it during the riots.

Now then onto the hospital~ a quick escape from the castle led us to the trafalgar families hospital. We found that it was already beginning to be filled with Patients so we entered and looked around.

"Hey what are you kids doing in here? Your aren't sick are you?" Asked a worried motherly voice so we turned and spotted a brunette dressed in a doctor robe. I looked at the name tag that read "trafalgar Katie" so I smiled. We introduced ourselves before I said.

"Miss is it true that your studying the disease? I think I have the solution to it. Do you have someone who needs cured" I said. The woman then became serious and told us to follow her. She led us to the back of the hospital were we found a small girl lying in bed coughing every so often.

The woman turned to me "please if you can help I'll give you anything" her husband then entered and asked what was going on so his wife explains. He took a knee beside me and said "son what do you know about the disease?"

"First of it's not a disease. It's a poisoning to be more accurate, your bodies are building up the amber lead which is causing the skin to change and organs to fail. It's similar to cases of silver and mercury poisoning of people who invested them thinking it could prolong their lives".

The doctor couple went silent and began pondering over it. They then began muttering possible ways to cure it if it's not a disease. The man then turned back to me "boy do you have a method to save my daughter lami" I nodded and said "I can but I'll have to take her with me, things are about to get very bad here once word gets out. The government will shun you and try to purge you while the people will riot as they're going to die anyway".

They then went pale at the thought as that would happen. They're from the D family so they know what's up. His face scrunched "fine I'll entrust her to you however we can't go. People here will need our help, we can try to make a cure now that we know what we're dealing with." It was then that alarms started sounding out.

What is this timing?!?! Guns shots and screaming started happening outside. Fuck sake we don't have time for this. I turned to muret and told her to get started.

She hopped on the bed and made her fingers turn into silver needles before she began a rush attack. "Atatatatatatatattata!!!!" Sounded out as she struck lami at random areas which made white puss begin to seep out of her.

Lami stood up and coughed up a lot into the bin. I turned towards her "lami my name is Bellamy, I'm going to give you something that will help cure you but it's all up to you if you want to live."

She began crying and looking at her parents before she nodded at me. I pulled out the devil fruit and handed it to her. Her parents went wide eyed at the sight of it. To dispel some of the tension I thrust it out and said in a deep voice "eat this" which made her smile a little as she chomped on the fruit and swallow before sticking her tongue out. "Disgusting" she said before she hunched over and began shrinking

Her mother asked "what fruit did you give her?" As she walked over and picked up the ball of fluff. "Itachi itachi no mi model honey badger. That species is tough as hell, they are resistant to poison and borderline bulletproof. They can be chomped on by a lion and walk it off only with a few scratches. Plus they can walk backwards"

She looked hopeful at my description while Muret deadpanned at my final comment. Miss Katie then passed lami to me and said "take my daughter and keep her safe, her brother should be able to find her in the future" to which I nodded.

After that we wrapped her up in a bundle as she changed into a small badger. I wrapped her in my arms and bid farewell. Lami began to fall asleep so her body could begin processing the rest of the poison. While she slept we rushed back to the ship, I grabbed Muret with my other arm and used my spring step to launch myself onto the ship.

Granny was happy we were alright while helgart walked toward me "bellamy what's that your holding?" "This is my new pet honey badger Carl! Granny can you wash the poison from it's body. Just incase it had some white lead. She nodded and washed lami making sure all the white gunk was removed as we set sail back to notice.

We weren't hung up on the island being purged, I knew what the world government was capable of and granny educated us so we would be aware should we choose to join the marines. I looked down at the sleeping honey badger in my arms and released a smile as I got a new Pokemon—— I mean a new crew member hahahaha