Go on, keep talking...!

"I said the truth... you can't keep your pen clean...now it's stinking...!" He said as he turned his back on her to enter the crowd.

As soon as those words left his mouth, the blabbermouth lady boiled inwardly with anger. She was furious.

So turning to enter the crowd, the blabbermouth lady took advantage of that and ran to attack him.

But luckily for him, his senses weren't numb. He quickly sensed the attack coming. Being a top Karate and Judo student, he was able to dodge and defend himself against the attack.

Though, he didn't retaliate, the lady fell to the floor with a loud 'THUD!'

"AHHHHHH!" The blabbermouth lady screamed, which attracted the attention of many on-lookers.

People that were passing and but saw the crowd but decided to ignore whatever was happening, suddenly changed their minds when they heard the scream.

Even Masami had to roughly make her way through the crowd in order to get to the scene and see what had happened.

As she pushed her way through, someone saw her and shouted;

"Hey you...! The person called her.

She stopped and looked at the person who had called her.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Aren't you the girl that last beat up a man right now and then ask for his help in where to find your prostitute friend...?"

Staying quiet for a moment, Masami stoked akimbo and then asked;

"Anything the matter?"

The person that asked was a lady. She looks at Masami up and down in disgust and then scoffed.

"That's how they act all nice, but deep down, they are killers with irresponsible lifestyles and then come out to showcase their good side to the world so that the age world would see them as part of the good people... meanwhile, they are the ones corrupting our society!" The lady blasphemed.

Masami was quiet as she listens to all what the lady and to say.

It was all true, an that was what Kazumi do.

She ruins herself secretly and then come out o shoe herself as a saint to the whole world and them leave her (Masami) to clean up her messes, which She, Masami, is so sick and tired of.

She had better find a way to rid herself (i.e Masami) of Kazumi's mistakes and leave to her to clean up the messes. Because she is so sick and tired of having to pull Kazumi out, meanwhile, she's getting the insults, which, she cannot bear anymore.

But that didn't mean she'll let this lady blasphemize her as part of that disgusting society, she had to respond.

But for some reason, Masami's mouth seem to close and not respond to the lady back but just watched her.

"Prostitutes these days are not keeping their things as secrets, but are now performing them in public and that's too disgusting..." The lady continued.

"If they want a place where they can be doing their things publicly and openly without any distractions and confrontations and abuses and keep making themselves hypocrites, how about you guys get out of town, to the outsketch, outside of town, and form yourselves a community, hmmm?" She suggested.

"Why you can all do your things and not show all our kids how it's done...!" The lady added.

Everybody thought it was a good idea and nodded approvingly.

Seeing that she was gaining the public's support, she smiled and was like;

"Yeah? Right?"

"Yeah, alright...!" The people roared their approval.

"It'll be nice, cozy enemy-free and like paradise...!" The lady said in a sort of dreamy gaze.

"It'll have all what you desire, men, women, privacy, no rules, and freedom to do, whatever you want!"

The lady snapped as she looked at Masami with a kind of anger and hatred that is too strong and should be between people that have known each other for years.

But, Masami don't know this lady, and was sure she hasn't seen or met her before.

But her sight never decieves her, if she sees someone, and that person's face rings bell, a familiar bell, even though she didn't remember the person immediately, she would definitely remember the person before the day runs out, with acute thinking.

Her thoughts may say

'I don't know this person, and even of I do, I can't remember...!'

But her body would feel;

'Yes you know the person Masami, just think and try to remember...you know the person...!'

And also her thoughts would be like;

'You might think you don't know the person, but just keep think thinking, but don't over work your me and your brain, coz we still need the energy...!'

'You know the person...!' Her thoughts would tell her and that would be it

Then she would pray;

"Jesus, who is this person..?" She would start.

"Where do I know him/her from...?"

"Help me to remember who he/she is in the Mighty Name Of Jesus...!"

Once she says that prayer, a short tom later,she would then fall asleep.

Or, she would sit down and think and overwork her brain (but not too much...)

Or, she would sit on the couch, dinning table, her bed, or, even be engaged in something. Then would she remember where she had met the person.

She could even be walking in the street. Remembering, she would exclaim.

"Oh, so that's where I knew him/her from...?"

"Dope...!" She would say and then continue walking.

People that re walking in that are would stop and turn to look at her, and think she's crazy, but only she understands what, and why she just did that.

But now, that lady spoke beyond her boundaries, and Masami was about to give her the reply of her life when someone else spoke.

"How 'bout we conduct an experiment and use you as the test specimen...?!" A woman's voice could be heard making a suggestion.

Looking round, the lady shouted;

"Who said that...?!"

"Come out you bitch, if you know you are not afraid of confrontation and insults...!" The lady shouted shamelessly again.

Looking round as she couldn't find the person that she suspects to have said that, she kept on shouting.

"Come out and support the person you sponsored as a pros....!" But she immediately closed her moth tight as the person she had been challenging, finally stepped forward.

It was also a lady and crossed her arms over her chest as she said;

"Go on, keep talking...!" The lady said.