Embarrassing Hour...!

Everyone laughed their lungs out...

They laughed and held their bellies to the extent some were almost rolling on the floor.

Not that what she said held humor it, but it was funny because she held her head high for a position that could not be compared to the least position of some of them standing right there.

She held no position of great importance, nor does her husband even have the guts to challenge the main Chief Executive Director.

Her husband hadn't even gotten the position yet (though he's about to), and she's here bragging on nothing!

If some of them begin to talk about themselves and show off their badges, or Documents of Identification, she would definitely blab her way out of her marriage and her poor husband out of his job. Which would cause them to make some calls and show their connections and positions, then she would definitely have to dig a tiny hole and fit herself in.

But they didn't have time for that thrash right now, because they all knew that it would cause another scenery, bigger than the one in front of them.

So, it was better if they just kept mute, laugh at whatever was stupid to them,  and let this lady (the new one), do her job.

Most of the people standing right there knew the lady that challenged the blabbermouth.

She was their boss!

So this other lady of a blabbermouth that is boasting of her being the wife of the Chief Executive Director of the police, was nothing compared to their big boss standing there right now...one call, and she's done for.

But that's not how they do it now, right?

Staring at her with an expression of humor, the Boss lady shook her head and chuckled one more time. Crossing her arms over her chest, the Boss asked hysterically;

"So you're the wife of the Chief Executive Director of police of this city..."

"Where were your ears when I was talking...?!" She snorted.

"Of course I am!" She snapped again.

Those that knew the Boss lady, gasped and covered their mouths with their hands.

If not for the fact that this arrogant blabbermouth wasn't their colleague, she would have known her position and wouldn't have even opened her mouth.

Those that knew the Boss (her employees), were a lot in the crowd that when the blabbermouth said that, thee gasps were heard everywhere, here and there.

Turning to look around in he crowd; she saw some people cover their mouths with their hands, while others glared at the blabbermouth, while others whispered among themselves.

One guy couldn't keep his mouth to himself and retorted to the  blabbermouth.

"Hey lady...!" He called.

The blabbermouth looked in his direction.

"I don't mean to be rude and all, but you should really learn to watch your mouth and how how you talk, and whom you talk to...!" He said, trying to be nice and suppress the boiling anger within him.

The lady glared at him.

He ignored her glare, as if he didn't see it...bit he was still looking at her and continued.

"Because someday, you might end up in trouble and it will be very difficult to come out of it...I've been there!"

He said all these nicely, although, the last part of his sentence wasn't quite true. He hadn't been in this kind of situation before and he doesn't pray to be in there. But even if he were to end up in trouble, he personally knew how to handle it...

After he said it, everyone turned to look at the blabbermouth lady, whole some were giving him looks of;

'Way to go, bro...!'

'You really did the right thing...!'

'You're gonna get promoted for that...!'

While some were giving him looks, others were giving him thumbs up.

While they were secretly congratulating him, the blabbermouth lady watched the whole thing. She found it funny so she burst out laughing.

"Hahahahahahahaha....!" She laughed.

Sizing him up, she was like;

"Look at this small boy...!" She began.

"Look at this small boy who is advicing me...!" She said again.

"Little boy, do you know I'm old enough to be your momma...?" She asked.

Everyone had different kind of looks on their faces.

"I am old enough to be your momma and you don't advice your momma now do you...?"

The guy gave her a glare that made the blabbermouth lady laugh.

"You'd better find your rabbit hole and squirm in, coz you ain't gon like what I'm gonna do to you...you are certainly going to regret it...!" She said ignorantly while looking serious.

"I'm gonna regret it...?" He asked chuckling while pointing at himself.

The lady didn't give an answer but just crossed her arms across her chest and raised an eyebrow.

Seeing this little display, the guy laughed.

Shaking his head, he said;

"You certainly don't know who you're dealing with...!"

The lady yawned wildly while using her hand to cover her mouth.

"You can yawn like a hippo with that scandalous mouth of yours...but you better watch what you say and who you're talking to when it comes to using it...!" The guy snapped at her.

Hearing this from the guy, the lady gasped, placed her hand on her chest and was like;

"How dare you...!" She screamed.

"Do you know who I am...?!" She asked enraged.

"Yes I know who you are...!" The guy said non-chalantly as he crossed his arms over his broad chest.

The blabbermouth lady waited for him to acknowledge her while she held up her head in pride.

Taking his time answer, the guy said;

"You...!" He began while pointing at her.

"Are the wife of the chief executive director of police, right here in Japan...!" He said.

Everyone was stunned that he had actually acknowledged that fact but they kept silent, to see what her had up his sleeve.

Smiling with an air of pride, the lady said;

"I'm so glad you've come to your senses...I indeed am the wife of the Chief Executive Director of The Police of this city...!" She was about to add something else when she was cut short.

"That can't keep her mouth shut without having to spew words that would soon destroy her husband's reputable career in the whole of Japan because he had a useless wife that cannot keep her mouth shut!" The snap was so resounding, it had everyone's attention, even Masami and Asahi.

Turning round to face the guy who now stood akimbo, she asked;

"What did you say...?"

Taking his time to answer, the guy replied;

"I don't talk twice...!" He snapped again.

"Are you crazy...!" The blabbermouth lady shouted.

"Are you put of your mind...?!" She shouted.

"I can make you or destroy you in this city...I have the power to do what I want with you in this city, with just the snap of my fingers...like this, see...?!" She said as she made a show of snapping her fingers.

"I can crumble you and make you some piece of shit, that even when your colleagues see you, they'll have to peg their nose with their fingers, why? Because you'll be be nothing even worth more than a pig!" She said  directly, without hiding it.

The guy yawned lazily but on a composed manner.

Jolting back and moving backwards with one step (even if they're not close at all), the lady said with arrogance;

"Please don't swallow us...!"

Cutting her short as of his time had been wasted, the guy said;

"I don't swallow goats...!"

Everybody couldn't stop themselves form laughing.

Even Masami and Asahi couldn't hold themselves back.

The lady didn't feel the least embarrassed as she adjusted her purse on her hand and spoke up.

"I am not a goat...!"

Still being cut short, the guy said;

"Says the goat who chased the pool family lady away because her pen was so stinking...!"

That insult came out straight without dilly-dallying.

This time, the insult got to her as he gasped and didn't forget to cover her mouth with her hand.

"You..!" She said.

Chuckling for a bit, the guy had an innocent but laughter-filled face on.

"What...?" The guy asked innocently.

"I said the truth... you can't keep your pen clean...now it's stinking...!" He said as he turned his back on her to enter the crowd.

Everyone burst out laughing. The lady's face turned pink out of sheer embarrassment.