Lost A Friend!

Someone had listened to all of their conversation, but wasn't caught.

The person listened to her fill while covering it up while holding a book as if she were waiting for the door to be opened for her.

Meanwhile, nobody passed.

Seeing no one watching her, but was well aware of the security cameras that could be placed anywhere, she plugged in he ear buds and ten began to eat the conversation.

With every single word that came out of their mouth, her eyes bulged out.

'They were friends?!' She thought.

"Why are they now acting like stranger towards each other?!" She asked herself gently.

Although the door was sound-proof, the earplugs she wore made her get every single word they had said.

She was about making another comment when she saw a shadow coming towards the door.

By now, she was fully immersed in the conversation, to the extent she had her ear on the door. As if the earplugs weren't enough.

When she saw the shadow coming in the direction of the door, she took on her heels.

She almost bumped into someone.

"Hey!" The person shrieked.

"Watch it...!" The person added.

Adjusting herself, the lady bowed slightly and apologized sincerely.


"I'm so sorry...!"

Saying that, the lady took in her heels again.

But the other lady wasn't having any of it.

"Sorry my ass...! Didn't your parents teach you some proper manners...?! You could have ruined my dress!" The other lady shouted shamelessly.

"Besides, even if your parents didn't give you some proper manner training, you could have least inserted it yourself...by yourself...!" The shameless lady added.

"Speaking of parents, I can tell your parents need some help with the way you're talking right now...so why don't I offer you some little stipends so you can give to them hmm...?"

The shameless lady said as she made a show of rummaging through her purse for something.

"What do you say...?" She then raised her head up to look at the retreating figure of the girl that had almost mistakenly knocked her down.

Stopping only after she had taken three (3) steps, and after she heard the mention of her parents, the lady retreating in a haste, turned and glared at the shameless lady.

"What did you just say...?!" Magdalene asked.

Putting her hand on her hips, the arrogant lady scoffed.

"I don't repeat myself...especially when it comes to poor and outdated people like you!"

Magdalene couldn't take it any longer, so she spoke up.

"Who do you think you are...?!" She began.

The other lady stood there with her hand hips and kept on sizing magdalene.

Magdalene didn't bother, she also sized this prostitute of lady up too.

Looking at her up and down, Magdalene spoke.

"What is a prostitute like you doing in this High and Prestigious organization like this one...?!" Magdalene first threw at her.

The other lady could not believe her ears. She had not been spoken to like that in her life...not to talk of directly being insulted.

Anyone that insulted her, did it behind her back, or said it in secret so that she wouldn't hear of it.

But when she did (if she did hear about it), she would teach that person a lesson he/she would never forget.

The last time she did teach someone that insulted her behind her back, she didn't hesitate in teaching him her styles.

Although it was a guy, she made sure the guy never made that mistake again.

And if he did see anyone like her that is involved in the type of business she was involved in, he would know how to control his mouth!

So seeing that this miniature caricature of a girl, stood her up like that, she wished they weren't in in a building like this so that she would teach this girl the lesson if her life.

What am idiot this girl was!

The other lady's fist tightened and she had an angry on her face.

Before the other lady could say something in order to retaliate, Magdalene beat her to it.

"If you want to say something, forget it...people like you don't even get the chance to see the Boss of this Corporation, talk more of the CEO...so if you can't get to them through us...what makes you think you have the audacity to talk to me or us...like that?!" She said.

The other lady gritted her teeth furiously and clenched her fists in sheer anger.

"Who...!" The shameless lady was about to talk. Magdalene shunned her up.

"Who am I...?" Asked Magdalene as she pointed at herself with her index finger.

"Who am I...?" She asked again.

Laughing and shaking her head before taking her stance, Magdalene adjusted herself,ready for a fight.

"I am the lady that works at 'Haruto Corporation!'" She began.

"We don't take nonsense and no for an answer...!" She added.

"We get things done on time, even before time...!" She said again.

"And we don't hire prostitutes like you...!" She recited their motto and sized the shameless lady up.

That got other lady furious.

Wanting to attack Magdalene, the other lady charged at her but was stopped by a male voice.


The boss's voice was heard.

Turning around to see Asahi walk towards her, she regained her composure and posture.

Looking at the boss, Magdalene was thrilled to see him there.

"Boss...!" Magdalene called.

Asahi didn't give her attention, but that didn't mean it'd stop her from talking.

She went on to say;

"Boss, this prostitute walked in here and started insul...!" But she was cut short by an insult.

"Are you okay Magdalene?" Asahi first asked.

Nodding her head with the smile in her face, Magdalene answered;

"Yes boss, yes I'm okay...!"

Shaking her head in negation, Asahi cut her off.

"Nah I don't think you are...!"

Magdalen's smile faded.

"Wh...what do you mean boss?!" Magdalene asked confused.

"You seem to have forgotten your manners now haven't you magdalene...?!" He asked as he stood in front of Magdalene.

Looking up at Asahi, she frowned and asked;

"W...what do you mean boss...?" Cutting her off, Asahi snapped.

"Is that how you were thought on how to treat strangers, or have you suddenly forgotten your manners...?!"

Stammering, Magdalene said;

"I... I'm s...sorry boss. I didn't mean to be rude...!"

Glaring down at her increased Magdalene's stammering apology.

"I...I didn't even k...know she was a visitor...uh I mean your guest...uh I mean....!"

Rubbing his temple with his fingers Asahi snappedly shut Magdalene's annoying apology before she went further.

"WILL, YOU, SHUT THE F*CK UP!" He roared.

Magdalene jumped a bit.

Almost reaching out for her, Asahi said;

"If you don't watch your mouth and tie your tongue when I comes to working in this organization, I will deal with you in ways you'd not expect your boss to deal with you...!"

"Try it non-professionally and I will teach 'You' a lesson!"

A voice roared from the exit door, where Yuma could be seen walking towards their direction.

Asahi flinched a bit when he heard the deep voice roar, so he turned.

When he saw that it was Yuma, his heart sank.

Everyone turned, including Kazumi.

She had been enjoying the little scene going on in front of her as that little good-for-nothing Magdalene or whatever they call her shivered as Asahi spoke to her.

It means that she didn't have to show this little Magdalene, a little side of her.

As Yuma made his way toward them, Magdalene couldn't help but grumble within her.


'What's is he doing here? And why is he coming in my direction...? And why is he looking at me that way...?!' She asked all at once in her head.

'Get your eyes off!' That, was also said in her head.

When Yuma had arrived at the position where they stood, he stood in front of both Magdalene and Asahi, being in the middle facing Asahi while backing Madgalene.

"Try any nonsense, and you won't like what I'll do to you...!" Yuma stated plainly.

As Asahi looked into Yuma's eyes, he could see the confidence and determination in them.

Looking into both eyes of Yuma, Asahi placed both his hands in his pockets and asked;

"I thought you quit...! What are you still doing here...?!" He said those with so much authority, any normal person that heard him would have been frightened.

But Yuma was no fool to take that because he knew him from little.

When Asahi couldn't get a reply from him, Asahi smirked.

"Proving tough to your own boss now aren't you Yuma?" Asahi asked.

"I can see you've forgotten your little manners now, am I right little boy...?"

Asahi demanded an answer.

Once Asahi was done asking, Yuma burst out laughing.

No one knew what made him laugh, but what came out next, was the truth and it had everyone laughing also.

"Hahahahahahahaha, oh Asahi...!" Yuma called Asahi by name instead of boss, this had gotten Asahi furious.

Putting his own hands in his pockets, Yuma now spoke.

"I remember the first time you graduated from the university...you had been bankrupt!" Yuma began.

"You came to me looking for a job and..." He paused for a bit.

"Not that I refused but..." Looking down, he shook his head.

"Your parents had instructed me not to help you...but I did it anyway, because I thought you were worthy of it...only to discover..." He paused for a bit before saying;

"Do you remember the time you came in here looking for a job...you told me you came in here broke and scattered..."

"You were half dressed...ruffled..." He paused.

"Even smelly...!" Everyone could not hold it back anymore.

Some burst out laughing.

"You even came in here looking like a tattered church rat...!" As he said this everyone burst into laughter. Even Kazumi couldn't help laughing.

Asahi felt embarrassed.

'Why does he have to disgrace me like this?!' Asahi thought.

As if reading through him, Yuma smirked for a bit and then said;

"I'm not trying to disgrace you Asahi...! But I'm just being literal."

Asahi frowned.

"You think you have a lot the power in this organization...but the head over this Corporation isn't here and I bet that's why you're messing around...!" Yuma said.

"You seem to have forgotten the time you walked through those doors...!" Yuma said as he turned and pointed at the same exit he was about to go through.

"You told me, you saw that this was not of your status as of that time...you told me you couldn't afford the job...you told me you would have to start from being a janitor before you'd be able to reach the highest rank here...!" Yuma said.

"But God seemed to have seen your wicked heart, that's why He gave you the job as he second head...!"

"But be rest assured, your happy start won't have an amazing end...!" Yuma added.

Looking behind Asahi, Yuma pointed towards the lady standing looking at him.

"Especially if it's with her...!" He said.

Everyone's gaze turned to face Kazumi who was frowning at what Yuma said, and why he had pointed at her.

When Asahi turned to look at Kazumi, he knew he was told the truth.

'But can't someone have fun in this life...!' He sighed.

Before Asahi could turn and utter anything else, he heard Yuma say;

"You had better change Asahi, or you would lose it!" With that, he left them and exited the building.

Asahi turned to Madgalene, his eyes filled with some feeling he couldn't quite explain.

Yuma, as if forgot something, came back... but it was for something different.

Or someone...

"Magdalene..." Yuma called.

Madgalene looked in his direction.

"Follow me!" He ordered as he beckoned on her to follow him.

As if wired, Madgalene willingly followed.

Asahi watched with his mouth open-wide.

As Yuma and Madgalene exited the building, everyone started their gossip.

"Get back to work...all of you...now!" Someone ordered.

Everyone searched for the arrogant voice that spoke.

"Who spoke!" Someone angrily asked.

"I did...!" Kazumi shamelessly said.

Looking in her direction, the person that had asked who spoke, eyed her, hissed and then left that spot.

When that person left, everyone scattered.

When everyone scattered, Kazumi marked the person that had eyed her and hissed at her.

She would deal with that person later.

Walking seductively towards Asahi, she wrapped her arms around him from the back.

Her action flabbergasted everyone. Even Asahi.

Asahi had been thinking of something before he felt two(2) arms wrap themselves around him.

When he turned to see who it was, he discovered it was Kazumi.

Trailing her fingers on Asahi's chest, she whispered;

"I think you owe me something..." Her voice a bit hoarse.

Looking at her for a moment, Asahi took the back of her hand and kissed it.

Without looking back, he ordered his driver to get the limo running.

As if the driver was under a spell, Asahi had to repeat it.

Not getting an answer, Asahi turned to look at his driver.

With his mouth wide-opened, the driver was drooling!

"Kaito!" Asahi called.

Snapping from his drool, the driver shook his head violently before looking at Asahi.

Knowing very well that he was in huge trouble, he asked Asahi;

"Y...Yes Boss...?!"

"Why are you drooling and who are you gaping at...?

Asahi first asked.

Knowing he's been caught, Kaito began to stammer.

"Ah...a...I...boss...it...it's...n...no...n...not what y...you're thinking...!"

Glaring at him, Asahi tilted his head to the side a little to tell him to get the limo running.

Which he did.

Getting into the car, the driver drove in the direction given Asahi.