Honey hack

The straw hat pirates where on the war path through enies lobby in an attempt to rescue their historian Nico Robin from the clutches of the world government. Franky the cyborg had just managed to steal her away from cypher pole by farting incredibly hard.

Robin was unable to use her abilities due to the cuffs containing sea stone. They don't have a material based devil fruit user who could craft a key so their only option was to defeat the CP9 agents.

Little did the straw hats know, two incredibly dangerous pirates had also infiltrated the tower for their own purposes.

Trafalgar Lami has just left the safe depository located at the bottom of the tower hidden under the elevator. Only a high level government official would be able to locate it never mind access it.

For Lami all she had to do was sniff out the scent of gold, a mammal zoan user has an amazing sense of smell. Lami chopped the elevator to bits with her twin blades then dropped down to the hidden floor.

Her prize was hidden behind a massive tungsten door, Lami scoffed as she leaned forward and held both her hands over her hips.

{two sword style- wild greeting!} Lami yelled as she quick drawed both her blades from her sides and swilled them diagonally. The blackened chipped blades seemed to elongate and carve through the metal before retracting into their normal shape and be reholstered.

Lami then raises her leg and allows for it to become covered in black fur. A partial hybrid transformation! Lami developed this technique after listening to one of her lover Bellamys stories. He spoke about a man named elfman who could transform into creatures he beat but suffered a great trauma after he lost a sibling so could only transform his limbs into those of the monsters until he eventually got over the trauma and unlocked stronger transformations.

That story resonated with her so she decided to attempt partial transformation, it could improve her swordsmanship if she could strengthen her limbs and senses without a full transformation.

Lami kicked her leg against the slashes she made in the tungsten door. The metal groaned before breaking inwards. Lami smirked at her swordsmanship proficiency before she strolled into the vault area.

She came across an archive filled with boxes of information. Luckily for her it was kept in alphabetical order. Lami blurred as she used shave to reach the "T" section of the archives.

She noticed the building continuously shaking and recognised that Bellamy was fighting a tough opponent so she sped up to find what she was looking for. Eventually she found the box labelled "trafalgar"

Funnily enough there was three boxes, she reached for the box with a higher concentration of dust sitting atop it. She removed the lid and pulled forth a few files, scanning through the pages she began to let her eyes water.

This was the governments data on her parents or rather a copy of it. It included some of their research thesis and proven theories that the world governments scientists plagiarised. She began to grow angry at the thought of how the government was usurping their hard earned work. The zoan fruit amplifies base emotions making most of them more quick to anger.

She as a honey badger is certainly no exception. Rather than lash out now she chose to remember the scientists names so she can cut them down in the future. One that stood out was commodore Bilić, she recalled him having occupied hand island. Bellamy explained numerous marines to the crew that he read from his grand mother's files.

Lami froze as she recalled Tsuru, the family drama of the Belo family isn't something she wants to think about.

Instead she reached out and grabbed the second box labelled "Trafalgar". It was the governments files on herself, it made references to numerous other documents that she hasn't had the chance to read along with observations made my numerous marines and spy's. Some of which came from Tsuru'S crew.

Gion and Helgart's names were one of the main sources for the information. Gion trained her in swordsmanship a lot when she was younger and she always spared with Helgart and stole some of her devil fruit made shampoo.

Lami suppresses the small feeling of betrayal from the people she considered friends and continued reading in silence, only the occasional rumble of the building serving to distract her.

Lami sighed as she placed the box to the side and reached for the third one. Her hand ended up grasping nothing. She turned to look for the box only to see it gone. Her eyes widened as she bolted to her feet.

"Fwufwufwufwu! Where you looking for this flea bag?" Questioned a haggard man garbed in a messy suit. Lami narrowed her eyes as she recognised the cypher pole agent Hacker.

She remained silent as he energy began to monologue. Thank god she listened to Bellamy when he complained about his opponents stupidity.

She turned him out as she processed the situation. That box he's holding must contain data about her brother. Her enemy realises that and is taunting her with it so she can make a rash decisions.

Lami drew her swords and began to slowly approach Hacker ignoring his bragging and taunts towards her. She's heard worse from gimlet after all.

She tested the waters by unleashing a wind blade at the enemy. Hacker transformed instantly into a half mantis with blades for arms. The arms blackened and he chopped her projectile in half.

The air blade continued on after being bifurcated and impacted the ceiling making the lights begin to falter. The two stared at each other as visibility of the room began to falter.

When everything went pitch black blades clanging sounded out as the two fought in the dark trying to kill each other. Their observation haki and enhanced senses allowed them to fight like this.

They tried to cut each other down for what felt like hours. When the lights returned hacker stood littered in wounds whilst Lami only looked disheveled. Her indestructible skin saved her from being cut down.

Hacker coughed blood before he fell infront of the box containing the info she wanted. She opened it swiftly and began to read data gathered by a marine named Rosinante. After she finished his report she began to sob after reading what happened to her brother,. He contracted the same disease she had but he didn't have Muret to remove it.

As she cried she tuned out the surroundings until she felt a hand rest over her shoulder. She turned and saw a busted up Bellamy holding a jade staff in hand. He pulled her into a hug and she continued to sob before she affirmed her determination to find her brother. Saobaody should be his next destination.