
"Get back to work...all of!" Someone ordered.

"Who spoke!" Someone angrily asked.

"I did...!" Kazumi shamelessly said.

Looking in her direction, the person that had asked who spoke, eyed her, hissed and then left that spot.

When that person left, everyone scattered.

When everyone scattered, Kazumi marked the person that had eyed her and hissed at her.

She would deal with that person later.

Asahi had been thinking of something before he felt two(2) arms wrap themselves around him.

When he turned to see who it was, he discovered it was Kazumi.

Trailing her fingers on Asahi's chest, she whispered;

"I think you owe me something..." Her voice a bit hoarse.

Looking at her for a moment, Asahi took the back of her hand and kissed it.

"Kaito!" Asahi called.

Snapping from his drool, the driver shook his head violently before looking at Asahi.

"Y...Yes Boss...?!"

"Glaring at him, Asahi tilted his head to the side a little to tell him to get the limo running."

Without needing to be told what to do, twice...Kaito had the limo running.

Getting into the car, the driver drove in the direction given by Asahi.

* * * * * * *

Before Kazumi wrapped her arms around Asahi, Asahi was deep in thoughts.

Sure enough, Yuma had always been the one to look after him as if he (Yuma) was the elder one.

But it was he (Asahi) who had gotten the job for Yuma, so why was he acting as if he was in charge it if the CEO had handed over the Corporation to him (Yuma) when in truth, the Company was in wondeful hands.

His hands!

(Asahi's hands).

When Kazumi wrapped her hands around Asahi, it had totally eveded his mind.

Kazumi saying she was owed something had gotten Asahi wondering what it was.

Remembering, Asahi's ha a smile in his face.

He knew he had never lived Kazumi from the on-set, but she was what evert man wanted.

What any man needed.

Sure she had turned out be a useless person, but she was the first girl he had ever dated in his life.

Just to get to her best-friend...but it hadn't turned out in his favour.

She was a hard to get person and Kazumi that was willingly open had stolen the opportunity to herself, and she never shared even with her best-friend.

But that didn't bother her friend.

She kept on living her life and tried her vet best to help Kazumi. But it seemed that Kazumi wasn't having any of it.

Asahi was seated with Kazumi sitting across from him in the limo.

She was looking out the window and gazed at the buildings that they passed by.

They were indeed beautiful.

But it wasn't that she hasn't to this part of the state. But this part of the state was unimaginably like Paradise.

There were huge restaurants that were lited up with different colors.

Some were purple, others pink, some red, others blue.

There was one that caught her attention.

It was a three (3) storey building with a huge mug on a saucer plate. It was traced with blue lights that brought out the boldness of the mug.

The building wasn't fully completed when she first visited this place.

At first it was a bar that had few customers.

She had come, as of that time, get a drink as she was really down.

She had gotten into a fight with her best-friend, Masami, and had hit her really hard, she had started bleeding from her nose.

She wasn't a skilled fighter like Masami but had done it out of the blue.

Masami had been unconscious for some time before she had regained consciousness.

She smiled as she remembered that day.

It was a very happy day for Masami and she had come to share it with Kazumi. But Kazumi had ruined it badly for her.

As of that time, Kazumi felt really bad for what she had done. But now that she remembers it, she was pleased that she had done it.

'Anyways, that's in the past...' Kazumi thought to herself.

As they passed by the building, she smiled further and remembered the first time she had introduced herself into this business that had brought her to this level.

* * * * * * *

Kazumi had pinged Masami really hard on her nose.

Masami had come to share what her Dad had gotten her for her birthday.

Kazumi was wrapping her own special surprise for Masami when Masami come running into the classroom with something in her hand.

"Kazumi, Kazumi...!" A girl called.

A girl taller than Masami, tall and slender with dark hair turned from what she was doing and his something behind her.


Smiling broadly, Masami held something up for Kazumi to see.

"Look what my Dad got me...!"

Kazumi looked down at it.

Her eyes widened at the sight of what it was.

"Whoa...! No way...!" Kazumi exclaimed.

"Yes way...girl-friend...!" Masami exhaled an air of pride. (A playful one).

The dress Masami wore was an open long mint dress with an asymmetric statement collar chain.

Her hair that was tied in a bun was let loose so she could feel it on her back.

Kazumi couldn't doubt the fact that she had a pretty friend, so she envied the dress, along side her friend.

This was the dress both Masami and Kazumi had been dreaming of having.

It was Masami's birthday and it also fell on their prom day. It was their school's prom night and Masami's Dad had gotten her the dress while her Mum had gotten her the necklace and heels to stride in.

As Kazumi was taking in the sight, Masami uttered;

"But I don't like it!"

Kazumi's eyes snapped to glare at Masami.

Frowning, she asked;

"What do you mean...why?!"

Looking at the dress and them and then at Kazumi, Masami said;

"It's too exposing, and you know how I hate exposing dresses..."

Looking at her up down, Kazumi crossed arms and looked the other way.

"Why'd you eye me like that...!"

"You are so dumb...I can't believe I have a dummy as a friend...!"

Cutting her short Masami frowned. Feeling hurt, she asked;

"W...what do you mean?!" Her voice shaking.

Looking at Masami, Kazumi sighed, uncrossed her arms and said;

"Masami..." Kazumi called as she held Masami's shoulders.

"I wasn't insulting you, I was only trying to boost your morale concerning fashion...!"

Cutting her short, Masami said;

"Yeah right Kazumi, I know you better than that to know what you'd say...!"

Giving her a raised eyebrow, Kazumi crossed her arms across her chest and said;


"Really!" Came Masami's reply.

As Masami kept checking the dress I see if it fits, or if there was a single reason to return the dress.

But fortunately for the dress and unfortunately for Masami, the dress fitted very well, displaying her perfect curves, for a sixteen year old.

As Masami kept on observing the dress properly, Kazumi kept on glaring at her.

Looking from the long mirror that displayed Masami fo head to toe, Masami stole a glance towards Kazumi.

She noticed Kazumi was glaring at her.

No keeping her tongue to herself, Masami asked;

"Is there anything wrong Kazumi?"

Upon hearing her name, Kazumi looked up at the mirror to find Masami staring at her form the mirror.

Ignoring her stare, Kazumi turned her face the other way to avoid further eye contact.

As she did this, she went to sit on the bed with Masami following suit.

"What's wrong?" Masami asked in the most gentle voice possible.

Kazumi didn't answer.

"Kazumi...!" Masami called.

Looking at her in the eye, Kazumi asked;

"What?!" Anger visible in her tone.

Masami looking directly into the eyes of Kazumi, looked down and took Kazumi's both hands in her little soft ones.

Kazumi glared at her action but didn't utter a single word, but just watched.

Looking into her eyes, Masami said;

"Kazumi, you are my best-friend, my bestie..." She began.

"And besties don't hide anything form each other and that's what I've been doing for the past few years, and so have you..." Masami added.

"But I've noticed that you don't share things with me anymore...!" Masami stated.

Kazumi's expression still remained the same.

Noticing this, Masami let out a sigh.

"And you always keep glaring at me!" Masami stated boldly.

Not that she was scared or anything, but because she thought Kazumi should know.

After saying that, Kazumi's expression changed.

Before Kazumi's expression changed, she said something, Kazumi knew she said something but she couldn't remember.

Kazumi's expression changed from that of a glare to that of a tearful one and then...

"What are you thinking about...?!" Asahi had broken her out of her thoughts.

Jerking a bit, Kazumi turned look at Asahi who say opposite her.

She hadn't looked at him since they entered the limo.

Placing her head, gently on the window, Kazumi muttered;


Asahi didn't say anything but just stared further at Kazumi, expecting an answer, but none came, they just kept staring at each other.

Letting out a gentle sigh, Kazumi adjusted her mini dress and went across to sit beside Asahi.

Taking his arm and interwining their fingers together, Kazumi let her other set of fingers trail all the way up to his chest, unbuttoning his shirt.

"What do you think you're doing...?" Asahi asked in a gentle but hoarse voice.

Smiling, Kazumi said;

"I think I'm being owed something..."

Looking into his eyes, Kazumi could sense that he had been looking done at her.

"Can't you wait a little's taking only the Grace of God for me to hold myself..."

"Then why don't we just start now...?" Kazumi asked in a gentle enticing voice.

Asahi looked down at Kazumi who was waiting for his reply.

He wondered if she was crazy.

"I often think if you're crazy....!"

Asahi didn't keep his thought to himself.

Kazumi chuckled at his words.

"Maybe for you... I might be..." Her voice hoarse.

Moving his shirt from place in order to see his bare chest, Kazumi's fingers drew some circles on them, causing a tingling feeling to erupt in Asahi.

Looking up at Asahi, her eyes slowly fell on his lightly red lips, that parted to say something.

"I don't think I can hold myself any longer...!"

Cutting him short, Kazumi said;

"Then let's get on with it...!"

"Are you sure you're ready for this...?!"

Without getting a reply and not knowing what next happened, Asahi felt something something soft, yet hot in his mouth.

It kept on playing with his tongue and he couldn't hold himself any longer, neither could he pull himself out of it.

He let it flow and roll while Kazumi was having her own enjoyment whilst doing it.

Before Asahi could complete his statement question, Kazumi had kissed him without sparing him some air.

Though his custom for the guy to initiate the kiss, Kazumi felt that if she wanted her plan to swing into action, she would have to enforce it.

The kiss went on for about a full minute straight, without a one letting the other go.

The kiss was so intense that Asahi had lost control and had forgotten where they were, he had his hands already trialing all the way up to to her back to undress her.

He had almost completed the task when the driver announced that they had arrived.

"So soon...!" Kazumi moaned gently, though out of anger.

"Don't worry...!" Asahi assured her while patting her back, his voice hoarse.

"We'll have enough time to ourselves in the hotel....!"

Looking up at Asahi, Kazumi nodded.

"Okay...!" Her voice soft.

Before getting down from the limo, Asahi had made sure to re-dress himself properly as Kazumi had unbuttoned his shirt earlier.

Getting down form the limo, Asahi made sure he was the one to take Kazumi's hand once she came down.

He didn't want his butler gaping at his property even though he was just using her to his fill.

Once they were in the building, they were shown their room. As per being a frequent visitor and user of the place, Asahi was regarded as a top VIP customer here, so he was attended to on time.

Once they were shown their room, Asahi was the first one to enter, while Kazumi made orders for what they would like to eat.

After she was done, she closed the door, she turned around, only to find Asahi half dressed.

He had removed his suit and his shirt and his chest was left bare.

Ruffling his hair, he mar his way towards Kazumi.

Kazumi gulped.

"Couldn't you wait till after 'I' was undressed and ready...?!" She asked already a bit irritated and annoyed with what Asahi had done.

Cutting her short, Asahi let out a hearty chuckle.

"Hahaha, oh, Kazumi." He said as he placed both hands on the door where she stood to prevent her from running away.

"I told you I couldn't hold myself any longer and that it was the Grace of God that held me...!" He said.

"So do you think that it's time to let loose...?" Kazumi asked in a voice that could be mistaken to be a whisper.

Smiling mischievously, Asahi said;

"That's my girl...!"

"Now you're talking!" He added with an air of ignorance.

"What do we do first...?" Kazumi asked.

Carrying her gently from her legs up, Asahi said;

"How about we make use of the bed first...!"

Saying that, Asahi made his way with Kazumi in his hands towards the bedroom and then closed the door behind them.