An Argument...

Masami just stood there with her arms crossed across her chest.

She was no fool to not understand what Asahi was doing.

He thought she was just any girl with the motive of following a rich guy, with a nice face, perfect masculine body shape...(anything a lady would dream for her Prince Charming).

But yet still have a smelly mouth, unkept hair...couldn't even button his t-shirt properly, but still had the guts to be talking to a responsibly dressed lady like her, outside without a single ounce of shame.

What a shame...!

The smile on his face didn't reduce one bit. But he was terrified with woman standing in front of him now but he couldn't show it.

Thinking of a wagon intimidate her, Asahi walked towards Masami.

He expected her to take some few steps back, as if to show that she was afraid, but the lady didn't move. And that caused him to shiver. But he couldn't show it.

When he was very close to her, he leaned forward and whispered into her ear;

"But, I could save you the embarrassment of being called a runner..." He said hoarsely.

"Because, everyone is looking at you to be a prostitute..." He added.

"Just look around you right now...we are surrounded with people that think the poor lady looking for a job is a prostitute...meanwhile, she's just looking for, to protect her friend...!"

As he said the first part of his sentence, Masami stole a quick glance around her.

People were gathering a lot and some were with their phones to be the first to post a video online of a prostitute that publicly announced herself.

She was also shocked when Asahi said she was a poor girl looking for a job.

How did he know that?!

If he spoke like that, he must have known her from somewhere and then used her friend to lure her here.

'Why can't Kazumi keep herself away from trouble?' Masami thought to herself.

Uncrossing her hands from her chest region, Masami stood akimbo.

"Where is Kazumi...?" She asked.

Moving dorm her side to see her composure changed into one, prepared to fight, Asahi laughed to hide his fear.

"Do you think you can possibly beat me?" He asked hysterically.

"Do you k ow who I am?" He asked again.

Masami didn't move, neither did she speak.

"I am that person, just that one person that can give you the dream job you've been desiring for a long time...!" He said with pride.

"I am that person that can ride this city of people like you just by snapping my fingers...!"

He then made a show of snapping his fingers.


"CLICK! And you're gone...!" He said.

Masami raised an eyebrow.

"Really...?!" She chuckled.

Asahi tucked his hands in his pockets.


His posture made Masami burst into laughter.

Asahi frowned.

'Why is she laughing... what's funny...?!' He thought.

Noticing all eyes were on her, she apologized.

"Excuse me...!" Masami said.

She laughed a bit before she cleared her throat.

"Excuse me...!" She said again.

Her excuses were getting the crowd irritated.

"'Excuse me, excuse me...'" One mimicked her voice.

"You're are excused...!" The person shouted annoyed.

Masami turned to the direction where the shout had come from. The glare on her face had the man blabbing his mouth shut up.

"Look at her, glaring at the poor man as if she could beat him...!" Someone whispered form the crowd.

"Don't mind her, I know her, she's my neighbor with her friend and roommate Kazumi that's a prostitute...who knew Masami would be into it too...she's always acting so nice and innocent...!" Someone condemned her.

"Yeah, you know her too?" Someone asked.

"I know her too...! She's always acting like the good lamb, not knowing that she's the worst among the two!" Someone chipped in.

"You also know her? I also know her too...!" Another said.

"This morning, she had little argument with her friend and roommate Kazumi, and then Kazumi left the house, leaving her to do all the house chores...they normally share it anyway, when she was done, she asked me to looks after the house, that she had somewhere to go to, when I asked where, she said it was none of my business...!" Someone else said.

"I really wanted to know her whereabouts, but her signature smile was irresistible...she was so pretty with that smile on...!" The same lady said.

"And you were decieved...!" Someone's eyes narrowed and hissed.

"What do you mean...?!" The previous lady asked.

The other lady sighed.

"Because her smile was so 'irrestible', you fell for it without acknowledging the fact that she's a runner like her friend, and you stay in the same compound with them...!" The lady blamed.

"Hey it's not my fault, she's do nice and has an irresistible smile...!" Thee lady that was being blamed defended.

"She's been residing in that compound for three (3) months now, how do you expect me to know if she's a runner or not!" This time the lady's voice was a bit loud, causing some slight attention to fall on her.

"If you were born with senses, you would see the attention you are drawing to yourself and quit it...!" The blaming lady hissed, making sure no attention got to her.

The other lady that was being blamed, clenched her fists tightly.

She hates when she's being insulted. Sensing the attention was all on her, she quietly made her way through the crowd and left that spot.

She hated insults!

Seeing that thee lady had left that spot, the other lady occupied the space that had now been created.

"No wonder I felt tight in here..." The lady said.

"Why didn't you move yourself out of here just like she did? I'm sure she would have enjoyed the little space that had been created without creating some more fuss about it...!" Someone else snapped at her.

The other lady turned to glare at the person.

The other person returned the glare.

"What?!" The other lady asked.

"It's the truth...!"

The other lady that had been causing a fuss kept on glaring at the new lady.

"You can keep on glaring at me, but that's none of my business...!" The new lady said.

"But if you keep on making a fuss here, I wouldn't hesitate in calling the police!" The new lady threatened.

The other lady's glare softened, but that didn't mean, she stopped glaring.

The new lady turned to watch the scene, but then she remembered something.

"And just so you know, it's not just here I'd call the police...anywhere I find you making some noise, I won't at nice with you like how I am're gonna regret it...!" The new lady said.

"Now what makes you think you gave the right to talk to me like that...?!" The other lady shouted shamelessly, minding the attention on her this time.

Everyone was looking.

"Do you know who I am...?" She shouted.

The new lady scoffed.

"Do I know who you are, do you know who I am...?!" The new lady asked as if she had seen a joke.

"I DO NOT CARE to know who you are!" The other lady stressed the first four (4) words loudly.

"I..." She began.

"Am the wife of the chief executive director of police, right here in Japan...!" The other lady said with an air of pride.

The new lady looked around to see that the rest of the crowd had their hands over their mouths to prevent them from laughing, but, someone couldn't hold it back anymore and burst into a heavy laughter.

Everyone else also followed, and before you knew it, their was a sea of laughter.