Mrs Megumi.

"Go on, keep talking...!" The lady that challenged the other lady said.

The other lady that had used her mouth to curse and insult, now fell agape.

"M...M...Miss M...M...Megumi...!" The lady called as she shrieked.

"Eeeeee...!" The lady shrieked which had everybody wide-eyed.

Raising an eyebrow and then looking at the lady down, up the woman named Megumi asked;

"Hm Mm? How may I help you and where do I know you from...?"

Extending her hand out for a handshake, the other lady introduced herself.

"I...I'm Kyo, I submitted my credentials to your organization and I was supposed to come for an interview with you today...!" The lady named Kyo that had been blaspheming said.

Megumi looked at her hand in disgust. Kyo saw this and shook her hand away and smiled awkwardly.

"I am so, happy, that we bumped I to each other out here on the street, it'll make it easier for me...Thank you JESUS!" The lady said as she three her hands up in the air and exclaimed her thanks to Jesus.

"Don't thank Him yet...!" Megumi snapped as she made a bubble in her mouth with the gun that she was chewing, and then popped it.

Kyo looked at Megumi in shock. If it were any other person form the crowd that had stepped forward, she would have snapped back at the person insult and curse the person on top.

But no, this was 'Megumi' the CEO, Co-founder, manager, director, not just manager and director, but 'THE MANAGING DIRECTOR!' of the biggest organization in the country and the second largest and greatest in the world;

'The Fund Group...!'

The group was founded by the 'Kagawa' family.

Megumi is the boss of the guy that had defended himself against the blabbermouth lady just a few moments ago.

Blinking thrice, Kyo shook her head as if she hadn't heard clearly.

"Ma'am...?" Kyo asked.

Megumi looked at her, still chewing her bubblegum.

After not receiving a response from Megumi, Kyo cleared her throat and asked;

"Ma'am, you asked me not to thank God...?"

"Yet!" Megumi added in a snapping tone.

"You forgot the yet, you didn't add it...!" Megumi said as she walked to a nearby trash can, opened it, and removed the bubble gum that she had been chewing, and threw it in.

Walking back to where she had stood before, Megumi said;

"You must be wondering why I told you not to thank The Lord...yet!"

Kyo looked at her, not seeing Megumi's fault there, but was keen on what she had to say as she nodded her head up and down like an agama lizard.

"First off, you come to a scene where you do not know the cause of the matter an d you start cursing the the people regarded as prostitutes in this city..." She said in a low voice as she removed some dirt from under her nails.

"Secondly, someone suggested a very good opinion and then you challenged, 'The Bitch...!' Megumi said as she placed emphasis on the 'The Bitch' part.

Remembering what she had done, her color drained down as she gulped.

Pointing at herself, Megumi said;

"I am, that Bitch...!"

Once those words left the mouth of Megumi, Kyo fell to get knees and began to beg.

"I am sorry Miss Megumi...I'm so sorry, please forgive me...I swear, I really need this job...please...!" Kyo begged.

Looking down at Kyo in amazement, Megumi asked;

"What did you say your name was again...?"

"K...Kyo, Kyo right?" Megumi asked again.

Bobbing her head up and down, Kyo smiled like an idiot and answered.

"Y...y...yes Ma'am...!" Kyo answered.

"First of all, no one brought up the issue of jobs now...or did anyone offer her a job that is related to 'The Fund Group'?" The question was directed to everyone standing in the crowd.

The question was directed at everyone that had supported her and seeing that no one was ready to stand for her, she smiled and back to look at Kyo.

"Secondly, you challenged 'The Bitch', to come out and face you and that's what she did...I am that Bitch, so what do you wanna do? Or rather, what are you gonna do?" Megumi asked.

Kyo thought, once she begged, she would be forgiven because she is that dumb to not get what Megumi was trying to say when she first talked about the Bitch part.

She had actually understood and that was why she had begged also concerning the job she had so much desired.

But unfortunately, she had just screws it!

Megumi actually understood what Kyo was talking about when she had mentioned about the job.

She had admit, the girl was pretty smart.

"You're a pretty smart girl for your to detect a problem immediately and beg for the future consequence of it." Megumi admitted.

Kyo smiled but that smile wasn't a long-lasting one as she guessed what Megumi wanted to do.

She wanted to credit her for her skills, give her high hopes and then ruin it and then it comes crashing down.

But, she really did need this job!

Tugging at Megumi's shirt, Kyo begged;

"Please, I...I really need this job...I've got a family to support a...a...and, I'm the firstborn...I...I really need this job please!"

'Instead of Kyo to beg for what was about to happen, she begged for a job she hadn't even secured wise!' Megumi thought.

Then Megumi decided to play with Kyo a little.

"I thought you said you wanted to challenge that bitch that would support this young lay here...!" Megumi said as she pointed at Masami who stood and watched them.

Giving Masami a smile that didn't last for long, Megumi said;

"So, I'm that bitch, that supported this young lady...!" Megumi turned to look at Masami.

"I'm that bitch that suggested you carry out the experiment...!" She said.

"I'm that bitch that you challenged and also want to work for but...!" Megumi added.