The Ride 2.

After Yuma go in the limo, the driver started the limo and off they went.

Yuma and Madgalene sat opposite each other, both gazing out the window.

Both thought the same thing, but different ways...

Madgalene thought;

'How could he go out with that prostitute of a lady...?!' She fired at herself.

'Are we not good enough...?!' As she thought about this she frowned.

The 'we' referring to herself and the other ladies that worked in he Corporation.

Pushing the 'we' thought aside, Madgalene thought;

'Am I not good enough...?!' She fired at herself angrily.

'I work, tirelessly, I'm hard-working, a graduate, my parents are well to do...what didn't he see in me...?' Thinking about it, she sighed.

'At least I'm good-looking...!' She thought again as she looked at herself intently this time through the window glass.

'Right...?!' She asked herself.

Though she was deep in thought, her expressions didn't go unnoticed by someone...

"What's going on in that little head of yours...?!" Yuma asked.

No answer.

That didn't bother Yuma, but, he just kept staring at the girl, thinking also.

Frowning slightly, he thought;

'What's wrong with Asahi this days...?!'

'Why did he have to see, Kazumi... didn't he see Masami...or, other ladies...?' He kept on asking himself.

'What is wrong with him...!' He thought further.

Seeing Madgalene frown deeper this time, Yuma felt like smirking, but he couldn't. But that didn't stop him from doing so internally.

Calling her name;


Madgalene looked up.

With raised eyebrows, Madgalene answered;


"What are you thinking about...? Or rather whom...?!" He threw at her.

Keeping her cool, Madgalene answered;

" one... why'd you ask?" She asked back.

Staring intently at Madgalene, who, stared intently back at Yuma, Yuma knew he had found his match.

Sighing gently and re-adjusting himself in his seat, Yuma looked away and towards the world outside the limo.

As she looked away, Madgalene also looked away, but not till after a good five (5) seconds elapsed.

Once she looked outside, she saw the rain drops that fell on the limo's window and streets, she sighed.

'How did assistant Yuma know that it was going to rain today...?!' She thought.

'Not even the reporters reported anything like this...!' She thought again.

'This was the main reason I had been late today, if not I would have arrived at work earlier today...!' She thought.

Thinking about rain, she decided to ask a question.

Without turning her head towards Yuma, Madgalene said;

"Rough day at work...!"

Yuma knew she was going to talk, but he ignored her the first time.

When she didn't get a reply, Madgalene turned her head in his direction and repeated what she had said.

"Tough day at work today...!" This time she added volume to her voice to making it audible enough to make him hear her.

But although Yuma heard her, he pretended as if he wasn't aware of her talking.

Knowing pretty well Yuma was hearing her, Madgalene sighed deeply annoyed and called his name with severe obvious irritation.


Hearing his name, he could have smiled, but, he didn't.

Turning his head in her direction, he answered;


Studying him properly, she asked;

"Didn't you hear me?"

"Does it look like I heard you...?" Yuma non-chalantly answered with a the question.

Studying him properly, Madgalene sighed;

"You had a tough rough day, right...?" She asked.

Looking out he window, Yuma answered;

"Hmmm...!" He shrugged his shoulders while still looking out the window.

Looking at him very well, she adjusted herself very well.

Sitting very well, she began to talk.

"Why'd you help me...?" She asked.

Slowly turning towards her, he asked;


Sighing internally, she repeated;

"Why'd you help me?"

Looking into her eyes that didn't last a minute, he turned away and said;

"Did you want to get drenched in the rain...?!" He asked non-chalantly.

Frowning, she asked;

"That didn't answer my question...or didn't you get what I said...?"

Just looking at her, Madgalene knew it was going to be a bumpy ride back to her house.

Sighing, she said;

"My house is on the left, Even Housing Estate, house 35...!" Madgalene have him her address.

The glass that had been down, was now wounded up by the driver who coughed but feigned ignorance.


Clears his throat.

Winding the glass up,

"Mm, uh, I apologise for that... I'll leave you two alone...!" The driver said, and with that, the glass was wounded up.

Madgalene that had been looking at him, now frowned and then laughed gently before facing forward to look at Yuma, who, had been looking at her the whole time.

When she caught Yuma looking at her, he didn't try look away, nor did he try to hide the fact that he had been looking at her the whole time.

Her eyes widened in shock, Madgalene exhaled deeply as if having had a heart-attack.

Holding her chest and breathing heavily, Yuma decided to tease her a bit.

"Do you have difficulty breathing so that we can open the window...and by the window I mean, your side of the window....!" Yuma non-chalantly said.

Looking up at him, Madgalene felt like grabbing those ears of his and twisting them in such a way that, it would hurt and cut off without him even having to feel the pain of it.

Madgalene's look had turned to a glare that could melt, even the strongest iron.

"Don't do that...!" Madgalene said.

"You almost gave me a heart-attack...!" She added.

Yuma raised an eyebrow.

"Really...?" He asked.

Shaking her head, she said;

" re...!"

Getting herself together, with Yuma silently watching, Madgalene asked;

"Are you...or were you, friends with the boss...?" She asked as she looked him straight in he eye with confidence and boldness clearly seen in them.

Studying her with his chin on his hand, he slowly answered her.

"That topic is V.I.P only...!" He said, stressing the 'Only' part pretty well.

Looking at him, Madgalene couldn't hold her tongue.

"Why..?" She asked.

Frowning, Yuma asked;

"What do you mean 'Why'...?"

"You just asked me if we were friends and I told you that the topic was for V.I.P's only...!"

Madgalene didn't let him finish his statement.

"And as firm the looks of it, I don't think anyone's a V.I.P, or V.I.P enough to listen to that kind of dumb story that is if it still has some dumbness in it...!" She retorted.

Yuma looked at her in amusement that was not at all written on his face.

"You know there are some certain people you don't test, and talk to don't know who can make you or destroy you...!" Yuma said with authority that could be sensed in his voice.

Looking at him, up, down, Madgalene said;

"I am aware that it's not everyone I test and talk to anyhow..."

"But, make or destroy me...!" She laughed, a hearty laugh.

"It's only God that can make or destroy me..." She said.

"He's my Father...and that's why 'He'..." She placed a stress on the 'He'.

"...and that's why 'He' has given me the ability to make or destroy anyone...just pray that you aren't among them...!" She said cooly, but there were some hidden threats in there that only made Yuma laugh.

"Oh little Madgalene...!" He said for the first time while they've been in the limo.

"You have really forgotten your manners now, haven't you...?" He asked cooley with a smirk on his lips.

Knocking on the glass of the limo that seperated the back seat where they were from the front part of the car where the driver was.

Wounding it down, the driver said;


"Drop me here...!" Madgalene said.