
Opening my eyes after repeatedly getting nudged by Whishmae, I saw a different ceiling this time around. I inwardly asked myself, 'what exactly is this trend of always waking up to different ceilings?!'.

The difference this time around was that the interior was built out of wood, meaning someone made this house. I reach out to Whishmae who laid on top of my chest, with much effort I reached her head; and hugged her with my frail arms.

I slowly remembered the voices I had heard before losing consciousness, and I understood why I was in a yet again, unfamiliar room. But of course, I couldn't do anything but currently hope I am in a good situation.

Seeing as there was no one present in the room, I began to recall the events that had happened so far, or rather... specifically the one that made me experience that mind-breaking pain.

I slowly recalled... memories?! It seemed like me, but also not me at the same time! I was greatly confused, but I knew that those memories were mine... though not from my current self right now, it was from myself in another life.

The confusion I felt was apparent, as I did not understand the "how" or "why"?! The memories were clear as day, but also murky as swamp water. What I meant by this was, I could tell what was happening and who I was, but all other faces except mine were faceless from the nose upwards.

I was about to begin watching the rest of it but I felt something was off, it felt like there was a change in the flow of the air, I began looking around trying to find out why but honestly, I wasn't making much progress so I just stayed alert.

3rd Person P.O.V.

** few minutes Prior **

"He's Awake!" Rol said, his voice filled with the excitement of a child. His full name, Rol Rivet.

"You best not scare him, or I'll make sure you regret it!" Aria Delcott was very straightforward when she said this, and she would carry out her words should he fail to heed her instructions.

"If it's going to be like that, let's all just erase our presence to watch him for some time and see what he does!" Danelius Zephyr, an old man with long silky-white hair proposed the idea, as this was a way to not spook the child, while also watching him.

"That sounds like a good idea, lets do that then!" Aria said as she gave a nod, acknowledging the idea.

There was a big irony or sarcasm in this situation, whichever you want to call it. This was because Danelius had said to "watch" the boy, but anyone who could see this group would notice that they all had blindfolds, as for why... it was simply because they were all blind.

Shunned out by society, due to others being in fear of their powerful abilities and lack of sight, they had all met somewhere along with their trial of hardships. From childhood, they trained day and night, helping and supporting themselves as a family.

Their path to strength was not an easy one... but then again, strength is not given; it has to be earned!

They were a group that had quietly relieved the Continent of many impending dangers, but not once did they seek recognition. Though it wouldn't be right to specifically label their actions as a righteous deed, as it was definitely not.

In fact, they could not be bothered in the least about what others said, they had been doing this unconsciously to create new items, and as a method for training!

Now they were strong... in fact, it would not be factually incorrect to say they were quite broken in a sense; that especially for lady Luana Maria Adora.

She was the one person in this group that had yet to speak a word, as she was the silent and observant type, but the most noteworthy part of this... she was the strongest in this group of abnormalities.

She was the strongest in regards to magus arts, and also quite adept at martial arts, giving her an advantage over everyone in this group if they were to fight a 1 on 1 battle!

In the case of a 2 V 1, though she would severely injure both of them and likely incapacitate... or kill one of them, she would still lose the fight as she was a "monster among monsters", not a "god among monsters"!

Every last individual here was incredibly powerful in their own times... hell, it was probably the same now even after their several hundred years of isolation, from the world's power feud! But they'd all give any challenger "a run for their money".

Luana knew very well knew, that ignorance and arrogance would be their demise... so she had everyone live a humble lifestyle, one away from the ever prying eyes of the world. Well aware that there will always be someone stronger.

They had lived in isolation for so long, temporarily hibernating from time to time as they hoped to live longer, even if it was so much more as a day! They were isolated in the most dangerous part of an alive forest, near the core.

The Maizi forest. Those who tread into it are not exactly famous for returning intact, much less returning in general. Only the immediate outskirts are treaded and used for training of any sorts.

Now in the boys' room, they watched as curiosity, fear, defeat, and intrigue came and left rapidly from his eyes, they saw he was greatly confused, but were more shocked at his ability to properly express all these emotions in such a short time frame!

Shortly after, watching his struggle to hold the Pheonix, and fruiting success after much effort! Then it happened, they watched as his facial expressions changed randomly, and slowly began to worry as they searched around and couldn't feel anything.

"Interesting child!" Luana thought as she let out a slight fluctuation of man intentionally.

They watched as the boys' facial expressions came to a halt, thinking they had seen the best of it; only for them to realize what just happened, as Luana uncovered her presence and immediately spoke out 5 words in a tone drenched in surprise!

"The boy has developed awareness!!"