
I was currently looking at a lady so beautiful, my mouth seemed to arch into an "o" shape as she laughed. I would call her stunning, but I was not knowledgeable on looks... nor did I know if I had seen a more aesthetically pleasing woman before.

She had Pitch black hair like that of a raven, and her facial structure was very well toned and so was her body... given her long leg, as well as her slender arms, she had a very breathtaking appearance.

She had a demeanor that spoke words about who she as a person was, with an overpowering aura... yet, very strangely comforting. This really had me confused, as I did not know if I should feel oppressed or relaxed.

I thoughtlessly chose the latter, as although I could feel how overpowering her aura was, it did not affect me... in fact, I could basically ignore it even being there! I quickly left my daze as four other figures appeared out of thin air, one after another!

"It seems he's amazed by someones looks"

Rol spoke up, interrupting the silence that permeated the air.

This man had short blonde hair, a tall stature, and a robust figure that towered over the rest. He radiated this..., beast-like aura of a sort, making him have an air of danger shrouding him.

Though the difference in his aura compared to the lady I saw first, was that her's was was graceful... yet it felt like if she was angered to a point, she could make a grown man look like a fetus. What I felt was not fear, nor was it horror... no, what I felt was reverence.

I seemed to have a personality that respected and thirsted for strength, it made me have an undescribable urge to jump out of the bed and send a strike at them!

Nonetheless, it was an interesting feeling. Sadly, I could barely move my hands properly at the moment, unless I focused on a high degree. So if I were to try and fight right now, I'd probably only be able to swing side to side once on my back at best!

"Of course he is, It's Luana isn't it!!"

Aria said in a tone, implying it was an ironclad fact.

She had a short figure, with light brown hair and her figure was quite toned... essentially a fit brunette. I meant this in the sense that she wasn't muscular, but based on how tight her clothes were; you could see that her arms had a very sleek and athletic look to them.

The aura she let out was quite heavy, it felt like a person using a human-sized hammer to nail someone into the ground... it felt like a forge!

"I guess it is..." Rol muttered in agreement, not paying much mind to whoever was listening, but everyone could perfectly hear him anyways.

The last two were Danelius and Lea. Danelius on one hand had the aura of a king, and although he was not as large as Rol, he was not too far off either. He had very compact and toned muscles, a chiseled jaw, broad shoulders, and grey dreads.

Lea was as slender in shape as Luana but instead, she had an aura delicate down to the bones. This feeling she gave off was due to her being an alchemist, as well as an inscription master.

Though even as she gave off a delicate aura, it was almost as if,... as if it was a predator dressed up as the prey.

"So... what do we do now, he's a little too young for us to actually begin training him!" Lea asked, and this seemed logical as Luana proposed an idea.

"How about we wait until he can walk until we start training him, and when he's at the age of 1 we'll then begin to strengthen his body."

Nods of agreement silently followed as they all came to terms with it and approved of it, as this man with white dreads came up, saying these words that made me wonder what happened to my right to choose?!

I looked at them stupefied at this turn of events, I had unconsciously gestured my hands as if to ask what is going on, as my jaw dropped and my eyebrows scrunched. Though... I must say that my mental image came out way better than that of the physical representation.

I looked like a kid who was trying to take a dump and was simultaneously confused, on how to do even take a dump in the first place! This earned me a laugh from them, as they looked at me with a subtle smile on their face.

I was amazed at the ability to recollect memories from a past life, and I felt I'd be able to recover skills, but even though they were in my head; I would most likely have to watch them thoroughly to fully assimilate.

The one useful thing I had been able to extract without harming my infant's brain was my name, everything that followed after was harder to recollect with my brain capabilities. I chose not to rush it, but to wait until the brain was in a more durable state... so to speak.

"That being said we might as well introduce ourselves to the boy, as he will be with us for some time don't you think?!" Danelius threw out a suggestion.

"I agree! Then I'll go first. I am Luana Maria Adora, an Arch Magus."

"Rol Rivet, Supreme Seal GrandMaster, and Grand Monk."

"You can't call yourself a Supreme Seal GrandMaster after a baby bypassed your seal and that too without your awareness... anyways, I am Lea Alcott Supreme alchemist GrandMaster as well as a Supreme Inscription GrandMaster."

When Lea said this everyone chuckled as Rol just blushed slightly embarrassed. I just giggled in response.

"Danelius Giralt, Grand Weapons Master."

"Aria Ley Fay, Supreme Blacksmith pleasure to meet you."

I did not know if they wanted me to introduce myself, as I struggled and squirmed trying to say it after Aria's introduction. I forgot the body I was in but after much effort, right when I was about to give up... my irises seemed to crystalize as I spoke three words not physically, but mentally.

'Clovis Olvir Cathal!'

I instantly felt weakened, as I groaned before instantly passing out from the stress it induced on my mind.

"Oi oi oi... Whose child is this?!!"

Rol asked greatly confused by what had just happened, and he wasn't the only one who would be curious about this question. They all had a mutual look on their face that showed how they felt at this moment.

They were Stunned!