Jays and the strawhat.

The sound of seagulls chirping can be either aggravating or cathartic depending on the person. *boom boom boom*. Russian doesn't seem to like them very much, her husband just steps aside as she works his rifle.

Sofya is hovering around watching the birds fall, licking her lips and giggling "ufufufu" or letting out the dreaded "Ara Ara". Now I understand why that's a fetish, when she first did it I dragged her into my quarters for a good 11 hours. She hobbled away in desperate need of eggs for protein and water to rehydrate.

Everyone bonded with lily quite well, mostly finding her expanding head gimmick entertaining. Me and her actually had a few romps already and let me tell you. Once she learned how to manipulate her size partially I was in for a wild time. The other girls have her a dead state when she mumbles about unlocking her awakening and then being able to affect other people.

She learned how to grow larger by multiplying her smallness by negative numbers. Using the power in reverse is a sign of advanced mastery, considering Lily's similar personality to luffy it was obvious she's share his talent. As a giant she also has Haki, I asked her to teach Lami, Monet, Quetzal and Sofya the giants signature move. Ikoku and Hakoku. The difference between the two is the gender or the presence of Haki according to her. Dorry and Broggy were not shown to be able to use haki but lily says all members of Elbaf can use armament due to their physical strength.

Sofya was actually the fastest to master it even though she uses a staff. Quetzal and Lami followed quickly behind but Monet seems to be unable to produce it. I believe it's due to her using ice picks as her blades. But I'm not going to point that out to her as she's training much harder now than she usually did. Since we entered the grand line the crew became lax as they thought nothing till the new world could kill them Barr marines.

Well arguably one of the war lords could but it depends on which one. I'll have a field day if buggy shows up looking out bounty's. As I rested in my bed nuzzled between Sofya and Quetzal I heard "land ho" being shouted by gimlet. I frowned at having to leave the bed but I got up nonetheless.

The crew gathered on the deck and discussed what we wanted to do. Some chose to stay on the boat such as the Senors as they knew Jaya's reputation. Not the sort of place a family should be hanging around. So they guarded the ship while the rest went exploring.

The girls swiftly broke off from me into their packs desperate to ravage the stores for the latest in pirate fashion. I just wandered through the nearby town ignoring the whispers of the weaklings surrounding me. "Is that the Devil fist Bellamy?!?" "There's no way he has such a bounty he looks pathetic". "I heard he's into old men, Garp the fist claims to have been fisted by him in the past". "I need to report this".

Every time I heard something I didn't like, a silenced shigan broke of piercing an artery in the heart similar to the reapers invisible scythe in ass class. Man I loved that anime, though Koro sensei's weird laugh and sexual assault was a little off putting.

Feeling thirsty and a little peckish I opened the doors to a pub. I walked in and found a seat in between a younger kid in red wearing a straw hat and a huge fat guy with mismatched teeth. I just smirked and walked up to the counter and sat between them.

"Tough guys and degenerates are the main source of income in mock town, the key is to play it safe to thrive here. Level headed people like yourselves don't last long here. The wanted posters won't be up for a couple of days so I suggest skipping town" ranted the bar keep.

I sat down and asked for a pie so he nodded and placed one down for me and the two beside me. After taking a bite I munched on the cherry pie. As the ginger babe I'm assuming is Nami continued to complain about how much of a shit hole jaya is she was interrupted by the sudden *bang* "" hey fatso, this cherry pie tastes freaking delicious/awful!!!"" Then there was silence as Luffy and Black bears stared at each other.

So I said "this pie is pretty decent old man~" then the two looked at me before slowly sitting back down. We all reached for our mugs and downed them "" this was one of the worst/best beers I've ever tasted!!""

They both then stared at each other "I think there something wrong with your taste buds kid" "well I think there's something wrong with your big fat head". "I think the beer is nice old man". They both then turned to look at me again before looking at the bar keep.

Luffy then pushed the pie away "hey I'll take fifty steaks to go". Teach then rebuttals "and I'll take fifty one of those delicious cherry pies to go". "Wait make that fifty two steaks". "Nah make it fifty three pies". "54 steaks". "55 pies". "60 steaks". "70 pies" "80 steaks!!!!" "90 pies!!!"

"Can I get five cases of that beer and 8 pies to go please~". Then both slammed their foot down on the table and each grabbed me by the jacket before shooting in unison ""bastard what's your problem ah?!?! I'm gonna beat the crap outta you""

Then Nami appeared behind and bonked them both over the head "Don't try and fight someone who's being reasonable you morons!!!" As they both rolled on the ground with comical bumps on their heads I laughed.

I turned to Nami "thanks for the help Nemo, though I didn't need it. Those two wimps wouldn't stand a chance against me." That snapped both of them out of it.

They looked at me ""are you a pirate?!?"" "Aye". ""What's your bounty?!"" "450 million". ""Hah?!? For a prick like you!! I wouldn't believe it even if I had the poster!"" They both screamed until the bar tender had enough and gave teach his pies. He stormed off probably to scarf them down. I noticed the gleam in his eyes appeasing me, he decided I was to strong for him at the moment. He'd probably get the rest of his crew before challenging me.

Luffy then got back on the seat before turning to me "how would you even go about getting a bounty that big anyway?" I grinned "I did lots of

Cool stuff, i blew up a marine base, killed a few nobles, made a country collapse, leaked the governments secrets and a few other things". The more I said the paler Nami and the others in the bar got. Zoro was teaching for his blade while luffy had stars shining "woah! What else have you done!?!"

"Well there's the reason I got my moniker. They call me devil fist because of what I did". Luffy practically screamed for me to tell him so I obliged "I beat up Garp the fist, the marine hero a while back. Then when he showed up to challenge me I punched him in the family jewels, recorded it and sold it to all the people who he pissed off. Hahahahah".

Luffy froze before slowly getting up, I could practically hear Nami monologuing about how Luffy is finally making a smart decision and how I'm clearly dangerous. That went out the window when luffy slammed his head into the ground.

"SHISHOU PLEASE TAKE ME AS YOUR DISCIPLE!!!!!" I never laughed so hard in my life. Of all the things he could have done he begged me to teach him. The looks on his crews face are priceless. I decided to be nice to the anime protagonist because he made me laugh, plus all the nostalgia this guy brings from the time I spent on a Saturday watching him adventure.

I got him back on the seat before casually mentioning how our devil fruits are similar after I asked what powers he has. His crew was shell shocked watching my fist pop off my wrist and slinky down to the floor before reattaching a few seconds later.

I taught him about gear two and three which I can do but nowhere near as effectively as him. Next I told him about the six powers and how to train them. Lastly I mentioned Haki and how an Old man in Saobaody called Rayleigh teaches it, he would need it to even hurt Garp. I could tell he would have it memorised as the fear of his grandpa is massive.

Zoro also memorised it when he heard about rankyaku and how haki can lead to a black blade. I then said "if that old gorilla bothers you just say Bellamy will come beat his ass, he may even make him into the next beady chan!" He was obviously confused about that but I didn't care.

As I left I recalled that I'll be staying here for about a week as the log pose resets. Not an issue, I was considering going to skypiea but decided against it. Making the dream ship is much more important. I do plan to meet them again at Water 7 though, so I could trade robin the poneglyph transcripts and locations I remember.

As I exited the bar I noticed a familiar face approaching dressed in a white fur jacket. He looked up with a sneer that dropped when he say me. Cold sweat replaced it swiftly as he mumbled "bbbbb Bellamy issss thrhththat you?" "Hmm oh hey sarquis long time no see~".

He panicked and fell backwards "how did you get here?!?!? That old hag would never have let you go. Joker will come and kill you!!!!!" "You mean doffy chan~". If he was pale before now he is ghost white "never say that name, she—-he hates that name".

"Whatever~ id love to see what she's gonna do about it. Run along now sarquis before I decide to try hyena meat!" His teeth began chattering as he hobbled into the bar replacing my canon version as the antagonist on this island. I was in a good mood so decided to go find the girls for some fun.