Thanks...but I never needed your help!

"Drop me here...!" Madgalene said.

Yuma just sat down and watched her with an un-readable expression on his face.

"What do you think you're doing...?" He asked.

Ignoring his question, Madgalene got down from the limo, although in the rain, she had to get home before something happens and she'll be forced to do something she didn't like and wouldn't be in for.

As soon as she got down from the limo, she thanked the driver because he had stopped right in front of the estate where she resided.

Not looking back at Yuma, she moved towards the gate slowly being drenched in the rain.

Watching her action the entire time, Yuma didn't speak, but seeing her getting drenched gradually in the rain, shivering to her bones, Yuma decided to speak up. Not because he cared, but because he was scared if being held responsible for the death of somebody, out in the rain!

"What are you doing...?!" He shouted with an expressionless face.

Madgalene turned to look at him.

"Are you mad...!" He shouted again.

"!" Madgalene stuttered due to the cold breeze that blew alongside the rain as she hugged herself in order to keep warm.

"Again with the stuttering...?!" Yuma asked as he rolled his eyeballs whilst removing his hand from under his chin, as it supported it.

Looking away, she headed towards the gate if the estate without uttering a word of response to him.

'Not even a 'thank you''? Asked Yuma to himself.

"Maybe she thinks you're that kind of person...!" The driver that had also been watching her commented.

But Yuma disagreed.

Shaking his head, Yuma said;

"Na...!" He first said.

"I don't think she's that kind of person either...!" Yuma added.

Looking through the rear-view mirror, the driver stole a glance at Yuma but didn't say anything.

Looking at her, Yuma murmured;

"She could not even say thank you...!" But he said it in a tone in which only him could hear.

"Did you say something boss...?!" The driver asked.

Shaking his head slowly, Yuma said;


"Let's go...!"

After some time, the driver started the engine. Though Yuma had nothing on his mind...he thought, he still watched Madgalene go til they took a turn.

Madgalene on the other hand had turned to tell Yuma something, but on her turn, she saw the limo drive off.

Still shivering in the cold of the rain, Madgalene made her way towards her house,  but as she did that, she felt like her vision go blur and she looked like she might faint.

Still shivering, as if to death, Madgalene the rain!

Although, she had fainted, Madgalene still heard footsteps running towards her...

After, Kazumi left the house that morning, Masami was left in the house, doing all the chores.

Though Madgalene was not lazy, she hated when the house chores were piled up when she didn't feel like working.

Grunting deeply, she got to work.

She cleaned the whole house, single-handedly...

Firstly, she started with the kitchen...

She did the dishes, swept the kitchen, mopped it cleaned and arranged the cupboard, placed the plates, cups, cutleries where they ought to be.

Secondly, when she was done with the kitchen, she headed to the dining.

From there to the corridor. From there, she cleaned the stairs. After that she headed towards the room.

Once she opened the door to Kazumi's room, she ran back down.

After about five (5) minutes, Masami went back up.

Once she was back up, as if the stench she increased. Masami had to peg her nose with her fingers.

"Ohhhhhh... Kazumi..!" Masami grunted deeply.

The room was not only dark and smelly, but it was alcoholised....!

Masami had to watch her steps as she moved about in the room as she headed for the curtains.

Pulling them open, and light beamed in, Masami turned to get the horror of her life.

Gasping, Masami's mouth went agape for a moment.

"Oh...My...God...!" Was all Masami could say.

Kazumi's room was an isolated, dirty and a stench-flilled room...

"Who would live in this kind of place...?!" Asked Masami to herself.

She was about to begin cleaning when she perceived a foul smell.

Running out of the room, Masami ran to her room to vomit.

After cleaning herself up, Masami went back upstairs, this time with a nose mask on, and she began cleaning the room.

First she started with the cobwebs. Next she went on to sweeping, scrubbing the floor, and then moping it.

When she was satisfied with the visible results, she went on to work on the internal...'The Bathroom...!'

Although, she had a nose mask on, she still had to take a deep breath before approaching the bathroom door.

Opening it, just as she had guessed, the bathroom was worse than the bedroom...

Only God knew how cobwebs had made their way into the the toilet seat. The bathtub, was not only covered with cobwebs, it was also covered with dust.

Looking around pretty well, Masami noticed that something was off here.

"Is it just me or did the lights go off...?!" Masami asked herself.

Turning around and although in the darkness, Masami managed to make her way towards the lights switch and turned it on.

Turning it on, Masami could only widen her eyes in shock at the mess she met herself in.

The bathtub was no only dirty and dusty, it was dark too!

It was covered with spiders...!

'Spiders here, spiders there, ughhhhh!' Thought Masami to herself.

"How does she bathe in here anyway...?!" Masami asked herself.

After a certain incident, Kazumi had stopped taking care of herself... hygienically....

Masami sighed and got to work...

She fist picked up all the pieces of wood, paper, sticks, cloth and many more things from the floor.

After she had sorted the things out in the toilet, she went to dispose of them. Coming back, she began to clean, sweeping first before moping.

After about thirty (30) minutes cleaning and putting everywhere in order, she took some steps back in order to see her hand work, sighing, she thought;

''I'm done...!' She was so happy about it, she had already booked herself the  pizza that she'll eat once she was through and seeing that she was through with the bathroom, she nodded in satisfaction.

Turning to close the door, she remembered something.

Grunting loudly, she screamed;


As Madgalene fell unconscious due to the rain that was now falling on her, she heard footsteps running towards her direction where she laid.

She hears a make voice;

"Wallace...get the car started...NOW...!!!"  The person ordered.

Although, she was unconscious, she could still hear voices around her.

After some time her breath seized...

Back at the hotel, Kazumi was asleep with Asahi's hands on her in an intimate position.

They had slept unknowingly, after they had sealed the deal.

Waking up now, Kazumi staggered toward the bathroom with a slight, but painful head-ache.

Once she was in the bathroom, Kazumi almost knocked herself off after barging into the bathroom door.

She had hit her head on the frame of the door.

This accident only increased her slight head-ache to the maximum.

Grunting deeply annoyed.

She made her way towards the sink.

Washing her face by splashing it with water a couple of times, Kazumi grunted deeply with deep annoyance.


Her grunt could be heard next door, but for the fact that it was sti day, but was almost evening, people weren't there to lay complaints.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Kazumi could tell that she was a total mess.

The water had washed her make up away which now revealed her true face.

She had dark circles under her eyes and she had really saggy eyes....

Her eyes were somehow dark as darkness could be seen in her eyes.

Her eyes were full of anger, hate, evil, cruelty, torture...and above all...schemes.

She was scheming against someone, and for something.

She felt abandoned needing to be recovered, she felt lost, needing to be found...

She felt...


She felt someone was stealing her spotlight, in which she needed to get back. She felt she was supposed to be chased after, not she chasing others.

She felt like as if, she would strangle everyone, and anyone that tried to steal her spotlight, and that's why she had asked Asahi for his help to eradicate that specific someone, or as many that tried to cross her path without a warrant...

Such as that pesky little girl, Madgalene...

As she thought about Madgalene, Kazumi's fa started to boil.

The sleepy look that she had on her face disappeared...

She began to boil...

She was angry, so angry that she moved her hand in so fast and so angrily, that a bottle filled with some fragrance (belonged to the hotel in order to give your body a pleasant smell after bathing), fell to the floor...

She was so angry, she screamed her lungs out... thankfully no one was in their hotel rooms to hear her scream.

Although, no one was in their hotel room to hear he scream, her scream her affected someone's sleep...

Asahi had been woken up by Kazumi's scream...

Rubbing his eyes with the back of his palms after getting down from the bed, he made his way towards the bathroom first in order to wash his face, search for Kazumi, and then search for the place in which that scream came from.

On reaching the bathroom, he saw Kazumi there. Before he could say anything, Kazumi beat him to it.

Looking through the mirror, Kazumi glaringly asked;

"Are you awake...?"