Training trip

"Coming through! Coming through! Coming through!" Screamed lami as she charged through the forest carving up every tree in her path. I looked at her body and noted the differences compared to when I first met her.

That pale and frail girl on the verge of death in the hospital vanished over the period of a year. She has what could be described a muscles for a child, currently however she's larger than she should be. Her training wasn't just in her body and her navigation skills.

Right now she resembles uzaki hitomi from the series killing bites as she rampages in her hybrid form. I secretly pray that her body grows to resemble that character in the future as she had a banging body. *shiver* I felt killing intent being directed at me by the other four girls in the forest right now while lami slowed down and grinned smugly.

Yes I said four but I'll come to that in a minute, lami is jacking through trees with two chipped blades. Similar to her brother she picked up swordsmanship though she chose two sword style. When I learned that a wild thing like her was going to study two swordstyle I couldn't help myself and told her the story of demon slayer. Now I have my own little inosuke running around training her beast sword style.

She began training her flexibility more than her muscles since then. The kami-e technique helps but right now she's in a class on her own. The marines also had several highly detailed documents on swordsmanship so over the year her metamorphosis was much more pronounced.

She has already reach the breath of the blade and cutting steel state. Next up is manifesting an entity through blade intent. I don't know what the fuck that means but gion can do it so it shouldn't be hard. After I repeatedly beat her she trained much more frantically so now when I fight her some times a rabbit appears behind her.

Once it does her attacks become much more viscous and far faster. I got reminded of re sero the first time she did it so I didn't hold back when I punched her. It was a do or die moment for me.

Anyway lami has begun training her devil fruit, swordsmanship and learning haki. Observation she picked up quickly thanks to her enhanced senses and the devil fruit encyclopaedia states that the previous users developed a taken in armament due to the fruit. No progress yet but I feel that's due to her being young.

She's the same age as myself, Muret and mani which right now is 8 years old. One piece logic means that training as a child can make you a powerhouse along with having a role model. To the girls surrounding me they feel I am that role model, especially the two new editions.

Now then mani has decided to tone down the devil fruit training and start working on her body. She made weight rings, sling rings (her connection version not mcu), loyalty rings, communication rings, slave rings, contract rings which kill the user if violated, blade rings (chakrams) which let her practice her own style of swordsmanship, launch rings which function like speed boosters and launch pads, appraisal monocle which lets her measure value of something and finally a mood ring.

That last one took her a while, she made a ring that when pointed at someone shows their feelings about you to them. Black is despise, red is pissed, green is friends, blue is neutral, yellow is on guard, pink is lust, brown is distaste, silver is worship and gold is treasure.

She then asked us to wear the rings, the girls were a mix of pink, silver, gold and green when pointed at me which made them embarrassed. They punched my shoulders playfully but with how strong they are I got a little bruise the next day.

When I pointed at them it was gold, silver and pink. I chose to ignore the pink because we're 8. Although one of the girls I understand because she's older.

Next is muret, she's studying poisoning and chemistry to mix them into her needles. She also training in a style that was like mantis style king fu. She also has karate moves as they deliver more power, she made a kuroki gensai devil lance be one of her ultimates. I don't know what conditions are in her needles because she has that many so I choose not to get stabbed.

She also read some new kama research theories that the marines got their hands on. Ivankov may actually be a chemistry genius, he developed his devil very well from what I can remember. Being able to change gender on the fly is a sign that he's a master at using his devil fruit.

The final thing was she discovered a devil fruit user that was similar to her that was among the world government ranks. We asked granny for his file to see if we could learn his moves. The higher ups don't ask anything about it as they actually trust her judgement. She has the best track record in her generation.

The guy she discovered had the pin pin fruit, he used his devil fruit like illumi from hunter x hunter. Like he could control people he stabbed temporarily, remove the bodies limiters for a short time, restructure his body and finally his awakening. Once every ten years the guy could inject someone with a potential unleasher pin. He's a super kami guru!!! The last person he used it on was admiral kong before the celestial dragons learned of his ability they began monopolising it for themselves.

Pretty shitty idea if you ask me, 1 time 0 is still 0 however granny warned me against that mentality. She said that some of the dragons are actually competent fighters. I know she was referring to doffy chan but it still a reminder of what those scum can become.

Speaking of doffy chan she's moving up in the world. She lost against a new kama pirate then disappeared for three months. Next thing you know the kama island was bombed then killings started happening against all the north and west blue crime families.

When doffy resurfaced after "escaping" several groups mocked her change. Her temper has gotten worse since becoming female so she's hunting them down like dogs which is making her bounty sky rocket. Ivankov was also captured after she left so two new leaders were elected to lead the new kama. One is called puri puri prisoner who ate a bird zoan that lets him have wings and the other was called Mil-tan who ate the staff staff fruit so she can make staffs. I trembled as I read about them in the paper, their bounty posters look exactly like their alternate reality version.

Puri puri prisoner also had a grudge with doffy chan so chased her to west blue where she continued her rampage. She then got into a fight with Kano country where she injured a royal family member. Now don Chinjao is after her ass~

That also leads me to my review over myself, some big things happened in terms of my power up. Since garp left I began sparring with all the marines nearby, granny included. I can beat most of them but the top ones can still beat me. For six months after that I began training in the wild against nature and its inhabitants. I hit a wall mid way through so returned home were I found a birthday present from granny.

A hasshoken manual!!! This is what I needed to develop one of my two trump cards that i theorise can put me at yonko level if mastered. This martial art allows one to manipulate vibrations and amplify them. My devil fruit can also do this but I never was able to control the vibrations. So I returned to the woods for another three months to see if I could master it.

The results were varied, I could compress myself and use the manuals teaching to control the vibrations but they would be contained within my body as long as they weren't release. This has positives and negatives; the negative was it hurt like hell and when I couldn't stand it I would release my springs catapulting me away randomly. The positive however was that continuously doing it was tempering my body.

As my body grew stronger the amount of force I could contain increased and the length of my spring increased. When I could contain more force I used it to temper my body. This was essentially a cycle to grow stronger. The only issue was that pain increased the more I did it yet this also had a benefit of increasing my pain tolerance and sharpening my will.

My haki was continuously improving as my observation range increased and the detail became much clearer. My armament also became fully black and I could coat a limb in it. After my 6 months was completed however the progress stopped or was reduced greatly. I needed battle to improve so I went to my granny.

Six months after garp left I became a monster that could become a top level pirate in paradise but he so so in the new world. Granny sighed as her grandson would surpass her. She thought she should follow garp example and begin retraining herself. Yeah after garp left word spread on how to handle him, beat him up when you meet him. So all the arrogant young masters started trying along with newly promoted marines. They all got decimated but he felt aggrieved so decided to retrain himself.

According to granny he reached the level that he can destroy 5 mountains with a punch now and is aiming for 10. I gulped as at my peak I may be able to smash one and that's if I want to risk internal injuries.

Granny decided to take me on a training trip to three islands. The first was an island at the tip of the north as they called it. So essentially she took me to the North Pole, I trained using my vibrations to generate an effect similar to shivering from toriko that kept me warm.

I looked at granny and saw that she was unbothered by the cold. When I asked her how she laughed at me and said "hahaha it's colder in the new world plus with semei kikan I can use that shivering thing you mentioned" so she won't be beaten by climate.

We entered that island for two weeks were she made me fight the wild life. 15ft tall polar bears, snow foxes that could generate sonic booms and fucking emperor penguins that launch them self at you like torpedos. On that island I had to constantly have my guard up as they could attack me below the snow or from above.

Even using my iron body and haki to block proved to be ineffective on some attacks. Fun facts, steel springs in the cold don't work to well. They become brittle and can snap quite easily so I had to stop using my devil fruit and rely on my rokushiki and the martial arts I retrained in this body. Mostly muai Thai and systema which seems to work pretty well against those frosty bastards.

After that she took me to an island called Gangla which as the name suggested was a hell hole filled to the brim with gangs. My granny wanted to show me what an island without the governments over site could devolve into if left unchecked. Another two weeks except I had to fight criminals who wanted to sell me. She left me there to go do her own training.

I got my first kill there, well first human kill as if killed plenty of animals for food. The act only made me a little queasy but I soon got over it. The feeling vanished as I kept fighting to survive. After those two islands my body developed a few scars.

I underestimated those islands thinking that just because I had haki and a devil fruit I could crush them. I was a fool..... the people there fought dirty and used every opportunity to cause pain that they could. They used gas and flashbangs to rob me of my senses, high grade weapons to cut me or try to capture me and lastly they had their own devil fruit users.

I fought a man and woman who ate the clay clay fruit and the mould mould fruit. One turned into an element that would fill my surroundings while the other could manipulate it with a few flicks of her wrist.

With geppo I could start of the ground so I wouldn't be trapped but I also had to constantly keep my Tekkai up as they would shoot at me while I was airborne. Every so often if counter attack with shigan and rankyaku so I whittled down their numbers. If I launched my arm the mould girl would have removed it from my body or twisted it so it would become unusable. The clay guy also prevented all my hasshoken attacks by using a liquid clay to absorb them.

The worst part was that no matter how many I cut down or shot with my rokushiki more grunts kept coming. After what felt like ages I was somehow able to have a break through and surpass my limits. I was able to merge geppo and soru midair and then use it with my devil fruit version. I'd finally attained the complete {spring step}.

After I attained that epiphany my haki grew to accommodate my 3-D fighting as it slowed down every one else. It also helped my senses not be overloaded. Using that change I spring stepped towards the clay man. {spring death knock} was the name of the attack which I copied from the original. He used it against bartolomeo but I added haki to it.

The clay man got a hole in his torso, the action made the mould woman lose her cool which I used to send a rankyaku through her neck. After that I used {spring hopper} to decimate the grunts.

After that I took a good rest before more scumbags came and I dispatched them. Finally my granny came back looking younger and more energetic than when I last saw her. She decided to take me to the final island of the trip. Stormina island, this island is constantly surrounded by a strong preventing any ships from entering or leaving.

Essentially this island is cut off from the rest of the world. Once our ship approached the storm granny made us geppo the rest of the way. I was soaked to the bone because of the heavy rain and was struck by lightning as my metal springs attracted it.

after twenty minutes I landed on the shore of the gloomy island. There was only one village so after I recovered I headed towards there to get some food. The results weren't to pleasant, the locals were some kind of religious fanatics who viewed people as devils and witches. Some of them saw me entering the island and noticed my power. They recognised a devil fruit so tried to attack me and ran me out of town.

So I used my observation to find shelter for the night after hiring a few wolves. In the middle of the night I was awoken by the sounds of marching. I hopped into the trees and used my stealth skills that I'd accquired to hide.

The townsfolk gathered and were spouting bull shit like "those demon brats have called another of their kind here. I think we should eliminate them before more come." I followed them towards a cave where I heard two girls screaming after the villagers entered with their pitch forks and torches.

So on instinct I hopped in and was greeted with the sight of the villagers holding one small blue haired girl hostage so they could attack an older green haired girl. "Don't block demon! Or she dies" they shouted as they held blades to the child who was crying to her sister.

The older green haired one turned partially white and that's when I recognised them. Sugar and monet, I was shocked and then grew angry at the display. My teeth grinder which attracted some attention. The villagers turned and saw me at the acne entrance with a heavy storm behind me.

"It's the other demon, quick kill them" the village chief squealed as he pointed his torch at me. I felt something snap as I shouted "you scum!! I'll crush you!!!" And with that something rushed out of me impacting everything in my surroundings.

A silent whispering noise echoed out as the thunder of the storm was silenced. The villagers all froze while the sisters watched wide eyed as their tormentors collapsed foaming at the mouths. They then looked back to me who was breathing heavily. For the first time in two decades the storm stopped, the clear night sky could be seen behind me.

The girls were in awe as the moon was positioned perfectly behind my back and the moonlight bouncing off my golden hair. After I reclaimed my breath I looked towards the two girls and couldn't help but say.

"Come with me if you want to live". The two girls never looked back. My granny came ashore the next day and was shocked to see me with to new girls. She rubbed her head and smiled "my grandson is a lady killer hahaha" so I retorted "I get it from you I think" that shut her mouth as she became gloomy. My granny is straight so she doesn't enjoy the constant advances from some of her crew. It's why she adopts a cold exterior when she's sailing. To keep those bitches in check though for some reason they like her like that and blame me for when she's all happy.

They think she's acting sigh~. After that I took the twelve year old monet who ate the snow snow fruit and became a snow woman and her younger sister sugar back with us to my homeland.

I also gave the girls some fruits and watched as they became addicted. Sugar fell in love with berries with blue berries being her favoured while monet fell in love with water melon.

For those who are curious no monet does not look like a harpy. Caesar did that to her once she joined his operation as a scientist though I do admit a sexy harpy does sound enticing.

After they came back they integrated with the other girls rapidly. I have sugar who is a year younger than us the art art fruit as she felt left out. Perhaps having a full crew of devil fruits users is a bad idea. Though the sea stone resistance has been progressing as I can function normally in water but can't attack or use my powers in it.

I began training the two new girls in rokushiki, haki but they thought it was called mantra as sugar apparently had it for some reason which was why she was called a witch and then lastly devil fruit training.

Monet I had her practice by throwing snow balls to work on her aim, littering the area with snow then hiding amongst it like jaws. I had her try to use ice moves from pokemon and the ice style from naruto which had mixed results. Then I tried to get her to learn swordsmanship. She's really good at it, she started making her one sword snow style. She's basically recreating the water breathing style of demon slayer yet replacing the water with snow. The tidal type moves are snow storms and the gentler moves are snow fall moves.

Sugar was a little more difficult, I had to introduce her to various forms of art and help her develop a taste. My stories seemed to have helped and visiting the museum in notice helped developed her powers. Her powers can be the most versatile in existence if she can gain mastery.

Off the bat she can turn people who are within the range of her haki into what she perceives as art. After speaking with me that includes: paintings, stories, statues/ sculptures, music, martial arts, explosions and textiles. The effects appear to be mood based, like when she's feeling artistic or shoot you'll become a painting. When she's feeling combative you'll turn into a sculpture in a martial arts or a jojos pose. When she's really pissed you'll turn into a bomb. I'm so proud~

Next was I tried to have her paint things to see if she could function like rill boismortier from black clover. We discovered that she can't draw with paint however when she uses berries and their juices she can paint amazingly. She can paint the elements and they'll come to life though they don't match the actual elements.

We discovered one of her snow paintings can't match the level of monets abilities or a spring she drew was nowhere near as strong as me as it was destroyed under the same pressure I can endure. But nonetheless she could still produce things from her paintings and do the reverse.

Her actual limit for the elements would be the colour of the berries. I somehow lucked out and found that pokemon berries exist in this world though they don't give boosts they all taste delicious. We ordered some in for her so she can begin practicing. What's your favourite pokemon berry?

She could seal things into her paintings, can be living or inanimate. Once they're slapped with a painting or she drags them in art form to a painting they'll be sealed. Mani and lami were tested on after some wild boars. Time seemed to freeze while they were stuck in there. They just blinked and they were out. However we learned she can make them conscious in there. She's going to be like king boo in Luigi'S mansion trapping people in paintings.

She can literally make them into our trophies though it's dispelled when she gets knocked out just like her canon counter part. So we had to train her against conqueror haki. Well we all need that, basically for a few minutes a day in the forest I would try and use conquerors and they would resist it.

Granny said the only ways she knows how to train that kind of haki are either to keep using it, sharpen your will through battles, compete against another one or to use it against a storm. The last one was what sengoku told her would work as Dragon used to do it when he was a marine. So when there was a storm I had to stand outside and let it rip until I passed out or the storm ended.

Surprisingly the water would be pushed away when I did it. Now then I'm sure I got most of the people I could want for a crew with only one or two missing. I'm gonna try and see if I could recruit reiju~ granny said she was going to visit Germa kingdom in the future.

Meanwhile my crew will be studying their areas of expertise. Muret- Doctor, mani- chef and spymaster, lami- navigator, Monet- scientist and lastly sugar- artist and surprisingly archaeologist. She likes researching ancient art so I brought her books about cultures from the last 800 years. I also got some goods from gangla that would be useful to everyone.

Now all I need is a marksman and a shipwright. I and Lami can be a helmsmen. I'm also not sure if I'll need a powder monkey or not. Oh and a musician, I sing songs from my last life and can play piano but I feel I need someone from this world. Maybe a mascot too~

The girls also suggested our crew could be called the metal menace pirates because of how the first three members had metal devil fruits. Lami also demanded another zoan user be brought aboard as she feels that there's "too much paramecia here" Monet quickly agreed saying we need more Logia. Do they not know how rare devil fruits are?